All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 886

"Damn it! This... This is the ancient god enzos?!"

Alexstasa, the queen of the red dragon, stared at the large pieces of flesh and blood floating on the sea and the sea life that became a monster after touching and swallowing the flesh and blood.

"No! No! This timeline shouldn\'t be like this! Someone interfered with it!" nozdom, the king of Bronze Dragon, narrowed his eyes and watched the amazing energy leakage below the vortex.

"The dream country is collapsing! Our world is about to perish. Who is taking the power of the star soul?" Isara, the Green Dragon Queen, came down from the sky and shouted.

It can be said that in addition to the black dragon king who has degenerated into the wing of death and the mentally abnormal Blue Dragon King marigos, the other three Dragon Kings felt the great threat that Azeroth was facing and rushed one after another.

In addition to them, Medivh, the last guardian, also transformed from crow to human form, with a dignified expression on his face: "that\'s a Titan! He\'s taking the star soul bred in the world under our feet! We must unite to stop him, or the world will be destroyed."

"What are you waiting for? Attack!" alexstasa, the Red Dragon Queen, took the lead in launching a dive.

However, before she rushed far, she immediately hit an invisible energy barrier and was directly ejected more than ten meters away in the opposite direction. It was not easy to stabilize her body.

"Be careful! This is a powerful protective magic! No one can get through it until the guardian is defeated," Medivh warned loudly.

As a powerful mage, he could see at a glance that the magic protection shrouded over the vortex could not be destroyed by violence at all.

"I can\'t see through this man\'s past and future! His destiny is not on this planet! My ability doesn\'t work." nozdom, the king of Bronze Dragon, disappeared for a second, and then reappeared, his tone full of shock and helplessness.

Obviously, the second he disappeared, he actually went to other time points, and found that there was no trace of each other\'s existence.

Looking at the hostile dragons and humans, Adam finally raised his head and said in a non emotional tone, "no one can get close without the permission of the master. Give you one last chance to leave, or I\'ll start."

"Who are you? Who is the master you mentioned?" Medivh said cautiously.

"I am Adam, the servant created by the master himself. As for the name of the master, you are not qualified to know." Adam raised his head and shot two dazzling high-energy rays from his eyes.

Medivh couldn\'t dodge and was pushed out directly.

Fortunately, he has always been in the habit of setting the energy shield in advance. At the moment when the ray contacts the body, the shield starts instantly to avoid being killed directly.

Seeing that the blow was not successful, Adam was not in a hurry to launch a new round of attack. He just waited patiently for his opponent to counterattack.

Because he knows that time is on his side. The longer it drags, the more energy the master absorbs and swallows.

When the whole star soul is completely swallowed up, all creatures on Azeroth will be destroyed. At that time, no matter whether you are the Dragon King or the last guardian, you will have to die, unless you evolve into a Titan that can live directly in the vacuum of the universe.

Alexstasa, Queen of the red dragon, and isera, Queen of the green dragon exchanged eyes with each other. Without saying anything, they rushed directly to Adam from left to right, and then opened their mouth and spewed out a deadly dragon breath.

Under the double blow of the flame of life and natural energy, even the air began to become scorched and emit a harsh sound.

Just when they thought they could do considerable damage, Adam waved his hand to disperse the energy around his body, and there was no trace of his hand all over his body.

"Stupid reptile! Even the most powerful power you have is given by the Titan, and you want to hurt me who has the Titan\'s body? Don\'t waste your energy! Arcane! Nature! Holy light! Shadow! Death! Evil energy! I can absorb all energy! All energy can be used for me! In the face of absolute power, whatever you do is equivalent to useless work. Ann Stay still for a while. Today you will witness not only the destruction of the world, but also the birth of the strongest Titan. "

"No! The sinister plan of you and your master will not succeed! We will prevent the destruction of the world!" nozdom, the king of the Bronze Dragon, opened the crack of time and began to call his separation.

As the controller of time, he can summon himself at all times when necessary to form a strong army of Dragon Kings.

"Stop? It\'s up to you? Don\'t you know that time and space are meaningless to the Titans?" Adam showed undisguised contempt in his eyes, followed by opening his mouth and spraying a fog.


All summoned nozdom parts will be forcibly sent back to their own point in time.

"Friends! I think we must prepare for self sacrifice and strive for a chance of life for the whole world this time, don\'t you think?" alexstasa, the queen of the red dragon, suddenly spread her wings and was shrouded in a red flame.

Needless to ask, she plans to burn her vitality, treat her body as a bomb, and use the fire of life given by the Titan to deal with Adam who temporarily obtained the Titan\'s body.

"Of course! It\'s my honor to fight side by side with you." Isara, the queen of the green dragon, also began to summon the power of the emerald dream and constantly integrate into herself. Realistic illusions began to emerge around her huge body.

If Azeroth itself is a material world, then the emerald dream is its twin soul projection, carrying the most beautiful, purest and completely undisturbed posture of the original world.

Once released, the power will be amazing.

There is no doubt that the full blow of the two dragon kings who gave up their lives was enough to hurt Adam, who temporarily obtained the strength of the Titan, so he raised his hands to hold up a huge energy shield and planned to withstand the impact to ensure the stability of the protective magic under the vortex.

However, before the Red Dragon Queen and the Green Dragon Queen launched an attack, there was a violent roar at the bottom of the sea, followed by the sea began to roll up and down uncontrollably, and finally broke away from the shackles of gravity and poured into the air.

At the same time, the huge crack at the bottom of the sea became bigger and bigger, forcibly dividing Azeroth into two, revealing the deepest star soul in the center of the earth.

It is so beautiful, so pure, like an unborn baby.

But without compassion, Zhang Cheng directly stretched out his hands to tear it up and integrate it into his body bit by bit.

"No!!!!!!!!!!!! what have you done!"

In the deafening roar, the spirits of Titans fell from the sky and surrounded him in the center.

But Zhang Cheng turned a blind eye to this. While continuing to absorb the nutrients of Azeroth\'s soul, he sneered: "ah! The shrinking turtle finally appeared. I was just wondering when you guys who were beaten to the shit by Sargeras will appear. Why, do you want to fight me? Fight the most powerful Titan in history?"