All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 882

Just as Adam worked hard to build the ship, a spy quietly passed through the Irwin forest and returned to the old urban area of storm city. While everyone was not paying attention, he flowed into the second floor of a hidden building.

Madias Shaw was sitting in his chair, reading the information sent back by his men with ease.

Since the strong return of King Varian Urion, the burden on his shoulders has been lightened. Although he still needs to sprinkle a lot of spies to spy on the intelligence of hostile forces, he will not have to be on guard against his own people as when the Black Dragon Princess Onyxia was in.

Without saying a word, the spy quickly came to the leader of mi7 and reported in a low voice: "master, I found a suspicious looking guy on the beach in the wild west, who is using fishmen and jackals to build ships."

"Oh? Tell me more." madias Shaw threw a piece of parchment into the brazier with a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

"Sorry, I\'m not sure about the specific situation. I only know that the mysterious man seems to be a mage, followed by three young people born in Irwin forest farm, and taught them some knowledge and combat skills every day. Moreover, he seems to have mastered a way to build a ship quickly, and built the keel of a large ship in about two weeks." The spy poured out all the information he had observed and inquired about these days at a very fast speed.

"Mage? Did he wear anything to show his identity? Like the ring of the kenrito parliament!" Madeas shore asked, touching the beard on his chin.

The spy hesitated for a few seconds and immediately shook his head: "no! No! He doesn\'t have anything symbolic! He doesn\'t even hold a magic wand like most mages. But I can guarantee that he is very dangerous. As long as I get a little closer, even if I keep sneaking, I will immediately arouse his vigilance."

"Interesting! A powerful mage enslaves fishmen and jackal man-made ships on the western wilderness coast? What does he really want to do?" madias Shaw crossed his legs and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

You know, the wilderness in the west is a very sensitive place. On the one hand, a few years ago, Edwin van Clive led the difia Brotherhood to establish a separatist regime, which made the Stormwind City Council headache. Up to now, there are still many remaining sins of the brotherhood, jumping out from time to time to create some panic and destruction.

On the other hand, the western wilderness is too close to storm City, especially after the construction of the port area, it only takes a few hours to launch a raid from the sea.

Therefore, hearing that someone secretly builds a ship in the wilderness of the West will inevitably lead to some bad associations.

"Master, do you need to send some people to tie this guy back and interrogate him slowly?" the spy suggested carefully.

Madias shor smiled and waved his hand. "No, that\'s reckless, and it won\'t necessarily succeed. Do you know what it means to be able to use magic to permanently charm a large number of fishmen and jackals?"

"Well... Does that mean he\'s a powerful mage?" the spy blinked uncertain.

"Strong is certain, but not the most important. The most important thing is that he has the ability to recruit an army of monsters anytime and anywhere. There is no doubt that this is a threat, at least a potential threat, and we must deal with it properly. First send two people to watch at a distance for 24 hours, and report any changes immediately. Remember, don\'t do superfluous actions, let alone Irritate him. "After careful consideration, madias Shaw quickly began to give orders.

As an experienced assassin master, his most commendable thing is patience, unparalleled patience.


At the same time, on the other side of the universe, the souls of cromi and Illidan Stormrage quietly returned to the burning throne.

Just as they were about to enter the room where the sleeping Titan was being held, they suddenly heard an angry roar from inside.

"Asshole! Asshole! Where\'s that damn guy? Who can explain it to me?"

Needless to ask, the owner of this voice is no one else. It is one of the most trusted left and right hands of the dark Titan Sargeras and the adjutant of the supreme commander of the Burning Legion - the fraudster kil jaeden.

"I\'m very sorry, great fraudster. We don\'t know where he went. I checked the records and didn\'t detect the energy to turn on the magic transmission." another demon explained in a very helpless tone.

"Shut up! I don\'t want to hear excuses! Give you three days to find him, or I promise you will regret that you were born in this world." Kil\'jaeden threatened fiercely.

"I... I try my best..." the devil obviously had no confidence. After dealing with it casually, he walked out of the room and disappeared at the end of the corridor as if running for his life.

When cromi heard this, he seemed to realize something. He waved to Illidan Stormrage\'s soul and went into an insignificant corner.

When it was confirmed that there were no demons around, she lowered her voice and complained desperately, "he\'s gone! He left me and ran away alone! We\'re finished! It\'s all you! You have to pull me around. Now it\'s all right? We\'re all trapped here."

"You mean..." Mr. egg\'s soul subconsciously frowned and suddenly had a bad hunch.

"Yes! That guy probably played Kil\'jaeden and ran away by himself. Ah ah!!! What to do? What to do? Can we return to Azeroth alive from this demon filled planet?" cromi began to pull his hair crazily, and his eyes were full of despair.

There is no way not to despair!

In particular, once a Bronze Dragon like her falls into the hands of the Legion, it is not just death. Maybe it will be polluted by evil energy and become the most hated look.

In contrast, Illidan Stormrage, who was in the state of soul, was very calm. He stood in place and thought for a moment, and immediately asked, "you said before that he was studying how to turn himself into a Titan, right?"

"That\'s right!" cromi nodded without thinking.

"So he must have got what he wanted, so he chose to leave without hesitation." Illidan reached his own conclusion after a little analysis.

As a former close ally, he undoubtedly knew that the young man was actually a real madman, both mentally and spiritually.

What\'s more terrible is that the madman has the ability to take practical action.

"What?! you mean... He... He turned himself into a Titan?" cromi opened his mouth in surprise and couldn\'t close it for a long time.

"Why, do you think it\'s strange? Don\'t forget that according to you, he has successfully integrated himself with Sargeras\'s remains, so it\'s not impossible to go further."