All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 881

According to Azeroth\'s productivity level, how long does it take to build a ship that can sail to the deep sea from scratch?

The answer is at least one year!

From cutting down trees to drying in the shade, and then processing them into various qualified plates and keels, the process is complex and takes a long time, which is far beyond the imagination of laymen.

In particular, it will take more than two years to build a warship for naval warfare, even if it uses magic power.

It is precisely because of this that the kurtiras coastal Kingdom, which has mastered exquisite shipbuilding technology and a large number of warships, will become the most powerful navy in the whole world. It is almost impossible for both tribes and ambitious green goblins to surpass the former.

However, for Adam, who has stored countless advanced technologies and materials, it doesn\'t take so long to build an ocean going ship.

In just two weeks or so, he commanded the fishermen and jackals to build the most important keel of the ship.

At this speed, the whole ship can be built in about a month at most and sail slowly to the vortex of the endless sea.

Of course, the reason why he took great pains to choose to build his own ship in a remote place where birds don\'t shit on the western wilderness coastline is mainly not to attract the attention of anyone or forces as far as possible. It\'s best to know that no one knows that a crazy guy is spying on the Star soul of the planet before the portal is opened.

Otherwise, once discovered by those annoying guard dragons or the guards left by Titans, it will not be easy to open the portal.

After all, Adam heard his master mention that the dark Titan Sargeras spent so much effort and failed so many times in order to invade the world, which can be called the shame of the Titan. His face didn\'t know how many light-years he had been thrown away.

Just as he was thinking about how to avoid the patrolling alliance warships, pirates, as well as those annoying fishmen and Naga in the sea, he finally arrived at the vortex safely, he suddenly heard a young voice behind him: "Mr. mage, here\'s what you want."

I saw a young man driving a carriage full of wooden boxes and stopping on the slope near the beach not far away. It was George who went to storm city to buy tools and parts not long ago.

"Well done!" Adam probably scanned the goods in the car and quickly nodded with satisfaction. "Didn\'t it cause any trouble to buy so many nails, axes, saws and hammers at one time?"

"No! We buy tools and parts, not weapons, and those noble lords won\'t care." George jumped down from the carriage and handed the whole carriage to the magical jackal slave.

After a while, these guys began to carry down the sealed wooden boxes and send them to the huge keel.

"Here, this is the magic experience I took time to copy recently. Take it and study it well. If you don\'t understand anything, ask." Adam handed each other two parchments full of small letters.

As soon as George heard the word magic, he immediately became excited. He took it in his hand and quickly looked through it. After about a minute or two, he was able to endure the ecstasy in his heart. He stroked his chest with one hand and bowed deeply: "thank you very much for your generosity and kindness! I swear that no matter what you ask me to do from now on, I will do it without hesitation."

"Calm down, boy, calm down. As a mage, you should learn to keep calm at all times. Only calm can make your brain clear and make the most correct judgment." Adam pretended to pat the boy on the shoulder.

By showing strength, imparting knowledge and fighting skills, he has completely won the unreserved trust of the other party. Now it\'s no problem to let three young people fight against the storm kingdom.

You know, as a typical feudal country, storm kingdom is actually ruled by the royal family, aristocracy and religion, and almost monopolizes all education and promotion channels. Even if civilians try hard, they can\'t become heroes in bard stories.

Therefore, if an individual is willing to share his knowledge with the civilians, the civilians will often burst into unprecedented enthusiasm and even join some secret associations.

At that time, Kel\'Thuzad used this to secretly develop curse divinity among the people. In just a few years, there were countless fanatical believers, some of whom even volunteered to sacrifice their lives for the cause of the Lich King.

But unfortunately, George didn\'t know how cold and dark the seemingly severe teacher was in front of him. He nodded gratefully: "sorry, sir, I\'m so excited. You may not know how lucky a farmer\'s son like me was to have the opportunity to learn magic. You changed my destiny."

"Ah, yes, I did change your destiny. But I\'m not sure whether this change is good or bad. You should understand that magic is not an easy power. Countless apprentices die every year due to various accidents. Even if you are lucky enough to live to become a mage, you may be watched by demons." Adam imitated the tone of his own creator, He said these philosophical words.

"Whether it\'s good or bad, I\'ll thank you from the bottom of my heart. Maybe you don\'t know, there\'s a saying in the farm of Elvin forest that it\'s better to be a dead hero and master destiny than a busy farmer and be fooled by fate all his life." George responded by cutting nails and iron.

With the continuous development of arcane energy in his body, his ambition began to sprout gradually. He was no longer willing to help the guards eliminate jackals, fishmen, dog headed people and other monsters near storm city every day in exchange for a meager reward.

He yearns for the sky, freedom, a broader stage and more people\'s respect and love.

Feeling the boy\'s restless heart, Adam\'s eyes flashed a hint of imperceptible playfulness, and quietly invited him, "you are very smart and have great potential. If you like, you can go to sea with me. On the way, I will take time to teach you some true mysteries of magic."

"Of course! It\'s my pleasure! Besides, may I call you teacher?" George looked up with a look of expectation.

"Ha ha! You want to be my apprentice? It\'s not easy! You know, I choose apprentices very strictly. If you have confidence, you can try to challenge." Adam couldn\'t help laughing.

I don\'t know why, he suddenly felt very ironic and wanted to see if the young man would collapse or fall into the abyss at the last moment of his life after he knew the truth.

"I am confident to accept any test from you! Teacher!" George did not know the tragic fate he was about to face, and his eyes showed a firm will.

"Well, let\'s wait and see. Oh, by the way, your other two friends should be back soon. Here are a warrior\'s anger use skill and an Elf Ranger\'s archery skill. Please help me give them."