All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 883

Time flies, and a month soon passes.

On the western wilderness coastline, a huge wooden sailboat has been built, and the three towering masts are covered with white canvas. Countless fishermen, jackals and a small number of human sailors are busy, either loading and unloading food, fresh water and wine necessary for ocean going, or checking whether there are signs of water seepage under the hull.

As for Adam, he was standing on the deck looking into the distance, patiently waiting for the high tide.

Only when the tide completely flooded the beach could the ship named dawn leave the land and sail into the sea.

Just as he kept measuring the depth of the sea with his eyes, the whole hull suddenly shook violently. Then he heard an old man with beard shouting at his throat, "come on! Lift the sail! Everyone go ahead of the deck!"

"Ah!!!!! The holy light is on! We are finally going to sea!" MIA screamed excitedly, clutching the guardrail at the edge of the deck.

After more than a month\'s training, she has learned a series of shooting skills containing magical energy, including arcane shooting, multiple shooting, wind arrow, etc. the whole person looks full of self-confidence, completely unlike the shy and timid rural girl before.

"Ha ha! The sea! Here we are! God! I can\'t believe in my dream that I can launch a great adventure one day." the oldest of the three grinned.

At present, the young man is wearing a scale armor, carrying a two handed sword behind him. His two arms are thick and strong, and his eyes reveal the unique perseverance of soldiers.

As for the last George who studied magic, he had changed into a dark blue robe and smiled and asked his teacher, "Sir, are we going to start?"

"Yes! The tide is over the side of the ship. As long as the wind is strong enough, we can move the ship soon," Adam replied with a slight nod.


With the white sails blowing in the wind, the mast finally made an overburdened sound. At the same time, the hull began to move slowly. Coupled with the rising tide, in less than ten minutes, the ship left the beach and floated in the sea, quickly left the coastline and headed for the deep sea.

Seeing that he was separated from the dangerous waters that could be covered with reefs, the old man who first shouted stepped up to Adam and asked in a respectful tone, "Sir, where are we going in the first stop?"

"Broken islands, of course. I heard there was the most incredible energy storm in Azeroth. I want to feel it myself." Adam pretended to be obsessed and made up an excuse at will.

As a special creature evolved from artificial intelligence, he had long recognized that the old man who claimed to be a pirate in front of him was actually a spy sent by the seventh Military Intelligence Department of storm city to monitor himself.

However, in order to cover up his real purpose, he was not in a hurry to expose the other party, nor did he intend to throw it into the sea to feed fish. Instead, he made the best use of everything and appointed the other party to be the first mate on the ship, responsible for managing the crew and daily affairs.

After all, as long as they do anything that threatens the alliance, the spy will not turn his face, but will always perform well and escort the whole plan.

"Damaged islands?" the old man\'s eyes flashed a different color. He quickly bent down and bowed, turned and shouted at his throat. The water men gave orders and adjusted the course.

No one noticed that when he passed the starboard side of the ship, he quietly threw a wine bottle containing a note into the sea.

When the ship went away, a guy with an underwater respirator suddenly got out of the sea, grabbed the bottle and swam towards the coastline.

You don\'t have to ask. The note in this bottle must say the destination of the dawn.

It took about three hours before the message was handed over to madias Shaw.

The assassin master just looked at it and immediately frowned and muttered, "broken islands? If I remember correctly, some time ago, the tribe sent messengers to inform the king that a huge black dragon was found on Kalimdor continent, and it flew in the direction of the broken islands, right?"

"Yes, boss. To this end, the tribe also sent wojin, the leader of the dark spear tribe, and we also sent an investigation team led by ansrem ruinvill, the Archmage of the kenrito Parliament." a slim and beautiful young female assassin winked and quickly gave a positive answer.

Unfortunately, Mathias Shaw was not very interested in women. He threw the note into the brazier and crossed his chin in his hands.

A full minute later, he suddenly asked, "do you think... What does this suspicious mage want to do when he goes to the broken islands?"

"Don\'t ask me, boss. I\'m a thief. How do I know what\'s in the mage\'s mind?" a dwarf first shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

The female assassin shook her head and said she didn\'t know.

"Two losers! Forget it. How\'s the investigation of the dark city I asked you to investigate last time?" madias Shaw looked up with a cold light as sharp as a blade in his eyes.

"We only found that the Royal Pharmacist Association secretly transported a batch of sealed cans to Northrend. It\'s not clear what\'s inside. But I guess it\'s probably some kind of magic plague developed by them. You know, since its establishment, the Royal Pharmacist Association has been developing a magic plague more terrible than the scourge of the dead, and now it\'s going to die It\'s impossible to deal with the Lich King without taking it out. "The dwarf thief touched the beard on his chin and said his guess.

"Magic plague?! damn it! It seems that the Regent, Duke Bolvar fortagen, is going to unite the tribe to launch a general attack on the gate of scourge these days. We must send this news to him and make him beware." madias Shaw slapped the table and stood up from his seat.

But before he decided who to send, another spy rushed in and shouted out out of breath: "No! No! Master! The latest news! The forgotten threw a terrible magic plague in the battle of the gate of wrath, and all the combatants were killed. King Varian was furious and was about to lead the coalition forces north to completely destroy the dark city and purify the damn dead."

"Oh - my God! What shouldn\'t have happened has happened!"

"It\'s a disaster! Those forgotten must pay for it!"


For a moment, everyone in mi7 shouted to give some color to these bastards who stabbed in the back. They didn\'t know at all. Just now they missed the last chance to save Azeroth\'s fate.