All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 880

Cutting off the dead jackal\'s ears, the party quickly left the forest and returned to the main road, heading west.

When passing Xiquan fortress, the three young men did not forget to give their ears to the garrison officer in exchange for a gold coin and a reward of 20 silver coins.

Feeling the wonderful sound of coins jingling in the leather pocket, the young man at the head showed an excited smile on his face, secretly glanced at Adam walking in front of him, and then ya whispered to his companions: "mia, George, what do you think this noble mage is going to do at the seaside?"

"I don\'t know! Anyway, as long as we don\'t violate the laws of the storm Kingdom, this gentleman will do whatever he asks us to do." the young man called George shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"I think the mage just wanted us to lead the way. I believe you can see that so many terrible jackals were killed with only one finger. This terrible magic power doesn\'t need our protection at all, does it?" mia, the only girl in the team, whispered her opinion.

"That\'s reasonable! Anyway, we are just a group of insignificant little people. No matter what the master finally taught us, we won\'t suffer any loss. What\'s more, he gave us a precious alchemy potion, which made the wound disappear at once." the young man touched his bleeding arm not long ago.

Now, the wound has healed long ago, leaving only a red mark.

"The power of magic... If only I could become a mage, even the lowest apprentice." George looked at Adam walking ahead with incomparable envy.

Although he was only the son of a poor farmer, his heart was full of dreams and expectations for the future. Otherwise, he would not risk his life to leave home and relatives and embark on a dangerous adventure.

In contrast, Mia was much more realistic, smiled bitterly and comforted, "forget it, George. The most important thing to become a mage is intelligence and profound knowledge. How can you become a mage if you don\'t even know a word. As long as he is willing to teach me some shooting skills, I\'ll be satisfied."

"I want to learn the skills of soldiers! Especially anger! As long as I master this, I can use some powerful moves, and I don\'t have to worry about being besieged by monsters anymore." the young man said to himself holding the hilt of his sword and gnashing his teeth.


Just as the three young men were whispering behind, they didn\'t know that Adam who was walking ahead had heard all the conversation clearly, and even showed a slightly ironic smile.

Because he knew that when he threw the crystal into the vortex in the center of the endless sea, his creator and master would open a portal with the help of the endless energy inside the planet, and then devour and drain all the energy and star soul.

At that time, even if the whole planet does not disintegrate, the non binding magma in the deep earth will gush out, destroying all the animals and plants on the surface and even civilization.

In addition to the elements of fire and earth, there will be no third life in the world.

As for the western wilderness, it is mainly to avoid the eye liner of the seven storywind City, and build a ship that can enter the deep sea without everyone knowing it.

And those poor fishmen and jackals will become free workers, sailors and slaves under the effect of Charm Magic.

As an artificial life born from a computer program, Adam is not bound by the morality of human society, and even his outlook on life, values and world outlook have not been established.

The only thing he wants to do now is to serve his master and help him achieve his grand ambitions.

Fifty kilometers is neither far nor near.

After more than six hours of rapid travel, they finally reached the beach at the northeast end of the West.

But not surprisingly, they received a "warm welcome" from more than 100 fishermen.

"Wow, Lala, Lala!"

Accompanied by the symbolic cry, these small monsters with dense yellow and green scales rushed to the shore, apparently intending to kill the enemies of the invaders\' own territory, and then eat the bodies as dinner.

"Dharma Master! I think we\'d better retreat first! There are too many fish people here!" George bit his lower lip, and his legs were shaking.

You know, he has no professional combat training, not to mention hundreds of fish people, but it is a little difficult to deal with both.

"Don\'t worry, they can\'t rush." Adam\'s eyes flashed red again, and suddenly raised his hand and shot a hot fireball.

Next second


The fireball burst open among the fishmen, releasing an amazing high-temperature flame. At least 20 were burned to death on the spot, and the number of injured was more than twice that of the dead.

Feeling the heat wave and the burning smell, George shivered involuntarily and muttered, "my holy light! This... This is so cool!"

"Do you want to learn?" Adam glanced at the boy and asked in a cold tone without emotion.

"Of course! Of course you want to learn! Would you like to teach me!" George\'s voice trembled excitedly.

"I can teach you, but you must pass a small test first. Here, this is a magic pearl. All you have to do is take it to the fish people and find their leaders. If you can finish it before dark, I will start teaching you magic knowledge. But if you can\'t, it means you don\'t have the qualification to become a mage apprentice. Remember, you must be alone in this task Do not ask your partner for help when you are finished. "

With these words, Adam put a glittering red gem in the palm of each other\'s hand, walked alone to a huge rock, took out a pen and paper and began to write and draw, ignoring the fishmen who were frightened by the fireball and were fleeing everywhere.

The test of becoming a mage apprentice?

George\'s mind is full of this sentence now. Without saying a word, he runs directly to the direction where the fishermen are most concentrated, regardless of what will happen if he is besieged by the fishermen.

The other two young people in the team also felt a burst of jealousy. They came up to Adam and asked carefully, "Sir, what can we do for you?"

"Yes! We also hope to serve you."

"Oh? Since you are so positive, take the other two pearls to the Jackal camp near the coastline, and bring them back all." Adam took out two more gems without thinking.

"Bring them back?" MIA held the precious stones that looked very valuable in her hands, and her eyes showed doubt.

"Yes! Bring them back, not kill them. This gem has enchanting magic. As long as they stare at it for a few seconds, they will be trapped and unable to extricate themselves..."