All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 879

Storm City, standing in the eastern continent, covers the largest and most magnificent human city.

In particular, after expelling the Black Dragon Princess Onyxia who tried to disintegrate the storm kingdom from the inside, the king Varian Urien, who had been missing for a long time, returned strongly, took up the flag of the alliance again, and rejuvenated the country that was once subject to everywhere.

In his resolute and courageous character, he not only defeated the forgotten forces established by the northern dark queen Sylvanas, but also sent reinforcements to thorns Valley, which prevented the continuous expansion of the tribe, and even made the great chief Sal feel headache.

It can be said that Varian Urien has changed the pattern of the whole world only by his own strength, and is fully qualified to be called a great ruler.

Looking at the happy and confident expressions on the faces of the residents in storm City, it is not difficult to see that they are full of love for their king and firmly believe that the king will protect themselves and let them live a happy life.

You know, it is not a time of peace at present. The port area will transport soldiers and supplies to Northrend, a distant northern continent, to fight the Scourge army led by Arthas, the first filial son of Azeroth.

But the war did not make the people of this country poor. On the contrary, it not only brought more jobs, but also injected unprecedented vitality into the people of the whole country. Many bards began to sing songs praising heroes.

Of course, it doesn\'t matter to Adam.

After passing through the portal, he found himself in a dense forest. Three young men with weapons were fighting against seven or eight ugly jackals.

The former is obviously at a disadvantage, not only the clothes on his body are ragged, but also bleeding.

In contrast, the fat jackal was majestic, constantly waving his axe and hair to siege. It was estimated that within a few minutes, three poor young people would be killed, and then their bodies would be dragged back to the camp and thrown into the pot to stew and eat.

Jackals are not kind people. Cannibalism is just like eating the meat of other animals. They have no moral pressure.

"Who can tell me where this is?" Adam\'s eyes flashed an imperceptible red light.

As a semi mechanical and semi magical life, his eyes are not just used to see things, but an omni-directional three-dimensional scanner.

Just now, the fleeting red light has recorded all the terrain and landforms within a kilometer around into the brain, and then established a three ground projection model, which can clearly observe the insects hidden in the trunk.

"This... This is Irving forest. Sir, are you a mage?" a young man with a bleeding left arm asked carefully.

After all, for the son of a farmer like him who has never seen anything in the world, he can\'t tell what is arcane skill, holy light, evil energy and shadow.

Everything you can\'t understand can be classified as magic.

"Irving forest? Eastern continent! Storm kingdom!" Adam quickly linked the key words with the information in his mind and confirmed his location.

Just when he wanted to find out some useful information, two jackals suddenly rushed up and swung their axes to kill the human who didn\'t know where to come from.

"Be careful!"

Ignoring his arms and hands, the young man shouted and rushed up, trying to block the famous axe blade with the small wooden shield in his hand.

But unfortunately, his action is too slow. He can only watch the axe get closer and closer to the stranger in front of him

But when the axe was about to touch the skin, Adam suddenly raised his right hand and recited in a non emotional tone: "serial lightning!"

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!


The dazzling white arc burst out from his fingertips and jumped repeatedly among several unlucky jackals. In less than a few seconds, these monsters fell to the ground one after another, giving off a pungent smell of barbecue.

There is no doubt that as an outstanding living body created by Zhang Cheng, it is as simple for him to use magic as eating and drinking water.

The core composed of the improved version of Mishra\'s core can not only extract magic energy from the surrounding air anytime and anywhere, but also store it and convert it into corresponding spells anytime and anywhere.

As long as there is a corresponding spell structure in his brain, he can simulate it exactly.

To some extent, Adam was not so much casting spells as simulating them.

He doesn\'t need to spend a lot of time learning and understanding like a real mage. He just stores his knowledge and uses his powerful computing function to copy everything the caster does.

But the problem is that most people can\'t distinguish this well, especially the rural youth who have never seen the real power of magic.

"The holy light is on! This is magic?! that\'s great! So many jackals! All of them were killed at once!" the young man on his arm stared and couldn\'t help shouting.

"That\'s right! I can\'t believe what my eyes see!" another 15-year-old boy nodded desperately.

As for the last one in the team, who is also the youngest girl who fell in love with you last year, he sat on the ground, breathing heavily, and his hand holding the short bow kept shaking.

Needless to ask, the dead jackals frightened her very much.

Adam didn\'t care about the violent mental fluctuations of the young people. He asked again, "do you know where the nearest coastline is?"

"Of course! Dear mage, you can walk about 50 kilometers west from here to reach the coastline of the western wilderness. However, there are groups of fishmen and jackals everywhere. If you are unlucky, you will encounter the remnants of the difia brotherhood." the young man quickly described the terrain of the surrounding area.

In his eyes, mages, like noble masters, are unattainable. It is more exciting to serve a powerful mage than to complete the Commission and get paid.

"Western wilderness beach? Fish man... Jackal man..." Adam quickly combined with the data stored in his mind, quickly made a judgment, and a smile slowly appeared on his indifferent face. "Young man, are you willing to accept employment? I need several servants now. In return, I can teach you some magic knowledge and combat skills."

"Yes! We will!" the 15-year-old boy nodded desperately for fear of missing this precious opportunity.

After all, in Azeroth, almost all the knowledge that can make people powerful is monopolized by the ruling class. The only chance for civilians to be promoted is to join the army and constantly fight against all kinds of enemies at the risk of death at any time.

Even so, the most they can get is to become a low-level warrior who initially master anger.

Now there is an opportunity in front of us. Three young people who know from a low birth will not let go