All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 878

In front of the space-time tower, Adam, the man-made life, is busy checking the thousands of mysterious symbols laid around him and comparing them repeatedly according to the list stored in his memory to ensure that there will never be even a small mistake.

Although for the vast majority of intelligent life, this boring work will lead to laziness or sleepiness, he always keeps focused on loading.

In fact, this is the fifth time in the last ten days that he has inspected this huge device covering almost five square kilometers, but each time he can find three or five small problems.

"Enough, Adam, don\'t check so carefully. A little error won\'t have any impact on the whole ceremony. Don\'t forget, I\'m no longer a fragile human, but a Titan who can survive a thermonuclear explosion." the blue giant standing not far in front of the tower volunteered.

He is no one else, but Zhang Cheng, who returned from Argus a month ago.

Needless to ask, all he has to do now is completely devour the star soul embryo brought back from the world of Harry Potter.

But it was not an easy thing. Even with a large amount of Titan related knowledge obtained from Argus, it was prepared for a whole month.

Once successful, he will gain an overwhelming power that no mortal or even God can reach.

"As you wish, master." Adam stroked his chest with one hand and bowed. Then he stood on a stone disc, one of which stepped on the surface of the huge energy sphere in the middle.


After a pleasant energy shock, all runes within a radius of five kilometers began to shine, reflecting with the light mass on the top of the tower.

Knowing that the time had come, Zhang Cheng took the initiative to take a step forward, grabbed the light ball, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Next second


With the violent explosion, he himself turned into a huge fireball, emitting endless light and heat, just like the sun.

"Concussion array starts!"

"Start the fusion array!"

"Soul stability array starts!"

"Energy compression array start!"


With Adam\'s emotionless voice, the huge magic array prepared in advance began to be activated one by one to ensure that Zhang Cheng, who turned into a small star, would not completely destroy this place in the void.

Of course, he can do this at best. He can\'t even interfere with the whole transformation process. The only thing he can do is observe, and then record all changes and data for reference and learning in the future.

Soon, under the burning trumpet star, the ecosystem around the space-time tower was suddenly destroyed. Whether it is plants or small animals, they can die quickly in a few minutes. Even the water was evaporated, and the land was a small piece of dry city.

If you look down from a high place, it\'s like the skin with psoriasis, which is closely connected. Normal people can\'t help but feel numb on their scalp and uncomfortable all over.

But Adam obviously didn\'t care. He still stared at the values on the instrument. There was an excited and fanatical expression on his face.

Because now he finally understands why his creator is so committed to surpassing his own life limit.

In front of this life called Titan, all life on earth and the civilization they created are insignificant.

As for Zhang Cheng, who is in the center of the fireball, he has completely lost his body and is staring at the fragile star soul wrapped in the deepest part of the light mass as a soul.

It is so pure, so perfect, so exciting.

Normally, life like this can never be touched by any mortal, even with the soul of magic.

But unfortunately, it is too small to wake up the independent consciousness, nor start trying to perceive everything around it.

It just sleeps and absorbs external energy until it reaches a critical point.

"Great! This is the star soul I need! Unconsciousness means that I don\'t have to worry about the impact on my spirit. Now, let\'s be one. From then on, I will be you, you or me..."

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng plunged into it, completely released his soul and let the star soul devour him.

When the soul completely dissipated, his subconscious stretched out, and suddenly there was a violent shock, followed by the return of perception again.


Heartfelt warmth!

It\'s like a baby back in its mother\'s belly!

Before this wonderful feeling lasted long, the light shell wrapped on the surface of the soul finally broke, followed by all the senses, which quickly extended to all corners of the body like tentacles.

At the same time, the fireball that originally emitted terrible high temperature also gradually cooled, and all energy was recovered to the chest to replace the core of the heart.

The external image of Zhang Cheng has also recovered from the translucent dark blue similar to Argus to his original human appearance, but his body is many times larger than the original.

Feeling the amazing destructive power released by his actions, he nodded with satisfaction: "Now I\'m finally a real Titan, both flesh and soul. Unexpectedly, the Titan\'s body was originally constructed from the special metal bred in the star soul. No wonder after the Titan Pantheon was slaughtered by Sargeras, those Titans no longer reshaped their bodies, but just appeared in the state of soul. It\'s not that they don\'t want to reshape, but that they have no raw materials. It seems that I have to be careful in the future. I\'d better not lose my body... "

"Master, congratulations on getting what you want." Adam hurried to the front and gently stroked the metal skin covering the body surface, with a tone of joy.

"No, Adam, this is just the beginning. Titan is not the end of life evolution. It\'s just an insurmountable peak, that\'s all. Well, now I have a task for you to pass through the portal for me and throw this gadget into the deep whirlpool of Azeroth\'s endless sea. Remember, don\'t be found, otherwise it will attract a lot of people A nosy guy. "

After that, Zhang Cheng condensed a black purple crystal in his palm.

Needless to ask, he has begun to pay attention to the soul of Azeroth, an ancient planet.

After all, in terms of power level, he can only be regarded as a Titan baby at most. Not to mention the dark Titan Sargeras, the newborn Argus is much better than him.

But Azeroth is different. It is said that the star soul light of this planet far exceeds the sum of all other Titans in terms of energy level.

However, it is not easy to capture the soul of Azeroth. The first problem to be solved is transmission.

According to the amazing energy that Titan needs to spend when transmitting, Zhang Chenggen could not have been as unscrupulous as before, but had to capture enough huge energy to support the tearing space at the transmission destination.

The vortex formed by the explosion of the well of eternity can just meet this requirement