All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 877

"Can you tell me how you feel now? For example, what do you remember? Will there be an impulse to anger and destroy everything?"

It was confirmed that the Titan with a high risk factor would not suddenly attack himself like a neuropathy. Zhang Cheng suddenly became much bolder and began to inquire about the other party\'s mental state.

"I... don\'t know how I feel, and my memory is in chaos, as if in endless darkness. Yes, I am angry, very angry, and want to destroy everything I can see in front of me." Argus, the silencer, became more and more excited, and his eyes began to burst out terrible red light.

But just as he was about to get out of control, Zhang Chengli smiled and comforted, "relax, don\'t be so nervous. If you really want to know the truth, I\'ll be happy to tell you everything. But in exchange, you have to answer me a few questions."

Hearing this, aguston, the silencer, calmed down and nodded seriously: "yes!"

"So where do we start?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin and changed his seat slightly.

"Start with who I am! As you mentioned before, I am the Titan bred by this planet. But why do I feel that this planet is suffering unimaginable pain and suffering?" the annihilator AGUS asked the first question directly.

Zhang Cheng replied without thinking: "The pain of this planet comes from a dark Titan named Sargeras. He lured the ereda people to join the burning legion with his powerful power and taboo knowledge, and corrupted you who have not yet awakened with his evil energy. Therefore, from the moment you were born, you have been an absolute evil Titan. That\'s why you feel angry and eager Destroy everything you see. "

"Dark Titan Sargeras?!" whenever the name is mentioned, the annihilator AGUS will subconsciously make the most intense reaction.

Obviously, the supreme leader of the Burning Legion has branded an indelible mark in his soul.

"Yes! Dark Titan Sargeras!" Zhang chengminrui noticed this and nodded seriously. "He was originally the most powerful warrior and guardian in the Titan Pantheon, but later fell into darkness for some reasons. He not only destroyed all his compatriots in the Pantheon, but also founded the Burning Legion to constantly look for the planets pregnant with stars and souls in the universe, either destroy them directly or turn them into what you are now."

"I see! He is my enemy, a powerful enemy. It is also he who has turned me and the planet into a state of disintegration."

While saying these words, Argus, the silent one, radiated amazing energy all over his body.

In particular, the light spots in the body are like stars, each of which seems to be as dazzling as horizontal.

But this state lasted only less than a minute, and he immediately fell silent again. With a helpless face, he said to himself, "but I can\'t resist him, let alone violate his orders. I am his slave and a weapon he created."

"Yes! You are a weapon, regarded by the Legion as the ultimate weapon that can destroy the world. You can\'t regain your freedom except death." Zhang Cheng didn\'t try to pour any soul chicken soup into the poor Titan, and directly told each other\'s tragic fate.

"Death? Death is not a kind of relief. Can I ask you to help kill me? At least let me get rid of Sargeras\'s control before I cause irreparable disaster." Argus, the silencer, volunteered to ask.

For Titans, death was not the end of life.

On the contrary, it is a release of the soul. Once it returns to the star soul, any pollution will be instantly purified and return to the original pure self-consciousness.

Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment and immediately shook his head: "sorry, the power I have can\'t kill a Titan. What\'s more, if I really attack, you may lose your mind and be dominated by anger and destruction. At that time, it will be me."

"I can teach you everything about Titan, including how to kill myself." Argus opened his right hand and condensed it into a crystal emitting blue light in the palm. "Here is a record of all the knowledge in my memory. I believe it will be very useful for you. Promise me that if one day you have the power to kill me, you must come to help me regain my freedom."

"I promise you!" Zhang Cheng took over this little crystal and his eyes burst out with undisguised greed and desire.

"Thank you! I look forward to our next meeting..."

The voice just fell!

The silent Argus returned to the position of the groove and lay down and fell into a deep sleep again.

Zhang Cheng sat and waited patiently for several hours until he confirmed that the other party would not wake up in a short time. Then he sneered and sighed: "what a simple guy. Let me see what the Titan\'s knowledge is unique."

Then he put his consciousness directly into the crystal.


A large amount of knowledge that has never been touched flows into the brain like a tide, so that even the brain cells fused with the mind grabbing devil\'s main brain can\'t bear it, and a large amount of black blood continues to flow out along the nose, eyes and ears.

Just as Zhang Cheng clenched his teeth and forced himself not to faint, the crystal suddenly burst open, turned into hundreds of millions of glittering powder, and poured into his body.

Whether it is the titanized half or the half that maintains the body, I don\'t know why it begins to become more and more transparent.




blood vessel!

Immune system!

Nerve conduction system!

Everything is changing rapidly!

In the end, he still couldn\'t hold on and lost consciousness directly.

I don\'t know how long it took

Maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours.

When Zhang Cheng opened his eyes again and woke up, he found that his body had become translucent dark blue. It was no longer titanized like before, and his body remained the same.

Obviously, Argus helped complete the fusion of Titan cells.

From now on, he has barely been a Titan living body with a trumpet. Except that his soul has not reached the level of star soul, there is no big difference.

In fact, the remaining guardians of Azeroth are powerful individuals created by the Titans themselves.

However, compared with these counterfeiters, Zhang Cheng can feel that his integration is more perfect, which is a leap in the essence of life.

Looking at the energy core transformed from the heart in his chest, he couldn\'t help raising his mouth slightly: "perfect! This is the result I want. Now, it\'s time to leave to complete the next part and let the soul sublimate."