All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 876

"Is this the progress you have made in recent days?" Kil\'jaeden asked with an unhappy face after reading his notes.

Always insidious and cunning, he was obviously not satisfied with the little useful information in his notes.

Of course, the contents of this note have been deleted, and nothing important has been recorded.

As the initiator, Zhang Cheng knew his belly clearly and pretended to be helpless: "Please don\'t worry, dear fraudster, be patient. You should understand that titans are not easy to study. Their existence is a miracle of life. Look at how many planets there are in the vast universe? But Titans add up to only more than ten or twenty, including those that have been destroyed before awakening. If you really want to To get the way to evolve into a Titan, you must give me enough time and trust, instead of monitoring me as a potential enemy like now. "

"Time and trust?" Kil\'jaeden pursed his lips and smiled ironically. "Sorry, I\'m afraid we don\'t have much time now. Don\'t you know that the great dark Titan, the supreme commander of the Burning Legion, will arrive in Azeroth soon, like corrupting Argus, corrupting the star soul of the planet. Imagine if he finds that a arrogant mortal swallowed up his abandoned body and tried to pass through Study the way to become a Titan. What would he do? "

"Well... If it were me, I think I would run over this little insect that doesn\'t know the heaven and earth, and then whip his soul out and whip it for 10000 years." Zhang Cheng pretended to think for a moment, and soon gave the answer.

"That\'s right! He\'ll kill you! Take out your soul and whip it for 10000 years! So you\'d better hurry up, or..." Kil\'jaeden deliberately paused and grinned with a cruel smile.

Unfortunately, Zhang Chenggen was not afraid at all, but also stretched out a finger and shook it in front of the other side: "No, no, no, correct it. It\'s not me, it\'s us. You and I can\'t run away. I don\'t even need to reveal much. Just tell Sargeras before he dies that his most trusted adjutant has removed the guards around the silent Argus. Guess what he will do with you?"

When the fraudster heard this, his eyes burst out a terrible green light. The whole person was like a volcano about to erupt: "are you threatening me?"

"Threat? Don\'t get me wrong, I\'m just reminding you. Please remember, I\'m not the cannon fodder of your people who joined the Burning Legion because of fear or to satisfy their own desires. I\'m the only person in the world who combines the body of Titan without losing his mind. I\'m also the only person qualified to study the essence of Titan\'s life." Zhang Cheng shook his huge body and leaned forward slightly, showing an unparalleled sense of oppression.

Others may be afraid of Kil\'jaeden\'s incomparable power, but he is not afraid at all.

If the two men fight now, he promises to press the ereda demon, which frightens all Azeroth creatures, on the ground and rub it repeatedly.

The reason is very simple. Because he swallowed the remains of the dark Titan Sargeras, he is now immune to all evil energy and shadow energy, not only immune, but also devour and absorb these spell energy and become a part of himself.

The fraudster undoubtedly knew this, hurried back half a step, endured the anger in his heart, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed: "I\'m very sorry, I\'m too eager for success and lost my mind."

"I accept your apology. Believe me, with a little time and trust, I can create a real miracle. Well, if there is nothing else, please leave first. Next, I have a very important experiment to do."

After saying that, Zhang Cheng threw the other party out impolitely, raised his arm and started the instrument used to analyze the fork shape part of the silent Argus\'s head.


This instrument mixed with magic and technology began to flash dazzling light, and even some parts could not bear the huge energy. They burst open one after another, emitting a pungent burning smell.

Fortunately, the main part reinforced with magic metal withstood the test, and a stream of paper filled with unknown symbols gushed out from it.

Needless to say, these symbols are either unique to Titans or a system of supernatural forces that only Titans can master.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Cheng directly transcribed all the symbols. Through repeated screening and elimination, it was finally confirmed that there were only more than 170 symbols, and the rest were either repeated, or there were only slight differences in size and shape.

As he frowned and pondered over the symbols, the fork shaped thing on Argus\'s head suddenly lit up again, followed by a voice and began to echo in his mind.

"Who are you?"

"Who am I?"

"Where is this?"


With one simple and childish problem after another, the sleeping Titan slowly opened his eyes and stood up from the groove.

His soul state was so chaotic that he couldn\'t figure out what was going on, and began to walk up and down the hall aimlessly.

Instead of hastily answering the questions raised by the other party, Zhang Cheng took the opportunity to look at the Titan full of contradictions and hesitation.

After more than ten minutes, after confirming that Argus had no tendency to attack, he said, "you are Argus, the Titan bred by the star soul of the planet."

"AGUS? Is this my name? Why don\'t I remember anything!" the Titan\'s mood seemed to be a little fierce, and his eyes were pregnant with a terrible energy storm.

"Do you remember the name Sargeras?" Zhang Cheng kept a safe distance and tried very carefully.

He was not sure whether the current Argus was the ultimate weapon of destruction after being corrupted by the dark Titan, or inadvertently awakened the distorted star soul essence.

"Sargeras... Sargeras... I... I really want to make an impression."

At the mention of the name of the dark Titan, aguston became quiet and a strong fear appeared on his face.

But after a while, he raised his head and asked, "who are you? Why do I feel the breath of Sargeras in you? Are you a Titan like me?"

"No, I\'m not a Titan, at least not yet. As for this, it\'s all because of a small accident." Zhang Cheng shook his head and explained.

He did not expect that the big boss who let countless players taste what is called death and life in the game was still a naive curious baby. Coupled with the terrorist strength enough to destroy everything, he gave people a cute and stupid feeling.