All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 875

Argus the annihilator, the second evil Titan known in the whole universe.

Different from Sargeras, he became like this not out of his original intention, but the star soul slowly decayed over time, and finally was born from endless negative emotions.

It can even be said that before his birth, the whole Argus planet was completely over. There is no possibility of redemption and purification. Even the core of the world has become a tool to provide energy for the Burning Legion.

There is no doubt that his birth is a tragedy, a puppet controlled by both thought and body.

Now, this huge puppet is lying in a huge groove, transforming the essence of his life into evil energy, and then transmitted through the device to the demons who fled back in the state of soul after death and waited for resurrection.

you \'re right!

Argus is burning himself like a candle. Even if Illidan Stormrage doesn\'t lead the coalition to attack the planet in the future, he will be consumed slowly.

"Look, this is Titan, a powerful life that can\'t be described in words. Even a little release of the amazing energy contained in their bodies is enough to maintain a huge force like the Burning Legion for tens of thousands of years." Zhang Cheng, while praising, carefully put his hand on each other\'s chest and felt the surging vitality bred inside.

Since reaching a secret agreement with Kil\'jaeden, he has spent almost every day in this unguarded important room, and has done no less than 20 experiments alone.

But unfortunately, I don\'t know why, every research direction is in the most critical place, so I can\'t continue.

"Give up, you can\'t evolve into a Titan." the dwarf Laurie curled up in the corner and yawned bored.

It has to be said that habit is the most incredible thing in the world. No matter how shocking and vulgar things are, they will become stable and indifferent as long as they are used to it over time.

In just a few days, cromi has changed from the initial shock and fear to now. Even if the Titan wakes up from his deep sleep, he will not be surprised.

"Don\'t rush to come to a conclusion so early. The universe is so vast and full of countless possibilities. If I can\'t do it now, it doesn\'t mean I can\'t do it in the future. Maybe I ignore something, or I may lack something key. In short, as long as I keep trying, my dream will come true one day." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, then you can make complaints about your success before you die of starvation, or I will be the first Bronze Dragon to die of hunger in Ai Ze Lars\'s history."

Because the burning throne was full of powerful demons, she didn\'t dare to go out hunting at all. No matter how powerful her stomach screamed, she didn\'t dare to step out of the room easily.

Otherwise, the advanced demons would be happy to kill an adult Bronze Dragon and use it to create a weapon, armor, or other powerful magic item.

Zhang Cheng, who was titanized in half of his body, obviously didn\'t need to eat to maintain his life for a long time. He smiled and comforted: "don\'t worry, even if you starve to death, I can keep your soul and body and bring it to another world for resurrection. Resurrection from the dead is not a problem for me."

"Damn it! Do you understand what I mean? I hate the feeling of hunger! That\'s the most important!" cromi jumped up from the ground and waved his small fist angrily.

"Shh! Keep your voice down, if you don\'t want to attract those demons outside. Don\'t forget, we are working on a great cause, a research that can help Azeroth solve all the dangers and troubles once and for all. So bear with it, and I guarantee that your efforts will be rewarded."

After saying that, Zhang Cheng ignored clomi, who was already hungry and was about to lose his mind, and focused on the decoration like a star map on the head of the silent Argus.

In fact, under the premise of not being able to conduct a complete anatomy, these days we have only figured out the internal structure of the Titan\'s body and the functions and connections between various organs.

But the problem is that as the core part of Titan, the star soul and energy have made some substantive progress for the time being.

Of course, it can\'t be said that he has no clue at all. At least in one experiment, he accidentally found that this fork like thing on the Titan\'s head will release amazing light under specific conditions.

These lights, like the light mass placed at the top of the space-time tower, contain extremely large and complex information, and are also a kind of energy compressed to the extreme.

Just when Zhang Cheng started a new round of experiments with a try mentality, cromi, who was so hungry that his heart stuck to his back, finally couldn\'t bear it. Taking advantage of his inattentive Kung Fu, he blessed himself with a deformation spell, slipped out of the room quietly, and planned to return to the surface of the planet to see if he could catch a few wild animals for tooth sacrifice and alleviate the unbearable strong hunger in his stomach.

As for why not use transmission magic directly, the reason is very simple. Except for the built transmission gate, any other transmission will trigger an alarm instantly and attract an endless army of demons.

Although more than 60% of the demon legions of AGUS have been sent by Kil\'jaeden to other places recently to prevent the tragedy of the bombing of the hometown of the fear demon king from happening again, what remains is enough to destroy all civilizations and creatures on a planet.

Cromi is not an idiot. He won\'t touch the bad luck.

On the contrary, she cleverly disguised herself as a hell hound, pretended to follow the demons who used the portal, and returned to the surface of the planet.

When it was confirmed that there was no devil around, she breathed a sigh of relief and said to herself in a voice that only she could hear: "ha! Want to starve me? There\'s no door! Food! Delicious food! I\'m coming!"

The voice just fell!

Cromi jumped off the cliff, turned into a dragon and flew to a place that had not been polluted by evil energy.

If you pay a little attention, you can find that she drooled as she flew, and she simply lost the face of guarding the dragon.

However, cromi obviously didn\'t notice that in the dark corner, a vague soul silently looked at everything. She didn\'t come out until she completely flew away, and the other party came out. Her face was full of doubt and confusion: "How could a Bronze Dragon appear in Argus? What happened to Azeroth after my death? No, I have to follow up and find out what happened as soon as possible..."

The voice just fell!

The evil spirit followed the wind.

He is no other than Illidan Stormrage, who was killed in the Outland battle