All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 874

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

Accompanied by extremely rhythmic heavy footsteps, Kil\'jaeden, who was tens of meters tall, walked through the dark corridor to the hall in the center of the burning throne.

He first habitually glanced at the surrounding environment, then smiled and said, "I have a report on your physical state. How about it? Are you interested in listening?"

"Of course!" Zhang Cheng nodded curiously.

In fact, he knew very well what was going on with his body, but in order to confuse each other, he deliberately pretended to be caused by accident.

"According to the comprehensive inspection and analysis, we can almost confirm that you have been integrated with the great master, the supreme commander of the Legion, the dark Titan Sargeras, and the body left in the Azeroth world. I have to say that this result makes me feel incredible, but it did happen. In addition, we also found that you have been integrated in the other side of your body Powerful biological blood, including dragons. Now, can you tell me what happened to you? Or, in other words, what did you do to yourself? "

There is no doubt that Kil\'jaeden\'s name of "fraudster" is not random. Many hidden secrets can be inferred from only one report.

For example, Zhang Cheng\'s crazy transformation experiment on himself, and the huge magical energy contained in half of his body.

Looking at the cunning eyes of the powerful ereda devil in front of him, Zhang Cheng suddenly smiled and sighed while laughing: "Should I praise you? Are you really worthy of being a famous fraudster? Yes, you guessed right. What I look like now is not an accident, but the result of pursuing strong power and self transformation. Of course, there was a little accident in this process. I underestimated Titan\'s awesome assimilation and erosion."

"Aha! That\'s true! From the first time I saw you, I knew you were an ambitious guy, and also a lunatic who did anything to gain powerful power. It doesn\'t matter. Maybe those dignified guys who boast of light and justice will think you are a great threat, but the Legion won\'t. But I\'m curious. What\'s your real purpose to join the Legion?" Kil\'jaeden felt his chin and said meaningfully.

Although he tried to hide his desire for half of the Titan incarnation, there was a glimmer of greed and strong possessiveness in his eyes.

"Purpose? My purpose is very simple, that is to obtain all taboo knowledge related to Titans, and then find a way to resolve the current embarrassing situation. Since you have read the analysis and report, I must be most aware that I have only temporarily prevented the erosion of Titan\'s life essence, and did not really devour or integrate. In return, I am willing to share the research results with you I believe you have followed the dark Titan for thousands of years. You should be very clear about the huge gap between Titan and other lives, shouldn\'t you? "Zhang Cheng seduced with a smile.


Rooted in the subconscious of all intelligent life, you can never get rid of your instinct!

Even the titans of the Pantheon are not saints without desires, not to mention the aridads who have become Sargeras\'s men under the temptation of knowledge and power.

Especially Kil\'jaeden and Archimonde can often experience the almost endless power of the dark Titan from a close distance. It\'s strange if they don\'t have any ideas.

We should know that the smarter and talented intelligent life is, the less willing they are to the status quo. They will fight hard to climb to a higher position and risk falling to pieces.

However, Kil\'jaeden was not arrogant Archimonde after all. He did not immediately expose the deepest desire hidden in his heart to a stranger and replied equivocally: "I need to think about it."

"Consider? Why? Don\'t you think the absence of Sargeras, the Lord of the Legion, is our best opportunity. In fact, you don\'t have to bear any responsibility at all. Just give me a little convenience to study the sleeping Titan Argus." Zhang Cheng finally tried his best to express his real purpose.

you \'re right!

He is eager to have zero distance contact with a real Titan and carry out a series of complex experiments on each other. If he can, he\'d better break it up and have a Titan vivisection.

As for whether the Titan will die early and return to the Pantheon, it doesn\'t matter to him.

"Where did you know there was a sleeping Titan?" Kil\'jaeden\'s face suddenly changed and asked in a wary whisper.

After all, Argus the annihilator is the ultimate secret weapon of the Legion. Few people know his existence.

"Hehe, don\'t you know that Titans can sense each other\'s existence? To some extent, I can barely be a reduced version of Titan now. Naturally, I can sense the existence of stars and souls on which planets. How about joining hands with me to obtain the key to evolution? Don\'t forget, as long as you become a Titan, you never have to worry Death, because even if the Titan is killed, it will only return to the state of star and soul. "Said Zhang Cheng, stretching out his right hand and posing as an invitation.

Because he believed that a fraudster driven by a strong desire in his heart could not refuse himself at all.

Kil\'jaeden obviously hesitated. The green evil light in his eyes kept flashing. He made up his mind after several minutes: "OK! I agree! But I won\'t give you any commitment or authority, but I will remove all guards. All your research has nothing to do with me."

"No problem! That\'s enough!" Zhang Cheng smiled with satisfaction.

He understood that the fraudster did not want to leave a handle. If there were any accidents in the research process, he could put all the responsibility and black pot on his head.

But the problem is that Zhang Chenggen doesn\'t care about these, let alone be liquidated by the dark Titan Sargeras in the future.

Once the mystery of Titan\'s life essence is solved, he will return to the space-time tower for the first time, devour the light mass of the suspected star soul, and then return to Azeroth to devour Azeroth\'s star soul.

If the whole plan succeeds, let alone a Sargeras, he will not be afraid of the whole pantheon.

There is only one way to the end of evolution. The closer we get to the end, the more difficulties and dangers we will encounter, and the greater the return we will get after crossing the critical point.

Since the discovery of the hidden things in Elizabeth\'s soul, Zhang Cheng has been in a state of extreme insecurity, even if he has brought the whole hell under his control.


Great power!

Beyond the ultimate evolution of all mortal life forms!

This is the only thing that can give him a little sense of security