All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 873

Arida elite warlock, magic engineer, remaining fear demon king

In the shortest time, Kil\'jaeden, the fraudster, summoned the best researchers of the whole Burning Legion to the burning throne and began to make an in-depth study of the bizarre and extreme life form of semi Zhang Cheng, trying to find out the mystery of the semi titanization of the body.

In exchange, Zhang Cheng also obtained the coveted dark knowledge from the other party, especially the shadow energy that distorts the void, which is more accurate and profound than that described in any books and documents.

After all, the character of the dark Titan Sargeras changed greatly because he felt the great threat of distorting the void. Therefore, if anyone in the world knows the shadow best, it must be him.

Look at the powerful shadow spells of the Burning Legion. Their essence is to steal energy from the distorted void and transform them into powerful magic.

Evil energy is another new energy system that combines shadow energy with Titan\'s own arcane energy, and then is born under the distortion of Sargeras\'s powerful will. In essence, it is closer to "attacking poison with poison", and using the shadow to deal with the distorted void in turn, just as the great lords of the void sent ancient gods to corrupt the star soul and try to obtain the void Titan, there is no difference in essence.

However, the former is dominated by the will of the Titan itself, while the latter is dominated by the will of the great king of nothingness.

It was also because of the power of the shadow that Sargeras could slaughter all the other Titans in the Pantheon with one man\'s power.

When Zhang Cheng tried to find something really useful to himself from the chaotic records and a large amount of theoretical knowledge, he suddenly found that the ereda warlock, magic engineer and fear demon king around him had all left at some time, leaving him alone in the empty hall.

"Hum! These guys must have found something, so they ran to Kil\'jaeden to report. But it doesn\'t matter. I just took the opportunity to do some small experiments." with that, Zhang Cheng turned and hooked his finger at a pillar in the corner. "Come out, dear clomi, will the demons come back in a moment and a half?"

"Can you see me?!" the dwarf little Laurie leaned out half her head from behind the pillar and looked around carefully. Her two big eyes were full of vigilance.

no way out!

This is the burning throne of antonus of Argus, the home of demons.

Although she is an adult Bronze Dragon, she is no different from a chick in the eyes of the most powerful devil

The so-called guardian dragon can dominate Azeroth at most. Once it enters the vast universe, it will be crushed to no temper every minute.

"Of course I can see you! Don\'t forget, I now have a small part of the life of Titan power. For me, there is no secret in the world. What\'s the matter? Have I got what I want?" Zhang Cheng put down the crystal used to store knowledge and expressed his expected expression on his face.

Cromee nodded without thinking, and handed over the chic sword and star like material in his hand: "here, I scraped it off the surface of the Titan\'s skin secretly. He seems to be falling into some kind of deep sleep with no sign of awakening."

"Believe me, it\'s a good thing that he didn\'t wake up, otherwise you will see with your own eyes what is called the extinction of all things." Zhang Cheng hinted meaningfully.

When he spoke, he carefully used his magic power to summon these shining powders like stars to his eyes.

There is no doubt that these mysterious substances like light spots are basically similar to those left in the body of the dark Titan and the light mass at the top of the space-time tower.

First of all, they are things between energy and matter, and they can transmit complex information to each other.

Secondly, these things have unimaginable assimilation ability. Even if ordinary people inhale a little, they may instantly become irrational madmen or monsters.

Finally, and most importantly, if you want to integrate these "Titan cells" into yourself, it is impossible to be as simple as fusing the dragon\'s body, transplanting the mind grabbing demon\'s main brain cells and swallowing gruer\'s blood. If you are not careful, you will die without a burial place.

"The extinction of all things?" cromee raised his eyebrows incredulously, as if he didn\'t understand the meaning of the word.

"That\'s right! The annihilation of all things! What do you think Sargeras is doing to lock a Titan corrupted by evil energy in the burning throne? Nature takes him as his ultimate weapon. The power of a corrupt Titan is even more terrible than the whole burning legion, and it can easily destroy a world."

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng\'s eyes showed a rare strong fear.

You know, the nickname of Titan humanoid Star Destroyers is not to say, but that they really have the power to destroy a planet.

"Can\'t we try to awaken and purify him?" cromi suggested a little naively.

Zhang Cheng sneered and shook his head: "Don\'t dream! Purify a Titan polluted by evil energy? Are you kidding! Then why don\'t you try to purify Sargeras, the dark Titan, the founder of the Burning Legion? In this way, the whole universe will be peaceful? My friend, titans are a very special and pure life. They are bred by star souls and are doomed to be unable to survive from the moment they wake up Only themselves can be changed by foreign things. If you want to purify a Titan, it means killing him once. Tell me, what do you think can kill a Titan? The Dragon King of Azeroth? The power of the Dragon King even comes from the gift of the Titan, that is, the so-called most powerful king of the black dragon, nesario, is just a handy person in front of the Titan A crushed bug. "

"What shall we do? Do we have to watch him wake up by Sargeras and destroy the beautiful Azeroth?" cromi asked unconvinced.

"No, we don\'t do anything, and we can\'t do anything. Don\'t forget, since you came to Argus with me, you have abandoned the responsibility of the Bronze Dragon and intend to go to another world. As for me, I just want to take advantage of this opportunity to make a small experiment with the sleeping Titan. Maybe I\'ll think about it when I find a way to fully incarnate myself as a Titan Once and for all, solve the dilemma faced by Azeroth. Well, hide quickly. I feel that a huge evil energy is approaching. If there is no accident, it should be the fraudster Kil\'jaeden. Remember, don\'t do superfluous actions, otherwise once found, you even want to commit suicide. "

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng stretched out a finger and nodded on the head of the dwarf little Laurie. Cromi immediately turned his whole body into nothingness and hid behind the pillar where he had been hiding