All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 872

The burning throne of antorus is the core of the whole Argus world, the place where the star soul breeds Titans, and also the deepest part of the earth\'s core.

But now, it has been transformed into the nest and energy source of the Burning Legion. The powerful power from the Titans is being continuously cast into the ultimate destruction weapon to destroy all enemies who dare to resist the Legion\'s rule.

So far, no rebel has been able to come here, not even close.

As the adjutant of Sargeras, the dark Titan, Kil\'jaeden is staying in the deepest part of the throne, narrowing his eyes and looking at the information transmitted from all corners of the universe.

Especially not long ago, the destruction of nazriza, the mother planet of the fear demon, not only hurt the strength of the Legion, but also lost an amazing number of troops.

The most important thing is that one of the demons who died on that planet is counted as one. Even their souls have disappeared, so that they haven\'t figured out what happened so far.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation since the establishment of the Burning Legion.




In addition, the invincible Legion invaded Azeroth again and again and tasted the bitter fruit of failure, which led the powerful caster to doubt whether the promised things of the dark Titan could be fulfilled.

Just as the fraudster frowned and considered whether to plan another invasion, an ereda warlock broke in from the outside, knelt on one knee and reported loudly: "Sir, our monitor found a huge humanoid creature with a shape similar to the master, rushing towards the throne at a very fast speed."

"Master?!" Kil\'jaeden showed a trace of surprise on his expressionless face.

Because in the eyes of all demons of the Burning Legion, there is only one real master, that is the great dark Titan Sargeras.

As far as he knows, Sargeras is floating in the distant universe, and it will take a long time to get to Azeroth.

After all, the complete Titan is not an ordinary creature. The general portal can\'t transmit the life of this level at all. In addition, Sargeras is strictly a soldier, so you don\'t have to think about transmitting anything. Just run on your own.

Warlock arida obviously didn\'t know what the fraudster was thinking at the moment, and quickly nodded: "That\'s right! Most of his body is in metal form, full of unimaginable huge evil energy, and the other half is in flesh and blood form, containing all kinds of magical energy including arcane magic, which gives people a very strange feeling. Most importantly, he didn\'t show any hostility or destroy the bases along the way."

"Oh? It sounds very interesting. Let\'s go and have a look." Kil\'jaeden immediately got interested, stood up directly, crossed the portal not far away and appeared directly at the entrance of the throne.

Before he could stand still, he heard a rumble in the distance.

I saw a giant with a height of more than 100 meters, running at an amazing speed, and came close in the blink of an eye.

"Ah! I finally found you, dear fraudster." the giant took the lead in touching his chest with one hand and bowed very gracefully.

"Who are you?" Kil\'jaeden asked, carefully observing the titanized half of the body.

As Sargeras\' most trusted deputy, he could almost recognize at a glance that it was a body used by his master when he came to Azeroth.

Because the portal that could be opened at that time was too small, the dark Titan had to abandon most of its power and enter in a very fragile state, so it was defeated by the guardian at that time.

What the fraudster never expected was that the body left by the master appeared in front of him in another posture.

"It doesn\'t matter who I am. The important thing is that I want to join the Burning Legion and learn the taboo knowledge." Zhang Cheng smiled and showed his intention.

In any case, he is integrated with Sargeras\' remains, and his whole body exudes amazing evil energy. In any case, he must be a member of the Legion and a senior member.

At least in the eyes of most demons, the power of this half body has exceeded 99% of demons. It is estimated that free Archimonde can be comparable to Kil\'jaeden.

"You long for knowledge?" a strange light flashed in Kil\'jaeden\'s eyes.

Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking: "yes! I long for knowledge! I long for strength! Please give me a chance, I won\'t let the Legion down."

"Very good! On behalf of the Legion, I welcome you to join. But before that, I hope to make a comprehensive inspection of you to confirm what kind of state you are now." Kil\'jaeden, worthy of being a fraudster, quickly put forward the exchange terms.

As the adjutant of the dark Titan, he actually has no essential difference from Archimonde. He is eager to go further and become a dark Titan.

Therefore, he was very interested in the semi titanized life in front of him.

As Zhang Chenggang just said, it doesn\'t matter who it is, but what it can provide for the Legion.


Soon, led by the fraudster, Zhang Cheng dragged his huge body into the deepest part of the burning throne of antorus and began to cooperate with the other party in an all-round and three-dimensional inspection.

Although there is a Titan distorted by evil energy on Argus, no one dares to experiment with him.

To be exact, apart from Sargeras, there may not be a second person in the whole Burning Legion who can cut the metal skin covered by Titan.

As for the scene of players fighting Titans in the game, it is estimated that they can only stay in the game. In reality, 100% of them are killed directly without blinking their eyes.

No one noticed at all. Just when Kil\'jaeden tried to find out what kind of state Zhang Cheng was at present, a short, small and lovely dwarf Lori sneaked into the room where the silence destroyer AGUS was, while everyone was not paying attention.

But this time, she managed her strong curiosity, didn\'t try to get close to this powerful life, just hid in the corner to observe.

Several hours later, when she confirmed that the other party had no sign of awakening, she took a deep breath and muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear: "God! I\'m crazy! I would agree to such a dangerous action. That\'s Titan! The strongest life in the universe! Once he wakes up, it\'s estimated that I will be killed by sneezing."

But after complaining, she came near, took out a unique long sword from her pocket, scraped off some starlike substances on the silent Argus with trembling hands, and then ran away like a fugitive, daring to stay more than a second