All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 871

"What?!" wokin\'s eyes widened in surprise.

As a wise Troll tribe leader, he has seen too many incredible things in his life, but it is the first time that such an incredible situation is like today.

Especially the semi titanized metal body, any living body can\'t help but produce strong awe after seeing it.

"I am the black dragon. To be exact, I perfectly integrated a dragon with myself and gained the ability to become a dragon." Zhang Cheng didn\'t try to hide anything and admitted it.

Anyway, it\'s no big deal to become a black dragon compared with the current small Sargeras.

After all, no matter how powerful the wings of death are, they can\'t compare with the dark Titan who swept most of the universe. For the latter, the former can only be regarded as a tenacious little reptile at most.

In fact, the seemingly powerful and unscientific ability to protect the dragons comes from the gift of the Pantheon Titan, who was slaughtered by Sargeras in a battle.

"I see!" wojin nodded thoughtfully. "You turned into a dragon just to cross the endless sea to the broken islands and get the remains of the most powerful demon of the Burning Legion."

"That\'s right! You\'ve got the answer you want. Can you leave now? I sincerely advise you not to think about what you can do or be a hero. It\'s no different from suicide." after that, Zhang Cheng raised his finger and gently touched the built portal.



A mass of liquid material like water fills the whole arch structure, followed by a dazzling light.

When the light faded a little, it finally revealed the magnificent scenery of Argus, one of the nests of the Burning Legion.

This planet, which successfully gave birth to the higher intelligent life ereda people, has been transformed by the Burning Legion beyond recognition. At a glance, it is full of green evil energy. Even the core of the planet is no exception. Some places even run out of energy and begin to fall apart like Outland.

"Where is this?" wokin\'s pupils suddenly narrowed and stared at the endless demon army on the other side of the portal.

Although he did not participate in the third invasion against the Burning Legion like Sal, the chief of the tribe, he also knew that the number and quality of demons opposite the portal were much more than any time.

If all these demons came to Azeroth, even if all Azeroth creatures were bound together, they could not be opponents at all.

Zhang Cheng smiled and replied in a slightly emotional tone: "This is the home of AGUS, the mother planet of ereda, the polluter Archimonde and the fraudster Kil\'jaeden. How, isn\'t it shocking? In fact, I\'ve always wondered why Azeroth can resist the invasion of the Burning Legion again and again. In my opinion, the Legion\'s strength is far above the world in terms of quality and quantity."

"You\'re going to take refuge in the devil!" asked ansrem ruinville, with a nervous look on his face.

"No, not to take refuge in them, but to join them and obtain the knowledge and strength I need. Don\'t you know? There is a living Titan in the deepest part of the planet. Although his mind has been polluted and distorted, it can help me understand the essence of calm life. No more nonsense. If you have nothing else, I will leave now." After that, Zhang Cheng shook his huge body, and the cat was ready to go through the fragile portal to Argus.

"Wait! Do you have to give up your race and humanity for strength?"

Before he put his head in first, he heard the master\'s hurried voice behind him.

"Why not? Do you think I\'m the one who took this path because of impulse or being lured? On the contrary, I took the initiative to embrace the darkness, and I also decided to abandon the narrow racial concept. If you\'re going to tell me those boring truths, or prepare to impress me with an impassioned speech, I\'m sorry, that\'s not true It may succeed. Every decision I make has been carefully considered, and I will never regret it. Goodbye, master ansrem ruinvill, thank you for your help... "

With these meaningful words, Zhang Cheng walked through the portal without hesitation.

When his huge body squeezed past, the unstable portal structure suddenly collapsed and released amazing energy.

Next second


The violent energy explosion swept the whole seal hall and blew everyone present upside down. Compared with the unlucky ones in front, they even burned their skin by the air wave generated by the explosion and fell to the ground with a pig like scream.

No one noticed that at the moment of the portal explosion, a small figure rushed out of the darkness and jumped in before the portal was closed.


Stepping on the land polluted by evil energy, Zhang Cheng took a deep breath, smiled and muttered to himself: "Energy! Ubiquitous energy! What a wonderful breath! Taking a newborn compatriot as the energy source of the Legion, Sargeras is really more cruel and ruthless than expected. But it doesn\'t matter. It\'s better for me. What do you think, my dear friend?"

"Damn it! You came to this cursed planet to study Titans?" cromi couldn\'t help gnashing his teeth and whispering curses.

"Of course! Titans are the highest level of life I can contact and understand at present. If I want to surpass them, I must naturally understand them. Don\'t you wonder what kind of life Titans can give such a powerful ability to protect the dragon?" Zhang Cheng lowered his head and stared at the dwarf Lori who is as small as an ant at his feet.

Kromi rolled his eyes angrily: "of course I\'m curious! But the problem is, you\'re so crazy! You dare to swallow the remains of the dark Titan Sargeras! To tell you the truth, I\'m surprised that you can live to this day."

"Ha ha ha! There\'s a saying that if you want anything, you must pay the corresponding price, and I\'m ready to pay any price. Well, don\'t complain, let\'s visit the fraudster Kil\'jaeden and see if he is willing to accept me as an intruder." With a laugh, Zhang Cheng bent down and carefully grabbed the dwarf Laurie and put it on his shoulder, and then walked towards the burning throne of antorus.

Because the Titan\'s body structure is different from normal life, he can\'t control it well, so it\'s obviously safer to walk than transmitting magic.