All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 870

"Damn it! How can there be so many demons here!"

"Who knows! Fortunately, I used to work in the expeditionary army and fought several fierce battles with those demons in Outland, otherwise I would be in bad luck today."

"By the way, do any of you know what happened to the tauren, orcs and trolls? Has the relationship between our alliance and the tribe changed from enemy to ally?"

"Shut up! Don\'t ask what you shouldn\'t ask! You just need to know that we are all on the same front in the face of demon invasion."


With the noise, these elite from storm city port pushed underground at a very fast speed.

In particular, the dwarf mortar team can cause great damage to the enemy with each shot. Sometimes, it can deliberately collapse the channel and temporarily block the incoming demons on the other side.

As for the tribes that accompanied them, they completely adopted a different way of fighting.

The front is opened by strong Tauren soldiers, followed by battle Orc veterans, and then followed by Troll hunters. They can fight with most of the remaining demons by hand to hand.

If the enemy is too powerful, the green skinned goblins at the back of the team will offer their elaborate powerful engineering bombs to ensure that nothing will be left after a loud noise.

As the leaders of their respective camps, the Archmage ansrem ruinviwal and the leader of the dark spear tribe wojin have long come together, quietly exchanging the information in each other\'s hands, without noticing that a pair of eyes always follow behind in the dark and watch the every move of the two teams.

"My God! The evil energy in the air is amazing! Don\'t have any accidents..." cromi, hiding in the dark, muttered nervously.

In fact, from that pillar of light, she wanted to come in and see what happened.

But as soon as they approached the entrance, they were besieged by a large number of high-level demons. They had to retreat and fight the enemy with the help of a broader space and the inherent flying ability of the dragon.

After she killed all the demons, she suddenly found that the exploration team of the alliance and tribe appeared and simply sneaked in behind.

After all, bronze dragons do not belong to the kind of guardian dragons who like to solve problems with violence. They prefer to solve problems with wisdom than fighting.

In this way, the two teams and a dragon moved quickly along the channel piled up with countless fish people and Naga\'s bodies. After a while, they came to the bottom seal.

However, when they passed through the last door and saw the huge figure standing in front of them, everyone held their breath. The timid dwarfs and goblins couldn\'t even stand up and fell on their knees with a thump.


As the life body at the top of Azeroth\'s cosmic pyramid, it has an overwhelming advantage from the moment of its birth.

Almost endless life, inherent huge energy, and the characteristics that can not be completely killed

Everything indicates that they are the darling of the universe and the God born to be worshipped by countless lives.

In front of the Titans, even powerful people like Archimonde the polluter and Kil\'jaeden the fraudster, who have the ability to call the wind and rain in the whole universe, have to kneel down and crawl in front of each other.

In the eyes of these two arida bosses, it is just a chess piece or a small toy in their spare time.

In front of the absolute life level, whether it is human or orcs who shout the slogan of "never be a slave", they have lost the desire to fight. They just stand in place and feel the great life bred by a planet.

Of course, Zhang Cheng is still far from the real Titan, but the energy inadvertently emitted is enough to make these mortals feel the shock from their hearts.

However, he did not launch an attack. Instead, he sat on the ground and said to ansrem ruinville in a slightly pondering tone: "long time no see, your excellency, Reverend Archmage, what brings you to the damaged islands?"

"Do you know me?" ansrem ruinville subconsciously frowned.

If you observe carefully, you will find that he is hidden in the hands of the broad robe, holding a transmission rune. Once you find that the situation is bad, you will definitely be the first to retreat.

This is not because of fear of death, but because someone must live to bring the news back.

"Yes! Remember? Not long ago, when Dalaran was still in ruins, a young mage joined the kenrito Council with your help. Thanks to you, I got the precious knowledge I dreamed of in Dalaran." Zhang Cheng explained carelessly while gently fiddling with the half built portal nearby.

"Is it you?!" the Archmage has always had a good memory. He immediately recalled Zhang Cheng\'s previous appearance in his mind, with an incredible expression on his face. "How could you make yourself like this!"

"Ah, I tried to devour the remains of the dark Titan Sargeras, and it happened accidentally. But don\'t worry, my reason has not been affected, and I won\'t do anything bad to the world. In fact, if you came later, you might not see me." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders, Show a smile that you think is harmless.

"Are you... Are you crazy? How dare you swallow the remains of Sargeras, the dark Titan!" ansrem ruinville was stunned and couldn\'t believe what he heard.

Zhang Cheng gently shook his head: "No, I\'m not crazy. I\'m just eager for strength and transcendence. As a mage, you should know that if you want to break the limits of mortals, you must abandon the narrow racial concept and let yourself evolve continuously. Remember the guardians of tirisfa Council? Why can they constantly hunt powerful demons? It\'s not because countless guardians have been constantly fighting since a few years ago The huge magic accumulated and tempered is poured into a person. From the time he gets that energy, the guardian has gone beyond the boundaries of his own race and become a new higher life. "

Just when the Archmage opened his mouth and wanted to say something, wokin grabbed it, followed by the active opening and asked, "are you going to leave this world?"

"Yes! I\'m not your enemy, at least not yet." Zhang Cheng glanced at the rare wise man among the trolls.

"So have you ever seen a dragon! A huge black dragon?" Walker continued.

Compared with ansrem ruinville, whose mind has begun to be confused, he is undoubtedly more sober and has not forgotten the most important purpose of his trip.

"Black dragon?" Zhang Cheng was stunned at first, followed by a strange expression, and replied meaningfully: "I am the Black Dragon..."