All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 869

Evolution usually refers to the gradual development and change of organisms from simple to complex, from low-level to high-level, and from less to more species.

However, in nature, organisms are often not more advanced and more powerful, nor do they always think about complex evolution.

On the contrary, most of the time, biological evolution, or changing itself, is only to adapt to the changes of the environment and survive better, not to develop in a higher direction.

But once this situation enters the level of intelligent life, it is another scene immediately.

Because once intelligence is high enough, life will inevitably produce all kinds of desires, coupled with the emergence of civilization and the development of productive forces, and finally, without exception, different classes will be divided among the same species.

Some people may feel that after entering modern society, class has been basically eliminated.

But in fact, class has always existed, but in a different way.

For example, from sixteenth Century to nineteenth Century, the upper class society in Europe admired white as an honorable color. In order to make their complexion look pale, they did not see the sun all day long, and covered their faces with heavy metals and arsenic trioxide.

After all, at that time, those who engaged in manual labor basically had to bear the wind and sun every day, so their skin would inevitably turn black and rough.

When we enter the 21st century, the aesthetics of upper class society suddenly changes from "whitening" to "black". Especially white women with a little money want to take more sunbathing to make their skin look a little darker.

The reason is very simple. With more and more people working indoors, "whitening" has been unable to make the upper class distinguish themselves from those low-income groups from their appearance, so "meihei", which requires a lot of time and money, has naturally become a substitute.

In addition, expensive food, clothing, shoes, cars, houses, private clubs with membership system, as well as secret small circles one after another, are the yardstick used to distinguish classes in modern society.

In order to improve their class, intelligent creatures will do everything possible. Some races will try their best to improve their intelligence and make themselves smarter. Others will comprehensively improve their physical quality and gain recognition with a stronger posture than their peers.

In short, in this process, whether it is to improve intelligence or physical quality, it is essentially a slow evolution.

But the problem is that this slow evolution obviously can not satisfy Zhang Cheng, so he made a dangerous and crazy decision, that is, to integrate the genes of higher-level life and speed up the pace of evolution by swallowing each other.

At the beginning, the plan went very smoothly. No matter whether it was to strengthen and replace their own brain cells with mind snatcher brain cells, or later devour the body of the divine dragon, there was no big trouble.

The problem is, now all his good luck seems to have been used up.

Sargeras\'s residual Titan essence in this abandoned body is more aggressive than the genes of any creature he has encountered before, and even the divinity is constantly being assimilated.

If there is no accident, in an hour or two at most, he will become a trumpet dark Titan, a puppet without subjective consciousness and thinking, and the whole person is immersed in killing, destruction and destruction.

"Put it together! I must put the dismembered Sargeras together! Then establish a complete seal in the body, at least protect the brain and the rest, and never let the whole body be assimilated..."

Zhang Cheng, who has long lost his human form, is now like a pool of rotten meat without bones, constantly wriggling, building protection with a broken body, and blocking the eroding Titan essence in the left half of his body.

Obviously, these unknown metals were originally made by the Titans to prevent their core from being exposed, so they can naturally defend against these unknown spots.

When the central axis of the whole body was completely divided into two by a gray brown metal partition, he struggled to spit out the excess part and restore the right half of the body to its original state.

At this moment, he is no longer the human who is less than two meters tall, but a giant who is more than hundreds of meters tall, half of his body has been completely metallized, and the other half of his body remains in physical form.

Feeling the endless evil energy and power in his body, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help but sigh with a bitter smile: "is this a tiny part of the power of the dark Titan? Unbelievable! It almost killed me!"

"Master, how are you feeling now?" a trace of concern was revealed in the tone of the supreme authority.

"How to say, in a strict sense, I have now changed from the master of the body to the controller. A simple explanation is that I can only control the part of the body, and the titanized part can control at most, but can not transform the form. In addition, in terms of energy level, this body has completely exceeded the limit of mortals. Now even if I hook my fingers, I can release destruction Zhang Cheng raised his left hand and suddenly released a green evil energy fire.

Compared with ordinary evil energy fire, the energy contained in it can hardly be described in words. As soon as it is thrown, there is a large hole hundreds of meters deep in the wall.

"Wow! This destructive power is incomparable! With all due respect, maybe you can consider giving up the energy of other attributes and completely integrating yourself with evil energy. In my opinion, there is no energy comparable to evil energy in terms of power." the supreme authority uttered an exclamation and gave a suggestion.

Zhang Cheng shook his head without even thinking about it: "no! No! Evil energy is an extreme energy! Maybe it has excellent destructive power, but it also has its shortcomings. Don\'t forget, my goal is to surpass, not destroy."

"What shall we do now? I\'m afraid you can\'t go back for the time being."

"Go back? Why should I go back! Don\'t you think we should use our current state to go to Argus, one of the strongholds of the Burning Legion?"

"Go to Argus?!" the supreme authority was obviously surprised.

"That\'s right! Join the Legion and get more taboo knowledge, especially about Titans. Don\'t forget, there is a newborn Titan there. Maybe I can do some small experiments on him..."

While Zhang Cheng was talking, a deafening roar suddenly broke out in the tunnel leading to the outside world, followed by the sound of fighting and shouting.

"It seems that there are guests coming. What are you going to do with them? You know, in your present situation, it will probably be regarded as Sargeras\'s rebirth." the tone of the supreme authority was full of schadenfreude.