All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 868

"Hey! Kara! What are you doing here? Why don\'t you come and have a drink with us and talk about your legendary experience?" a kaolin Tauren soldier raised his strong arm and waved with a smile.

Although they were not prepared for the arrival of these cousins, the simple kaolin Tauren showed the last friendly side.

After all, in terms of blood relationship, they are not very different from the Tauren of thunder cliff, and there are no contradictions in history. On the contrary, they have fought side by side.

"Legend? I don\'t think it\'s a legendary experience." Kara Haijiao reluctantly stood up, took the cup full of homemade wine from each other\'s hand, raised her head and drank it.

For the pirate born, he can\'t resist the temptation of alcohol at all. No matter how hard the wine is, as long as it contains a certain amount of alcohol, he will drink it without hesitation and leave no drop.

"Why? You know, you are the only Minotaur mage known at present. Before that, our companions could not perceive the existence of arcane, let alone use it. By the way, I heard that learning arcane requires a very smart mind, isn\'t it?" another young heifer followed with curiosity.

"Haha! That\'s right! If you want to learn magic, you can\'t do it without a smart brain. However, intelligence alone is not enough. You also need devil like training. You know? The human who teaches me magic knowledge is really a devil. He not only forces me to overload training every day, but also makes me do some special dangerous actions to strengthen my control. If I made a mistake at that time. I\'m afraid I\'ve already been broken to pieces. "

After that, Carla Haijiao handed the empty cup to the other party to fill it up.

In fact, he didn\'t quite understand why Zhang Cheng chose himself at the beginning, let alone why he let himself return to his compatriots later.

Just when the curious calves wanted to ask this and that, there was a violent shaking on the ground under their feet, followed by a loud sound echoing over the broken islands.


With the dazzling green, a frightening evil energy light column rose from the ground and tore the whole sky!

"This... What\'s going on!" a soldier from thunder cliff quickly got up and stared at the terrible scene in the distance.

"It\'s evil energy! Here are the demons of the Burning Legion?" warkington, the leader of the dark spear tribe in charge of leading the team, narrowed his eyes and released an amazing gas field all over.

As Sal\'s most trusted right-hand man, he has heard the evil and power of the Burning Legion more than once.

"There should be a broken beach! According to legend, there seems to be a powerful demon sealed there." the kaolin Tauren quickly stood up and explained.

"We must go and have a look! Inform the airship captain immediately and let him prepare for launch immediately. Kara Cape, it\'s up to you this time." wokin issued the attack order without thinking.

Maybe others don\'t know the real purpose of this trip, but he won\'t forget, that is to find out who the huge black dragon is and what he intends to do to the world.


On the other side, the alliance in the storm Bay camp undoubtedly saw the evil energy light column rising into the sky.

Archmage ansrem ruinville narrowed his eyes and silently felt the amazing energy contained in it. Without looking back, he said to the old captain around him, "this is the evil energy used by the demons of the Burning Legion! We must go and have a look. Let everyone board the ship immediately and get ready for the first-class battle."

"I see!" the latter nodded immediately, turned and shouted at the top of his voice, "everyone aboard! Hurry up!"

Watching the soldiers, sailors, mages and dwarf Gunners return to the warship in an orderly boat, ansrem ruinvill took a deep breath and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "is there something wrong with the seal set by Magna aegwen? That\'s the worst situation!"

Maybe outsiders don\'t know what\'s on the broken islands, but as a wizard of Dalaran kenrito\'s six member parliament, how could he not know.

After all, the background of the birth of tirisfa Council was that Dharan mages\' study of arcane power attracted the attention of the demons of the Burning Legion. Therefore, the high elves signed an agreement with the human Magic Kingdom and finally decided to select the most talented people from mortals as guardians to hunt down and kill the demons invading Azeroth.

But knowing whether to come up with a solution is another matter.

The Archmage felt that the only thing he could do now was to confirm the situation first.

If the seal is torn and the remains of the dark Titan Sargeras climb out of it, he will definitely return to Dalaran for the first time, inform the six member parliament, alliance, tribe and guardian dragon of the news, unite all forces that can be united, and prepare for another invasion of the devil.


"Ah!!!!! Falk! The materials left by these Titans are eroding and transforming my cells!" Zhang Cheng, who hid in the deepest part of the seal, completely didn\'t know how much noise he had made, and forced himself to endure the pain that can\'t be described in any language.

At present, his left body is still completely broken, just like Sargeras\'s body, developing from flesh and blood to metal.

The green evil energy light column is ejected from the heart.

"Calm down! Master! You must concentrate! Pour all your spirit and will into those mysterious spots! Otherwise, in half an hour at most, you will be completely assimilated and become another kind of life, a monster that is neither Titan nor mortal. There is no thought, no will, no self, and the only impulse of destruction from instinct "The supreme authority spoke loudly and quickly.

Needless to say, in the crazy dismemberment process, Zhang Cheng finally found a little material very close to the light mass at the top of the tower, and tried to implant it into his body to see if he could swallow it and make it a part of his body.

Interestingly, the energy and life level of these light groups are too high. As soon as they enter the body, they begin to plunder, absorb and assimilate cells.

In front of them, the immune system and protective magic have all lost their function.

No matter what kind of energy, it will be decomposed, transformed and absorbed in just a few seconds, and finally become boiling evil energy.

"Shut up! It\'s easy for you to say! How can I concentrate now?" Zhang Cheng turned his eyes angrily while trying to endure the pain from the end of the nerve. His whole body was almost soaked with sweat.

You know, this is his first sweat since he swallowed the dragon\'s body and completed the evolution of life form.

Seeing more and more parts of his body transformed, he finally gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, raised his right hand that had not been transformed, turned the whole right half of his body into a big mouth, and swallowed the remains of the dark Titan.