All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 867

The tomb of Sargeras was originally the temple used by night elves to worship Elune, the God of the moon in ancient times.

However, due to the explosion of the well of eternity, the location of the temple was torn from the mainland and became part of the broken islands.

Later, Magna Aegwynn, the guardian of the tirisfa Council and the most powerful human mage in history, successfully defeated Sargeras, the dark Titan who invaded Azeroth, and sealed his left body in the deepest part under the temple.

Obviously, she hoped that the body with amazing evil energy would sleep in the seal forever and never wake up.

But unfortunately, as a saying goes, as long as it is a strong force, there will be a steady stream of people to pursue.

Hundreds of years later, Gul\'dan, a powerful warlock from another world, found the tomb and tried to obtain the nearly infinite power of the dark Titan. As a result, it was torn to pieces by the hidden demons inside.

Shortly after that, Illidan Stormrage led his men to successfully land on the broken islands, took the eye of Sargeras from the tomb, and played a love hate chase with his prison guard Maiev Yingge.

It can be said that the remains of Sargeras, the dark Titan, are like a huge magnet, constantly attracting aspirants and mortals eager for power.

Today, as one of these people, Zhang Cheng also passed the customs all the way and stood next to this huge body.

Because the fraudster has not torn the barrier for the time being, the remains have not been resurrected. They just lie quietly on the ground and do not move, just as they were defeated in those years.

Driven by strong curiosity, he bent down and carefully examined the taupe metal skin and the amazing green evil energy around the skin cracks. Finally, he couldn\'t help but say to himself: "Sure enough, just like the legend, it is not flesh and blood at all, but closer to a mechanical life formed by the combination of energy and metal. Or should we put it another way, the Titans just regard these bodies as bodies. Even if they are destroyed, they can still escape safely as the noumenon of spirit and consciousness?"

After all, except for those star souls that have not yet awakened, almost no Titan who awakened his independent consciousness has been killed in a real sense.

Even Argus, who was eroded by evil energy, was only purified and returned to the Titan pantheon.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Cheng immediately launched the long-awaited research after confirming that Sargeras\'s remains were not in any danger for the time being.

First, he needs to reduce the total amount of evil energy in the metal body to prevent violent explosion in the next anatomical process.

Secondly, he also needs a sharp enough scalpel to cut at least the unknown but extremely strong metal skin, muscles and bones.

Finally, the most important thing is to find the most essential traces of Titan life in the remains.

Just do it!

With the help of the supreme authority, Zhang Cheng almost drained the huge evil energy left in Sargeras\'s remains in just a dozen hours.

It has to be said that in terms of energy level, Titan absolutely crushed all known life bodies.

Just when he was excited to start dissecting the interior, he encountered a huge problem, that is, these seemingly insignificant metal skin covering the body surface are too hard and tenacious to be cut by ordinary magic weapons.

Not to mention cutting, there are not many scratches on it.

"Damn it! I knew it wasn\'t that easy..."

Looking at the high-level enchanted dagger broken into two sections in his hand, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help complaining in a low voice.

But calm down and think about it. If Titan\'s body is so vulnerable, they are not qualified to be called the most powerful species in the universe.

In desperation, he had to take out the cylinder from the woman who claimed to be the creator, inject a lot of magic energy, and change its shape into a sharp long sword.

This time, the sword tip didn\'t encounter any obstacles and directly stabbed in. It not only cut open the skin composed of unknown metal, but also exposed the complex internal structure inside.



Metal skeleton!

Exquisite metal muscles and viscera!

Even the nerve conduction system is some light spots that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye!

There is no doubt that this is definitely not a body structure that can be produced by normal natural evolution, but a body created by technology.

Maybe the so-called Titans just want to manipulate the mecha, project their consciousness into the body, and use these bodies to wander around the universe and do what they want to do.


I need evidence of the nature of Titan\'s life!

While frantically dismembering the body left by Sargeras, Zhang Cheng roared in his heart.

Although the value contained in the body itself is enough to make many people crazy, for him, only what improves the essence of life is the real purpose of his trip.


At the bottom of the underground seal, someone was covered with green blood containing evil energy and fell into a semi crazy state. From the north of the broken islands to Gaoling, a group of Tauren from thunder cliff were contacting their cousin Gaoling Tauren and preparing to bring them into the tribal camp.

However, among the five big and three thick tauren, there is an alien wearing a long pink skirt and holding a huge staff like a hammer.

He was no one else, but Kara Cape, who used to work for the goblin consortium in treasure Bay and was later taken away by Zhang Cheng and trained for a period of time, was the first Tauren mage in Azeroth\'s history.

Although after returning to the ethnic group, he was personally received by Kane Bloodhoof and allowed him to recruit apprentices at Thunder cliff to teach his compatriots arcane and magic skills.

But for most tauren, warriors are their first choice, followed by hunters, druids and shaman priests.

As for the mage

Well, if you look at Kara Cape\'s strange dress, you know it can\'t attract Tauren with simple and honest appearance and wild heart, even heifers.

Of course, every bad side has a good side.

As the only one who studies arcane and magic in thunder cliff, Tauren people will think of him at the first time once they encounter similar problems.

No, as soon as the great chief Sal issued the convening order, Kane Bloodhoof sent him to join the uncertain exploration team.

"Hey, why am I reduced to this field?" Kara Haijiao, sitting alone in the corner, dug her nose and shook her head with a sigh.

Compared with his current miserable life, he missed the days when he worked for the rich in the treasure Bay. Even when he closed his eyes, he would think of standing at the highest place of the treasure Bay, raising his glass, cheering and drinking strong rum.