All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 866

Cromi stood still for ten minutes, neither speaking nor doing anything, as if the whole dragon had fallen into a state of time stillness.

Obviously, she was digesting what she had just said in Azeroth, which could almost be called "shocking the world and the common people".

We should know that limited by the natural limitations of vision, knowledge and cultural environment, most intelligent lives cannot jump out of the ceiling of their own civilization.

This root has nothing to do with intelligence, but just a cognitive dislocation.

However, if an outsider breaks the ceiling, the smart people among them will soon notice the common sense or phenomenon that they have ignored before.

There is no doubt that cromi is such a smart man, or smart dragon.

Although she often pretends to be cute and deceives adventurers who don\'t know the truth to run errands and work for herself, in fact, this Bronze Dragon is very smart and knows how to guess other people\'s psychological activities and make use of them.

Seeing that it might take some time for the other party, Zhang Cheng turned his eyes to Naga standing shivering aside and asked, "how\'s it going? Has the tomb been dug?"

"Yes, the great black dragon, we paid the price of 150 people and dug the last place to collapse for you." dasqi hurried forward and replied.

When she spoke, she did not forget to look at the Bronze Dragon standing in place with the remaining light from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes showed strong curiosity.

In Azeroth, anyone who is not a fool knows that with the Black Dragon King nesario becoming the wing of death, the whole black dragon group will inevitably degenerate. Coupled with the heavy casualties caused by the betrayal in that year, once the other four-color Guardian dragons encounter the black dragon, they will probably break out an endless battle.

But now, a black dragon and a Bronze Dragon face each other, but they didn\'t fight, which is beyond Naga\'s inherent cognition.

"Oh? Got through! Good. I\'m very satisfied with the progress of the grudge tribe. Now, you and your men are free." Zhang Cheng generously fulfilled his promise.

After all, in his eyes, these nagas have no other use value except being coolies.

"Thank you for your generosity and kindness. If there are no other orders, I\'ll take my people away." duston was excited when he heard the word "freedom".

You know, these days, she has been living in fear of seeing her people burned to ashes by the deadly dragon breath.


Seeing the nagas disappear into the deep sea like running for their lives, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help raising the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a funny smile, and asked without raising his head: "dear cromi, how are you thinking?"

"I... I don\'t know. Your theory is too complex for me to prove." the Bronze Dragon shook his head in chagrin.

"Hehe, have you ever thought about leaving Azeroth and the shackles of the Bronze Dragon Legion to see you in another world?" Zhang Cheng continued to tempt with a devil like voice.

"Like Onyxia?" cromi\'s eyes showed a trace of curiosity.

Because she has long found that the Black Dragon Princess has completely disappeared from the world, and there is no sign of her existence.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "yes! Maybe you don\'t know. She is very comfortable now. She not only has unimaginable huge wealth, but also becomes a member of the upper class society, and can even affect the politics of the world\'s strongest country."

"What... What? You allow her to participate in politics!" although cromi is in the form of a giant dragon at present, he screamed harshly for some reason.

"Why not? As long as she doesn\'t casually expose her true identity and doesn\'t want to destroy the whole world, I don\'t care what she does. Oh, I almost forgot that Onyxia married an old man, but she became a widow not long after marriage." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"My God! Marry a black dragon? Are people in your world crazy?" cromi, who had lived for unknown years, began to tremble and couldn\'t believe what he heard.

"Why not? You have to admit that Onyxia was very beautiful and full of a different kind of charm when she became human. Ah, sorry, I almost forgot, you always like to become a lovely dwarf, and you may not understand the attraction of mature women to men." Zhang Cheng joked with an open mouth.

After all, most of the guardians of dragons either become night elves or high elves. If they don\'t help, they will also become humans and dwarfs. This is the only scorpion shit.

"Damn it! Are you laughing at me?" cromi, obviously irritated, stepped forward and roared, a little angry.

"No, of course not. I\'m just trying to show you that it\'s not a big deal to go to another world. Guys like Onyxia can adapt, and there\'s no reason why you can\'t adapt when you\'re more cheerful. Come on, join us. I promise you will feel unprecedented happiness and freedom when you lose your responsibilities and constraints."

With that, Zhang Cheng lifted the dragon form and slowly became human.

"Abandon responsibility..." cromi muttered in a low voice, looking as if he was moved.

But after a few minutes, she immediately asked in an uncertain tone, "what will the world look like if I leave?"

"Infinite possibilities! Because there is no fixed timeline or correct history, you never know what will happen in the next second. Real life and adventure should be like this, don\'t you think so?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

"I... I need some time to think about it."

"Yes! I\'m going to explore the tomb of Sargeras now. You still have time before I come back. Remember, don\'t let other bronze dragons know what I just told you, otherwise I don\'t guarantee what will happen."

Aware of cromi\'s inner struggle, Zhang Cheng was not in a hurry and walked towards the entrance of the excavated tomb.

Although he has always been very interested in the blood of bronze dragons, he wants to abduct one and go back for research. By the way, he can see if he can lay some mixed blood dragon eggs and further improve the genes of mixed blood dragons.

Since many young dragons died on the battlefield during the decisive battle of conquering hell, he urgently needs to re-establish a dragon army with more numbers, stronger strength and faster growth.

Of course, these plans will not let cromi know, at least until the abduction is successful, she will never know even a little.

Poor cromi didn\'t know that she had been watched. She was still afraid to think hard in place. Whether to abandon her responsibility and follow the example of Princess black dragon to enjoy life in another world.