All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 865

Watching all kinds of energy that should have been opposed and conflicting with each other show up one after another, cromi subconsciously opened his mouth and seemed a little unable to believe what his eyes saw.

You know, in her inherent cognition, even the blue dragon, who has the most magical talent among the guardian dragons, can\'t control so many kinds of energy at the same time. Most of them just have an inherent affinity for arcane magic.

After several minutes, she couldn\'t help asking, "how did you do it?"

"It\'s very simple! Rich knowledge and bold attempts. You know? In my opinion, Azeroth is a unique world. The residents living here can feel abundant magical energy from the moment they are born, and these energy will seep into every cell in the body and even the soul bit by bit with diet, exercise, breathing and growth. But Unfortunately, due to some narrow ideas, most ethnic leaders, including the night elves, mistakenly regard magic as the source of demons and disasters. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng deliberately paused, and a sarcastic expression appeared on his face.

In his eyes, after the end of the ancient war, both Malfurion Stormrage, the leader of the Druids, and Tyrande Whisperwind, the religious leader of the night elves, actually did the stupidest thing, that is, ignored the arcane system created by the upper elves over the years, and did not hesitate to exile all arcane spell casters and researchers, It directly led to the birth of the high elf kingdom.

This approach is basically equivalent to cutting across the board, regardless of good or bad, and blaming the black pot of the invasion of the Burning Legion on on the arcane energy.

Of course, the two leaders may have done it deliberately, perhaps out of hatred for the monopoly of power and resources by the upper elves, or out of political considerations.

After all, Malfurion was the standard grassroots at the beginning, and the Druid sect only spread among some lower class people at that time, while the upper elves headed by Isala were really in the ruling class, so it was natural to drive away all the enemies riding on their heads after they were in power, otherwise they might threaten their status in the future, It\'s like that after any new regime comes to power through a military coup, the first thing to do is not to restore social stability, but to start a great purge and drive all the supporters of the old regime out of the center of state rights.

As for political considerations, it is probably to calm the anger of the lower class and prevent a civil war between the night elves.

You should know that although the upper elves suffered heavy losses, they still retained a complete magic system and a large number of skilled spell casters. At that time, the people at the bottom suffered heavy losses due to the invasion of the Burning Legion, and vented all their anger on the upper elves who attracted the demons of the Burning Legion. The contradiction between the two sides was like dry firewood and fire. As long as a little spark could trigger a tragic bloody conflict.

As a person embracing darkness, Zhang Cheng never mind thinking about other people\'s hearts from the worst angle, especially the darkest, dirtiest and most distorted politics.

The most typical example is that after eradicating the arcane system from its roots, druids have developed rapidly. In just a few hundred years, they have changed from almost "unknown" to the two largest forces within the night elves.

Because most of the elves with spell casting talent have no choice at all. They can only accept the so-called "natural gifts". They can\'t extricate themselves from their emerald dreams like taking drugs all day.

In addition, others, such as humans, orcs, dwarves, etc., are not much different. Some prohibit the study of psychic magic related to death, and others prohibit the study of warlocks\' evil powers and shadows

In short, the whole Azeroth can\'t find a few people who can look at different attributes of energy from a relatively objective standpoint. Instead, they artificially label them as just, neutral and evil.

"What are you trying to say?" cromi shook his head impatiently.

Although among the many Guardian dragons, her size is not small, but compared with the black dragon of more than 100 meters, she can only be regarded as a Lori dragon at most. She has to raise her head to see each other\'s eyes every time she talks.

This feeling made her very uncomfortable, so she became grumpy.

"What I want to say is that you don\'t have to abide by the old rules of the Bronze Dragon. Remember the invitation I sent you when we last met? It\'s still valid! In addition, I need to remind you that time is not an uninterrupted line or a flowing river as you think. On the contrary, it\'s closer to a river Line, a line that runs through countless parallel worlds, and your Bronze Dragon only has the right to manage part of the time of parallel worlds, and the past and future you see are only a part of Azeroth in countless parallel universes. "Zhang Cheng said some secrets about this world with profound meaning.

"You mean... The timeline I supervise is not a world, but a series of countless parallel worlds?" cromi\'s pupils suddenly contracted.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "That\'s right! For example, do you remember what you did in the cave of time? If you entered a coherent timeline, why don\'t Sal, the current chief of the tribe, remember those adventurers who helped him? Not to mention Medivh, who has been controlled by the dark Titan sagras, don\'t tell me he can\'t see through your ridiculous tricks. Dear Crowe Mi, what the Bronze Dragon obtains is not the power to control time, but the power to shuttle through one parallel world after another. The past and future you see are only the possibilities of countless parallel worlds. "

"As you say, even if I don\'t do anything, the world is still running on the designated track?" cromi stared in disbelief, with a look of horror on his face.

"No, no, no, there is something wrong with your understanding. As I said, the universe is not just in a three-dimensional space as can be observed by the naked eye. It also has a broader space that we can\'t see, especially the countless parallel space. You can understand that when Azeroth produces an unpredictable variable, it will have two or more There are many parallel worlds with different results. The so-called time is actually the process in which various variables of different sizes produce results. The universe is infinitely vast and has endless possibilities. Therefore, no matter what happens in the world, even if it is destroyed, it is all included. "

After that, Zhang Cheng gently waved his paw and motioned the nagas who came from Sargeras\'s tomb to step aside and don\'t disturb the conversation between himself and cromi for the time being.