All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 864

Twenty hours say long or not, and it keeps saying short

When the alliance landed and established a stronghold in storm Bay, another rough airship also crossed the sea and reached the highest altitude area - Gaoling, and made contact with the local aborigines, Gaoling Tauren and stone troll.

And I don\'t know why, instead of rushing to the broken beach, both sides began to establish bases in an orderly manner.

Of course, they don\'t know that their every move is under the knowledge of others.

"Interesting! Why did these guys suddenly come to the broken islands? Did something happen that I didn\'t know?" Zhang Cheng stared at the picture from the crystal ball with great interest, completely unaware that he was the so-called "reason".

In Azeroth, no one dares to ignore the terrible destructive power brought by the black dragons.

You know, when the Titan left, he gave the Black Dragon King nesario the power of the earth. He could easily tear the earth\'s crust, trigger violent earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, and turn the plain into mountains and mountains into lakes.

For the intelligent life that has established a fragile civilization, this destructive power can almost be said to be fatal.

Just when Zhang Cheng was going to change back to human form, go to the alliance and tribal territory, and fill in each other\'s purpose, he suddenly felt something staring at him behind him.

"Who? Who\'s there!" he raised his huge head and looked around.

But unfortunately, there is no ghost except the beach and reef.




It is someone who hides himself with the help of some powerful supernatural force!

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng suddenly remembered that in this world, there is a kind of guardian dragon who likes to hide in the flow of time all day to spy on the past, present and future, so he did not hesitate to release a famous top magic in Fallon - time stop.


Everything around seems to have lost its color and entered the black-and-white world.

Animals, plants, waves, wind

It\'s all fixed at the moment when the spell starts!

Of course, time stillness does not really stop time, but allows the caster to enter a super time flow.

In short, the flow rate is thousands of times faster than the normal time, so it looks as if everything around is stationary.

Through the sudden change of time flow rate, he hardly had any effort, and found a short female dwarf with white hair peeping in the crevice of different time flow rates.

She is no one else, but the Bronze Dragon kromi, who has not appeared for a long time.

"Ah! I got you!"

No hesitation!

Zhang Cheng directly raised his front paw and pulled the little thing out. He was still on the nearby beach.

Next second

The time flow rate directly returned to normal, and the Bronze Dragon who liked to sell cute and tender also rolled for a long time under the action of great inertia, and then got up and spit out the sand in his mouth.

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Damn it! You... You can control time?"

"Long time no see, dear friend. Could you please tell me when you formed the bad habit of peeping in the flow of time?" Zhang Cheng greeted with a smile, and secretly raised his vigilance, ready to deal with the Bronze Dragon King nozdom and his dragon Legion at any time.

"Asshole! It\'s not because of you!" cromi roared, staring at two big round eyes.

"Because of me?" Zhang Cheng felt a little innocent.

Although he had secretly made up his mind, once he found a way to devour the soul of Azeroth, 100% would put it into practical action.

As for whether the planet will die and the creatures living on the planet will not be destroyed, he doesn\'t care.

But the problem is that these are just plans in mind, and no one knows.

And at the first meeting, the other party said that he did not belong to the world, so unless he came, he could not be found on any timeline.

This means that as long as he has not done anything, it will not appear at the time node in the future.

Kromi rolled his eyes angrily: "yes! Because of your appearance, the timeline I manage is becoming more and more blurred, and even began to exclude me as a manager. In addition, when did you turn yourself into a black dragon? I seem to smell the smell of death wing from you."

"It was a small accident. Maybe you won\'t believe it. I couldn\'t help but become like this after swallowing nesario\'s tears." Zhang Cheng rarely told the truth without lying.

Because with the power he now has, he no longer needs to cheat this relatively low-level means.

"Tears of nesario?! you\'re crazy! No! No! You\'re not crazy! At least not yet!" cromi opened his mouth in surprise and looked into the eyes of the black dragon in front of him.

As a Bronze Dragon, she can easily distinguish what is the real reason and what is the madman corrupted by the ancient god.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "yes, of course I\'m not crazy. I just want to see the body abandoned by the dark Titan Sargeras and feel what the most powerful life in the universe looks like."

"No! You can\'t enter the tomb!" cromi stepped back a little and suddenly turned into a dragon.

"Why can\'t you enter?" instead of turning his face in a hurry, Zhang Cheng frowned and showed a thoughtful expression.

"There are many terrible things hidden in the depths of the tomb! Especially the pure evil energy emitted by the remains of the dark Titan will pollute all life close to it." cromi issued a righteous warning.

"Evil energy? Do you mean this?" Zhang Cheng smiled, raised his front paw and directly released a large pure evil energy flame.

Surprised, cromi quickly retreated, avoided the amazing high temperature emitted by the evil energy flame, and shouted: "it\'s evil energy? You joined the Burning Legion!"

"Those who can use evil energy must be the Burning Legion?" Zhang Cheng sneered and shook his head. "Please don\'t be so narrow-minded, my friend. Evil energy is just an energy. Like all other energies, it is just a tool that can make myself stronger. I not only master evil energy, but also master the energy of different attributes such as shadow, holy light, death, arcane, nature and so on. So I didn\'t join the Burning Legion, but I took myself from the Burning Legion What you want, that\'s all. "