All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 863


With a loud noise, a newly excavated channel in the tomb collapsed again, seriously wounding the three unlucky fishmen responsible for exploration and burying them alive.

"Hey... How many living fishmen do we have?" Darth Qi sighed helplessly.

Since officially entering the complex tomb * * Department, the deaths and injuries of the excavation team have become more and more serious day by day. At the peak, more than 200 fishmen died in an afternoon, plus more than a dozen Naga supervisors.

In order to make up for the losses, almost all the fishmen in the surrounding areas of the broken islands were caught as slaves and cannon fodder. At present, there is almost no trace of fishmen on the whole coastline.

Not to mention the fish man, even the sea giant didn\'t escape. They were all incorporated into the dare to die brigade and almost leveled all the traps and monsters along the way.

"Madam, we have less than 80 fishmen left." a male Naga soldier nearby gave the answer with a sad face.

There\'s no way not to frown!

You know, when all the other cannon fodder is dead, it\'s Naga\'s turn to take the rest.

He saw with his own eyes how the terrible black dragon slaughtered the sea giant who refused to work, so he had no hope for the so-called "kindness".

Because anyone who is not a fool can clearly feel the complete contempt for life.

"Eighty? Damn it! We have to dig hundreds of meters forward at least. How can a mere eighty be enough." Darth Qi cursed in a low voice with gnashing teeth, and desperately thought about what creatures on the broken islands could catch the top bag.

Unfortunately, the broken islands are so large that most of them are marine and terrestrial organisms, and fewer are able to dig this kind of work.

In particular, the poor fish man of the broken fin tribe has basically killed the family. It is estimated that he will die completely before the project is completed.

Just when the two Naga executives didn\'t know how to avoid their own casualties, Zhang Cheng, lying close beside the broken beach, suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the place where the sea and sky met in the distance.

I saw the original blue sky, I do not know when a large number of black clouds gathered, and dazzling lightning continued to wreak havoc on the sea like a silver snake.

There is no doubt that this is definitely not a natural phenomenon or the energy emitted by the vortex, but someone is casting magic and super large-scale powerful killing spells.

However, the raging lightning storm came and went quickly.

In less than five minutes, the dark clouds began to dissipate slowly, revealing a strange warship.

The reason why it is strange is that it is not like the ordinary sail warship of Azeroth. It sets up a tall mast and uses the wind as the power.

On the contrary, the ship is equipped with a thick and large chimney, which is closer to the ancient steam ship that appeared in the late 19th century.

But the steam ship is powered by burning coal. The chimney emits black smoke from coal combustion, while the ship emits white steam. It seems that it doesn\'t burn coal.

In addition, on the outside of the huge chimney, the Golden Lion symbolizing the alliance and the Violet Eye symbolizing Dalaran are printed at the same time.

"Human sailors, dwarf engineers, dharran mages, dwarf Gunners... The composition of the team is really a little complicated. But at this time, they suddenly came to the broken islands. What\'s the purpose?" Zhang Cheng raised a claw and muttered with his chin.

Through remote observation of magic, he could clearly see the composition of the people on the deck.

Among them, the dwarf, who is only as tall as a normal human, is short and clever. He always runs around all kinds of strange machines, squatting down and fiddling with something from time to time.

Needless to say, this Steampunk style warship is 100% their masterpiece.

More interestingly, instead of going straight to the broken beach, the warship made a big circle towards the location of storm Bay.

After all, strictly speaking, it is the only place suitable for large ships in the whole broken islands.

The remaining area is either covered with reefs or close to cliffs, which is not suitable for large ships.

The appearance of strange ships naturally cannot fail to attract the attention of nagas.

Darth Qi rushed back from the excavation site for the first time and asked in an uncertain tone, "the great black dragon, what are you going to do with those outsiders? Can I arrest them as slaves?"

"Slave? No, don\'t do anything stupid. I promise, if you dare to approach rashly, you will be attacked crazily." Zhang Cheng joked with a smile.

He was not blind. At a glance, he saw the Archmage standing at the top of the deck - ansrem ruinville.

With such a strong leader, even if the Naga of the whole broken islands join together, they may not be able to board the deck of the strange ship.

What\'s more, although dwarf engineers are not as dangerous as goblin engineers, they often make amazing explosives, but they are not vegetarian.

The black cannons on both sides of the ship\'s side are also not furnishings. One salvo can cause extremely objective destructive power and damage.

"What do you mean..."

"I mean, before they reach the broken beach, dig a tunnel deep in the grave. If they can\'t, I\'ll make you and your tribe disappear from the world forever, okay?"

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng stared at the two beast like vertical pupils and released an amazing momentum all over, so that little Naga couldn\'t hold it for a second and directly prostrated on the ground and trembled constantly.

Dazqi held back the fear in her heart, struggled to raise her head and argued, "this... This will cause heavy losses to the resentment tribe! You promised me not to let my people die."

"No, I promised that you and your tribe would not have to die on the premise of ensuring the excavation progress. That\'s all. But now it seems that you haven\'t been able to complete the task well. The original four-day construction period has been more than doubled. It\'s very kind that I didn\'t trouble you before. Don\'t try to provoke my bottom line. You know that in my eyes, you are There is no essential difference from those Fishman slaves. "

With these words, Zhang Cheng whipped his wings, lifted a strong air flow and directly blew the female Naga out.

The latter rolled continuously along the beach for more than 30 meters. Only then did he barely stabilize his body and forced himself to get up and run to the depths of the tomb.

Soon, Naga at the whole excavation site was like crazy, completely ignoring casualties, directly sent out the only remaining Mermaid slaves, and even the supervisor himself.

For a moment, explosions, screams, hisses and all kinds of strange sounds came from Sargeras\'s tomb.

Under the threat of death, the grudge tribe broke out with unprecedented executive power for fear of being attacked by the cruel and evil black dragon