All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 862

"Ms. daski, do we really want to serve the black dragon like those humble fishmen?" Naga, a male who kept digging soil and gravel with a ship anchor, asked carefully.

Naga, a woman called Ms. daski, sighed helplessly and replied, "do we have any other choice? The weak obey the strong, which is the law that the whole world must follow. We can\'t resist, so we must work honestly."

"Damn it! I hate to be a slave!" male Naga spit fiercely, followed by venting desperately digging the earth, as if to release the pent up anger in her heart.

"No! We are not slaves, at least not compared with those stupid fishmen." dasky turned and glanced at the fishman whipped by the orc warlock supervisor.

It has to be said that these robbers with low intelligence and ideas of getting something for nothing are living a life better than death.


Zhang Cheng has long been so crazy that he doesn\'t care about human life or death. Where can he care about just a fish man tribe.

These poor guys not only have to work day and night, but also can only eat one meal a day, and the food is the broth made of shells, crabs and tired fish people everywhere on the coast.

Normally, in such a case of cannibalism, other intelligent races may have started a riot long ago, or secretly fled in private.

But what about the fish man?

They have no opinion at all about this. They even eat very delicious. They can\'t see the rabbit death and fox sorrow caused by "cannibalism".

Male Naga seemed to think of the "disorderly stew" cooked with large shells. He immediately felt a surge in his stomach and rolled his eyes with disgust: "please, madam! Don\'t mention those annoying fish people in front of me. They simply don\'t deserve to be called intelligent creatures."

"But don\'t forget, in the eyes of the dragon, we are no different from the fish man. It\'s just that we are more valuable, so we get relatively good treatment. If our performance can\'t satisfy him, do you think our end will be different from the fish man?" Darth Qi showed a dignified expression on his face. "No! It won\'t make any difference. He is a tyrant, a real tyrant, so in order not to die too miserably, you\'d better shut up and work honestly."

"Sorry, madam, I apologize for my recklessness. I swear, from now on, you will never hear a complaint in my mouth." after that, the male Naga said nothing and waved the anchor to dig the earth desperately.

Darth Qi saw this scene, nodded with satisfaction, and soon twisted her body to leave the entrance of Sargeras\'s tomb, came to the dragon who closed her eyes and rested, and bowed slightly: "great black dragon! I have cleaned up the part of the seal entrance according to your requirements. In four days at most, the truth leading to the lower level will be completely opened."

"Oh? The progress seems to be faster than expected!" Zhang Cheng suddenly opened his eyelids, revealing a trace of surprise in his pupils.

After all, the tomb of Sargeras is not the casual copy in the game, but a dangerous place with countless powerful seals.

Especially the last time Illidan led his men to take the eye of Sargeras, which directly led to the collapse of a large number of internal structures. At present, many places need to be cleaned before entering.

"Yes, sir. But the number of Fishman excavation teams is decreasing sharply. I think we should try to catch more in other places." dasky carefully put forward a suggestion.

After hearing this, Zhang Cheng responded without thinking: "yes! You can do it as you see fit. As long as it doesn\'t affect the construction period, you can do whatever you want. But one thing, if the time comes and I find that the tomb has not been opened up, then you and your ethnic group will disappear from the world forever, okay?"

"I see! Please don\'t worry, I won\'t let you down." after that, the female Naga saluted again, and then slowly retreated until she withdrew more than 20 meters away.

Talking face to face with a terrible dragon caused her so much psychological pressure that the scales on her back kept shaking.

"Hum! Like a smart guy!" Zhang Cheng looked at each other\'s back and gave a sneer.

Through the spiritual net that spreads to the whole beach, he can easily capture the psychological activities of every fish man or Naga, and daski is no exception.

The reason why this guy proposed to capture fish people as slaves was mainly to protect his tribe.

You know, excavation is not only physical work, but also facing the deadly magic trap under the earth and gravel.

Usually, every 15 to 20 meters, a poor fish man will die under all kinds of traps.

Such a high casualty rate, let alone a remote place like the broken islands where birds don\'t shit, can\'t be tolerated even in the densely populated storm city.

It can be said that the whole passage is almost paved with fish man corpses.

If one day all the fishmen die, Naga will be in charge of the trap next.

Just as Zhang Cheng yawned in boredom, a warship full of soldiers and sailors slowly left the port of storm city and headed for the vortex.

The captain is an old man who looks about 50 years old. He holds the hilt of the sword hanging around his waist in one hand and a pipe in the other. His eyes are bright. At first glance, he is an elite Navy.

But interestingly, almost all the warships from storm city port are destined for Northrend in the north, and only one is heading for the West.

At the moment, standing next to the captain was a mage wearing the kenrito Council Logo.

With thick brown hair and beard, and a rotating crystal wand in his hand, he is ansrem ruinviwal, the Archmage in the six member parliament, and also the resharper of Dalaran.

The Archmage took a deep breath of the salty and humid air peculiar to the sea, smiled and asked, "Mr. captain, how long do you think it will take us to reach the broken islands?"

"Sorry, master, I\'m afraid I can\'t give you a definite answer. It\'s hard to say whether the ship can sail into the sea area of the broken islands intact. You haven\'t been close to the vortex, so you don\'t know how dangerous it is around. If you are careless, it will be torn up by storms, ocean giants and deep-sea Naga." the old captain shook his head with a bitter smile.

If the king had not given the order himself, he would never have risked his beloved ship near the broken islands.

"Relax, if there\'s really any trouble, I\'ll help." ansrem ruinville smiled and comforted. At the same time, he touched the secret letter hidden in his personal clothes, and his eyes showed a complex light.