All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 861

Feeling the salty and humid air from the sea, Zhang Cheng in the form of a giant dragon spread his wings and soared in the sky. He was completely unaware of his appearance, which has aroused the vigilance of Azeroth\'s local forces.

Of course, you may not care too much if you know.

Because the broken islands are not anywhere else. They are very close to the vortex generated by the explosion of the eternal well in ancient times. If they are a little closer, they may be torn to pieces by the terrible storm generated by magical energy.

Therefore, whether it is an alliance or a tribe, it will take a long time to log on to the broken islands safely. There is no need to worry too much.

In addition, as Garush Hellscream, an idiot who has neither brain nor basic political literacy and only knows to make enemies with his eyes closed, enters the orc decision-making level, the fragile balance between the alliance and the tribe will collapse soon.

At that time, let alone work together. It is estimated that before the enemy appears, he will pinch it first.

Just when Zhang Cheng began to get bored with flying for a long time, he suddenly found a large purple flame in the distance where the sea and sky met.

These substances, which are completely composed of magical energy, constantly collide violently in the air and clouds, and make deafening noises from time to time, even from a very far distance.

"Ah! It seems that the broken islands are coming..." he raised his mouth slightly, and the ferocious dragon head showed a terrible smile that was enough to scare a hundred dwarfs to death.

There is no doubt that these purple flames are formed by the amazing energy gushing from the vortex.

As the only place on the whole planet connected to the core, it can almost be said to be the umbilical cord of the still awake Titan.

No one knows what is hidden inside, and no one has successfully reached the deepest part of the vortex. Even the ancient gods can only penetrate around like parasites.

As for those who try to use this amazing energy for themselves, they are all torn to pieces by the terrible energy storm.

Seeing the destination close at hand, Zhang Cheng immediately closed his wings and accelerated his speed with the help of magic. At a speed unmatched by any fighter on the earth, he pierced the air like a missile and made a loud bang.

Normally, a creature of his size can\'t break through the sound barrier at all.

But now, he is flying at a high speed of more than Mach 10. Under the fierce friction of the air, the metal armor covering the black scale surface is even overwhelmed and begins to turn red and melt.

In the blink of an eye, the unspeakable scene of the broken islands appeared at the bottom of my eyes.

fierce wind!

heavy shower!


Fish man!


The dead!

There are also ancient relics left by night elves more than 10000 years ago!

All the madness that can\'t be seen in the normal world seems to be used to here.

"The dark Titan Sargeras... Really deserves his reputation..." Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help sighing while using his wings to increase air resistance and slow down.

As an energy sensitive caster, he can clearly feel the amazing evil energy emitted from the ground floor of the broken beach.

These evil energies are constantly in fierce conflict with another kind of energy gushing out of the vortex, so it forms a gorgeous energy storm over the broken islands and a unique air environment below.

It is hard for him to imagine that just a body abandoned by Sargeras can fight against the unawakened star soul of Azeroth and even gain the upper hand.

There is no doubt that the black dragon falling from the sky flustered the intelligent creatures on the island. Naga and the fish man almost didn\'t hesitate to turn around and dive into the sea for fear of being destroyed.

In contrast, the sea giant and the multi headed lizard were much bolder. Instead of running away, they raised their heads and stared at the huge shadow hovering on the top of their heads.

Especially near the entrance of the tomb on the broken beach, there are even several orc warlocks with strong shadows and evil energy all over.

In the large open space behind them, thousands of dead orcs and elves fooled around for many years. They fought each other endlessly. Although no one could really kill each other, they didn\'t mean to stop at all.

Appreciating the panic and despair shown by these intelligent students, Zhang Cheng opened his mouth and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "it seems that I can requisition some labor and cannon fodder for free..."

The voice just fell!

He swooped down from the sky, opened his mouth and spit out deadly flames.



The village built by Naga and the fishman by the sea was burned to ashes by more than thousands of degrees of white flame, and did not last for a second.

What\'s more terrible is that the high temperature not only destroyed the buildings, but also burned the sand on the beach into red and translucent liquid.

When these liquids are washed by the sea, they immediately make a hissing sound, and a large amount of white steam rises into the air, covering the beach.

About a few minutes later, the sea breeze blew away the white fog and exposed colorful crystal transparent glass. At a glance, it was all over the beach for several kilometers. It was so beautiful that it was intoxicating.

"Surrender or die! Choose! Humble bug!" Zhang Cheng imitated the tone of a dragon and roared at the trembling amphibian intelligent creatures around the coastline.

You should know that the tomb of Sargeras is not a place to enter casually. Not to mention the guardians who have long been corrupted by evil energy, all kinds of traps and Demons hidden in the dark are enough to kill most invaders, including powerful casters like Gul\'dan.

"On behalf of the grudge tribe, I am willing to offer loyalty to you in exchange for your kindness and shelter." a female Naga slowly came out of the sea, bent down and bowed deeply.

As one of the most gifted races in Azeroth, Naga undoubtedly inherited the innate talent of the upper elves for arcane arts. She was very clear about how amazing magical energy was contained in the huge black dragon in front of her, so she resolutely chose to admit it rather than resist it.

"Wow, Lala, Lala! I! The chief of the broken fin tribe! Willing to surrender!" another fish man with a huge head also knelt down and stammered his attitude.

After all, fish people are not backbone species, and their nature of bullying soft and fearing hard has penetrated into their bones.

"Very good! I accept your loyalty! Now, mobilize people for me to dig the entrance of the tomb on the broken beach. Remember, if I find anyone who dares to be lazy, it will never end much better than the sand on the beach." he gave the two guys a vicious warning, and Zhang Cheng quickly fell on the ground and began to close his eyes.

Before officially exploring the seal of this ancient tomb, he needs to relax a little and calm down to think about how to deal with those difficult monsters