All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 860

Since he chose to join the hell, Kosmo naturally no longer has reservations. He waved to kill all the gangsters who fell asleep on the ground, and then took the initiative to ask, "who is the Lord of hell now?"

"Sorry, I can\'t tell you his name until you are reincarnated into a devil. But don\'t worry. After conquering heaven, I\'ll bring him to meet you. Well, I have something important to do. Let\'s stop today\'s conversation." ashma took the initiative to end the topic.

She is an ancient demon who has lived for thousands of years, so she won\'t show her cards before the dust is settled.

Suspicion and suspicion of the twins penetrated into every drop of her blood.

Watching the female devil wriggle her waist and slowly walk out of the alley, Kosmo\'s nervous tension immediately relaxed and muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear: "loyal to the new Lord of hell? I hope it won\'t be a wrong choice!"


Just when AHIMA began to visit the cult leaders one by one in Los Angeles, Zhang Cheng had returned to the space-time spire and passed through the portal connecting the Azeroth world.

Looking at the endless prairie and all kinds of strange animals in front of him, he realized that 80% of his location was in Kalimdor, an area controlled by tribes.

Before he could figure out the specific location and direction, a green Orc suddenly came out of the grass and shouted, "Lok tarogar!"

Then he swung a two handed axe and cut it down at his neck.

"Alas, that\'s why I don\'t like dealing with orcs. Their muscles always move faster than their brains." Zhang Cheng sighed helplessly and raised his hand to shoot a deadly green light.

As a result, after hitting, the orcs who launched the sudden attack directly turned into a mass of green powder and dispersed in the wind.

Obviously, for him, not to mention just an orc, all the orcs of orgrima are pouring out, and the end result is just to add some fertilizer to the earth out of thin air.

Looking up at the sun in the sky, Zhang Cheng felt the direction and general position a little, and immediately turned into a huge black dragon and flew to the East.

You know, he didn\'t come to Azeroth this time to participate in the Northern Expedition and fight against Arthas, the filial son of the Lich King.

In fact, to his degree, the struggle between mortals has no meaning.

Although in the eyes of many people, the Lich King and his scourge Legion have always been a great threat to all creatures in the world, they can\'t even carry shoes compared with the Burning Legion that swept many worlds.

Even the Lich King himself and his artifact, Frostmourne, were created by the Legion. In particular, the fear demons contributed the most wisdom and strength.

As a person who swept away the mother planet of the fear demon king, Zhang Cheng\'s knowledge and technology can personally build a magic sword stronger than Frostmourne, so the alliance and tribal expedition Northrend has no substantive significance for him.

The real purpose of his trip was actually the tomb of the dark Titan Sargeras hidden under the broken islands.

you \'re right!

It is the place near the great vortex that has been spied by Guldan, Illidan and others.

But he didn\'t want to get Sargeras\'s almost infinite power, just wanted to find out whether the light mass and Titan he was studying were a kind of life.

When the sun blocking body of the dragon form passed the intersection and ratchet City, the tribes and goblins fled in panic, and there were pictures of chickens flying and dogs jumping everywhere.

But soon, these guys found that the seemingly ferocious black dragon in the sky did not dive down to attack, but ignored some hostile attacks on the ground and flew straight towards the sea.

After a while, it became a small black spot connecting the sea and the sky.

Less than three hours later, the witness report was placed on the desk of Sal, the chief of the ogrima wisdom Valley tribe.

The hero shaman, who looked more like a human than an orc, raised his head and asked the old Troll not far away after about two or three minutes: "wojin, who do you think is this sudden black dragon? Onyxia, who has been missing for a long time, or her brother Nefarian?"

"No, I don\'t think so. As far as I know, neither the Black Dragon Princess nor the Black Dragon Prince is so exaggerated." wojin, the leader of the dark spear tribe, shook his head gently.

"Damn it! Don\'t tell me you think this is the wing of death - nesario! If it were him, our world would be in danger." Sal suddenly stood up from his seat with a dignified look on his face.

"Chief! With your permission, I am willing to lead the warriors of the tribe to kill the dragon, cut off its head and hang it in the square of orgrima. Victory and glory will belong to the tribe!" garrush Hellscream shouted, patting his chest like a rock.

As a newcomer who came to Azeroth from Outland not long ago, his heart is full of desire for strength and glory, and hopes to surpass his father grom and become a real Orc hero. Naturally, he will not let go of such feats as killing dragons.

"No! Child! You don\'t understand what Deathwing means to the world! It\'s not a dragon in the ordinary sense, but one of the Five Dragon Kings personally given strength by the Titan, and it\'s the strongest Dragon King." Sal raised his hand to stop the eager galrush.

Wokin glanced at the reckless little hell roaring, coughed gently and suggested, "I think we should send this news to the alliance to see how they react. Especially Dalaran, who recently announced to break away from the alliance and join the northern expedition in a neutral attitude. The mages have a lot of secrets about the dragon."

"You mean... Working with the alliance again?" Sal\'s eyes lit up.

Although conflicts often break out between the two camps for various reasons, they can put down their old grievances and join hands in the real face of threats.

This has long been proved against the invasion of the Burning Legion and the war of the Angela Zerg.

"That\'s right! If this is really the wing of death, we must postpone the full-scale attack on the scourge Legion. You should understand that although the threat of the Lich King is not small, it is far from destroying the world, but the wing of death that has gone completely crazy is different."

"I see! Send messengers to storm city and Dalaran at the same time!"

"Chief, what am I doing?"

"You? You go to Northrend to command the northern expedition! Remember, this is a test, my test for you."

"Please don\'t worry! I won\'t let you down! For the glory of the tribe!"
