All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 859

"Yes, it seems that you still remember me. Unexpectedly, after so many years, your life, originally young and ambitious, is coming to an end. What, are you interested in making another deal with me? As long as you nod your head, I can recruit your soul to hell after you die and directly reincarnate into a high-level demon." AHIMA raised her mouth, He made an invitation with a smile.

As a demon, her eyes can easily see through the quality of human soul.

In particular, once the soul of a powerful wizard falls into hell, it will immediately have a powerful effect, and even quickly rise to become a secondary demon king, which is far more valuable than the souls of 100000 ordinary people.

However, Kosmo obviously didn\'t like trading with a terrible demon. He quickly stepped back and carefully tried to say, "why did you appear in the human world? Did hell intend to tear up the treaty and start a war?"

"War? No! I\'m invited." AHIMA stretched out a finger and gently shook it in front of the old man. "What\'s more, don\'t you know? A big war broke out in hell not long ago. All the five demon kings except me were killed, and the new Lord of hell killed them."

"What?! someone unified hell!" Cosmo stared with unbelievable expression.

You know, for thousands of years, hell has been in a state of semi chaos and semi order. No demon king has the ability to defeat his competitors.

But even so, the forces of hell are still very powerful. Both heaven and the joint members of the Supreme Council should always be vigilant and never dare to act rashly.

Now, he can\'t imagine what the whole world would be like if someone became the Lord of hell and ruled hundreds of millions of demons.

"Hehe, how about you? Are you interested in playing for the new Lord of hell? If it\'s you, I can help arrange a position at the front." eichma continued to tempt.

Although she has not adapted to the rapid development of science and technology in human society in the past 100 years, she still has a strong grasp of human nature.

After all, reality is not a film and television work. At the last minute, people always choose to burst out the glory of human nature. Even if they die, they have to buy some time for others.

The real reality is that when a person is dying, he will try his best to seize the last chance to live. If not, he will pray for an afterlife or a world after death.

As for whether the world is heaven, hell or the underworld in the religious description, it doesn\'t matter. What matters is what status you can get in the world.

Kosmo was silent. To be exact, he hesitated.

The reason is simple!

As a pure blood human, he has now reached the level of half stepping into the door of death.

With the help of life prolonging drugs, we may be able to struggle for decades or even hundreds of years, but the problem is that the upper limit of human body growth is too low, which is determined by genes and race, so we have to face what we should do after death.

Is it swallowed up by the ubiquitous rules of death like ordinary people?

Or do you follow the example of powerful wizards and transform yourself into other forms, such as undead and elemental forms, and continue to stay in the world?

Or join heaven or hell and become an angel or devil?

There is no doubt that this is an extremely difficult choice, because no matter which one you choose, it means there is no turning back.

"If I go to hell, what kind of guarantee can you give me?" Kosmo, who had been thinking for a long time, suddenly changed his attitude and asked in a very serious tone.

"As I mentioned just now, I allow you to directly reincarnate into a high-level devil in the state of soul, skipping the process of most souls evolving from a low-level worm to a small devil, and then gradually towards a high-level devil. In addition, I can also help you introduce a new Lord of hell. If you are smart enough, you should be able to obtain the power and rights given by him." Emma whispered a generous offer in the old man\'s ear.

But Kosmo was not satisfied, and then asked, "what about the territory? Can I get my own territory?"

AHIMA nodded without thinking: "of course, as long as you like. You know, many territories in hell are idle at present, and you just need to promote some new lords."

"Hoo -" Kosmo breathed a little relieved when he got a positive answer, and then said bluntly, "well, give me a contract. I\'m willing to join hell."

"Great! Believe me, you made the right choice. Come on, sign your name on this contract, and then we\'ll be together." eichma immediately recovered the devil\'s true body, waved her claw like hands, and quickly made a magic contract instrument.

For her, making this kind of thing is as easy as eating and drinking water.

The most important thing is that this magic contract is binding on the maker itself and as powerful as the rumors outside. It can be torn up at a small price.

Unfortunately, Kosmo didn\'t seem to know this. He read it carefully in his hand and confirmed that there was no problem before signing his name.

As the paper was lit by the bright fire, he touched his chest with one hand and bowed: "it\'s a great honor to be a member of hell. Please allow me to express my sincere respect and gratitude to you."

"No, you don\'t need to thank me. I\'m just working for the Lord of hell. Remember, before long, we will launch an all-out war to conquer the whole heaven. You\'d better pay attention not to let those annoying angels escape to the human world and hide."

After that, there was a vicious light in eichma\'s eyes. It was obvious that she planned to kill all her old enemies without leaving any future trouble.

"I see! I will let the entire North American Supreme Council find out every angel lurking in the human world and ensure to give them a fatal blow at the critical moment." Kosmo grinned with a bloodthirsty smile.

As a member of the wizard Association, he undoubtedly knows what heaven has done for thousands of years.

Compared with those angels who boast of holiness and justice while setting off the most crazy and bloody religious war in human society, he prefers the devil who pays attention to the supremacy of interests.

After all, once the demons sign the contract, they usually choose to execute it, even if they sometimes lose a little self-interest.

But the angel will drain the use value of this person, then tear up the agreement, stand on the moral commanding height and claim that it should be destroyed by humanity, whether it is the body or the soul