All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 858

In an obscure alley on the west side of the town, two young men and women looked at each other face to face. It was Zhang Cheng and Elizabeth who had just left the bar.

They looked at each other for a full minute, and the girl couldn\'t help asking, "what\'s the important thing that you pulled me out alone?"

"I\'m sorry, honey. I don\'t want you to see or remember what\'s going to happen next, so please take a nap first. Don\'t worry, I\'ll wake you up soon after I confirm my guess..."

The voice just fell!

A silver light flashed in Zhang Cheng\'s pupil, which was the scene that would appear when the spiritual power was activated.

But Elizabeth didn\'t even have the chance to resist. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep, completely cutting off her perception of the outside world.

No hesitation or hesitation!

Zhang Cheng stretched out his right hand, carefully pulled the girl\'s soul out of her body, and then looked for something in the complex spirit from head to foot.

I don\'t know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours

When he began to doubt his guess hidden in the bottom of his heart, he suddenly showed an extremely strange expression on his face, and slowly pulled out a small piece of unidentified material glittering with dazzling light from the deepest part of his soul.

This tiny fragment was only the size of a nail, but it gave him an indescribable sense of closeness, as if it was a part of his body, and a strong desire for possession emerged in his heart.

"So now... This is the truth that I have a strong desire for Elizabeth! It is not the result of the manipulation of the desire witch Catherine, but an important part of my missing soul hidden in her soul. She and I have been manipulated. But who did it? Why did the opposite side do it? Is it really like Satan, the former Lord of hell, that the world is back Hidden behind is an invisible black hand? Who is the man who is surprisingly similar to himself? "

The more in-depth thinking, Zhang Chengyue feels that the world is much more complex than he imagined.

And as more and more mysteries are solved, more mysteries emerge behind them, just like a large fog covering all eyes.

There is no doubt that a fragment separated from his soul is absolutely very important to him.

I don\'t know why, this soul fragment has produced independence and can\'t integrate with itself for the time being. Therefore, I have to hide it in Elizabeth\'s soul again and mutter to myself, "well, it\'s not the time yet. I\'ll take it back when the time is ripe."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng directly snapped his fingers and stuffed the girl\'s soul into his body.

Next second

"Ah! What just happened?" cried Elizabeth, waking up.

"Nothing, I\'ve got the answer I want. Now let\'s go back, or Aisha will have to wait." Zhang Cheng kept smiling as usual and didn\'t intend to tell the truth.

Because he has found out why Elizabeth is so important and different. It is not the inherent attraction between men and women, but the most precious thing in each other\'s body.

"Go back now? Don\'t you want to find a place where there is no one and do something that couples should do?" the girl stretched out her right hand and stroked the man\'s rather strong chest with naked provocation in her eyes.

If it were in the past, Zhang Cheng would accept such an invitation 100%.

But now, without thinking, he smiled and shook his head: "no, not now. I have something urgent to deal with. I\'ll come back to you after I deal with it."

"Well, better hurry up and don\'t make me wait too long." then Elizabeth reluctantly released her hand and turned to the bar.

Seeing her open the door and enter the bar, Zhang Cheng took a deep breath and sighed softly: "It seems that I have made a huge mistake. I would naively think that no matter what I become, I will eventually have a partner who will never give up. From the beginning, I was lonely and lived in pursuit of endless knowledge and power. I used to be so, now and in the future. I can only abandon unrealistic fantasies in this way The ultimate transcendence... "

As the last word fell, he directly opened a portal and disappeared.


At the same time, after a long journey, Emma has entered the urban area of Angel City Los Angeles, kicked off the hippies who knelt and licked themselves, and wandered alone in the streets.

Because she exuded an attractive smell all the time, she soon attracted the attention of a bunch of gangsters.

Just when these guys were going to rob money in a dark alley and rob color by the way, an old man in a flower shirt suddenly appeared out of thin air and gave these gang members a group to sleep without saying a word.

In the blink of an eye, a dozen blacks and Latinos fell to the ground and snored deafly.

After all this, the old man asked in a vigilant tone, "tell me your name, devil. If I guessed right, you should not have obtained the entry permit of the Supreme Council?"

"Oh, isn\'t this Kosmo, the speaker of the North American Supreme Council? Why, don\'t you recognize me? You know, we met once when you were a child." Ashima joked with a smile.

You know, in the human world, demons are not suppressed or weakened to a considerable extent as in many film and television works or magic works.

On the contrary, their power will not be weakened and suppressed, but can be released 100%.

This means that unless the Supreme Council uses some secret weapons, it is impossible to really hurt a hell demon king, even the castrated demon king, which has shrunk more than ten times.

"AI... AI Xima! You are AI Xima! The direct descendant of the first lust demon!" Kosmo\'s pupils contracted suddenly and his forehead was covered with sweat.

He never dreamed that he was so unlucky. He had planned to go out for a walk and deal with the ordinary demons who smuggled into China, but he actually met an extremely dangerous enemy.


Extremely dangerous!

He will never forget that when he was about 20 years old, he had made some dangerous deals with the Demon King through an evil sacrifice ceremony.

It is impossible for one or two members of the Supreme Council to better understand how powerful the other side is.

If full-scale fighting breaks out between the two sides, it is estimated that the whole Los Angeles will turn into ruins and millions of ordinary people will die.