All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 857

"No, of course not. I\'m trying to prove something, something very important to me." Zhang Cheng\'s eyes twinkled with deep eyes and helped the girl smooth her hair.

"Oh? What is it?" asked Elizabeth curiously.

"Keep it a secret for the time being. I\'ll tell you when it\'s just the two of us." Zhang Cheng fooled the matter with a mysterious smile.

Obviously, he didn\'t want anyone to know the purpose of his trip, at least not in public.

"Wow! You don\'t want to..." Aisha seems to have misunderstood something, and her tone reveals a strong sense of ridicule.

Zhang Cheng quickly shook his head: "no, of course not what you think. By the way, how do you feel about traveling around the United States by motorcycle these days? Have you encountered any interesting things?"

"Of course! I promise, you\'ll never imagine how wonderful the stories of two beautiful women riding tens of thousands of dollars Harley motorcycles are along the way, and even a handsome man gave us a strip dance for free." as she said, Aisha took out a fifty dollar bill and handed it to the bartender. "Two large beers! Iced! Thank you!"

"Here you are!"

Without a word, the bartender put two large glasses of iced beer on the bar.

If it were normal, young and beautiful girls like Aisha and Elizabeth would surely attract his attention like a magnet.

But now, due to the amazing temptation from all over her body, the eyes of all men and women in the bar stay on the demon king of hell.

Elizabeth had noticed the female devil sitting next to her boyfriend for a long time. She took a big sip of cold beer from her glass. Then she pretended to be casual and asked, "honey, who is the lady next to you?"

"My name is Emma. Nice to meet you, interesting little fellow."

Before Zhang Cheng could speak, Emma took the initiative to stretch out her right hand with a curious expression on her face.

She doesn\'t understand how a monster who has completed the great cause of conquering hell can somehow come together with a weak witch.

"Little fellow?" Elizabeth provoked beauty, no doubt taking the word as a satire on herself.

"That\'s right! For me, people under the age of a thousand are little guys," replied Emma naturally.

"Damn it! Who the hell are you?"

Seeing that Elizabeth was too excited, Zhang Cheng immediately put it in her ear and explained, "relax! She is not a human, but a demon from hell."

"Evil... Devil?!" the girl subconsciously stared.

"Ha ha! Otherwise, what do you think I am, a human woman who sells her hue in exchange for benefits?" AHIMA suddenly approached, with an indescribable evil light in her pupils.


Elizabeth felt as if her blood had solidified all over her body, like a small animal that met natural enemies and could not move.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng immediately frowned and said, "enough! Don\'t show your strength here. It\'s easy to cause unnecessary trouble."

"Don\'t be angry, I\'m just kidding." Emma returned carelessly, stretched her hands on the bar and showed her flawless curve.

For a moment, many people in the bar were stunned and couldn\'t help swallowing.

"Oh, forget it, you\'d better do what you should do. I believe you should know how to use ordinary people to spread evil ideas and lure mortal souls into hell?" Zhang Cheng tried in an uncertain tone.

"You mean... Let me set up a sect?" Emma gave the bartender a charm and sent him away.

"No, there is no need to establish sects. You should understand that this is the United States of America, the most technologically developed country in the world for ordinary people, and also the breeding ground for all kinds of cults. At the peak, there are more than 2000 to 5000 cult organizations, and 10 to 20 million people have participated in cult activities to varying degrees. Therefore, you don\'t need to create a sect, just give them A little help from the cult leader, "Zhang Cheng hinted meaningfully.

Gate of heaven, tribe of David, people\'s temple, Mormon fundamentalists

In addition, it absorbed Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise, closed down the U.S. anti cult official, and then bought Scientology as its own propaganda organization.

Evil cults in the United States can be said to be endless wildfires and spring breeze. They are simply a paradise for demons.

In such an environment, where do demons need to work hard to create sects, develop believers, directly contact cult leaders who already have some forces, and then they can easily harvest their souls.

However, most demons are not aware of this. Their thoughts still stay in the ancient Middle Ages, and they do not realize that with the development of Internet technology, cults do not need to be covered up as before. Instead, they can wantonly publicize to the ignorant people through a series of means such as misinterpreting and changing concepts.

People who have experienced materialist education may never imagine how powerful the power of religion and brainwashing can even make a person give up the most basic instinct of Biology - survival and choose to commit suicide with the whole family, old and young.

"Where can I find these lovely little guys?" Emma licked her lips excitedly.

You know, for demons, the soul is equivalent to a mixture of energy, money and food in modern society.

As long as there are enough souls, the energy source in hell will continue to create new low-level demons, and low-level demons can think of higher-level evolution through competition and killing, forming a perfect virtuous circle.

"It\'s very simple! Almost all large cults have their own official websites. You can log in to the website to find the address of their headquarters. Go and deal with these heinous guys and make them accomplices and minions of hell in human society."

"As you wish, the great lord of hell."


After getting the necessary information, Emma didn\'t stop for a second and directly hooked her fingers at a man with long hair and dressed like a hippie.

The latter immediately turned into a licking dog, took the woman in his mind and drove towards the city of Los Angeles.

Seeing the car disappear at the end of the road, Zhang Cheng said to Aisha, who had finished a large glass of beer, "do you mind if I take Elizabeth away for a while?"

"Of course not! Let\'s go to your two person world. I can take care of myself and have some fun." the girl shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

"Thank you! All the expenses today are charged to my account. I\'ll treat you."

After that, Zhang Cheng patted Aisha on the shoulder, then took Elizabeth\'s hand and walked outside the tavern.

No one noticed that his head was lowered and his eyes hidden in the shadow were so cold and terrible.