All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 856


Outside the skeleton tomb, the black and red magma erupted again, dyeing the whole sky into a gloomy black fog.

In this area, which can be called the forbidden area of life, few creatures can survive.

For 72 hours, Emma stood at the door without moving. She looked like a sculpture in ancient Greece, but full of strange temptation and beauty.

Just when she felt that Zhang Cheng was unlikely to come out alive and planned to turn around and leave, the tomb of the original solid bones suddenly began to collapse, and countless bones snowballed from the height, making a deafening sound.

At the same time, the magma surrounding the tomb surged wildly for some reason, as if it had been stimulated by some external stimulus.

Next second!

All these disasters are like fixed frames, motionless, and then disappear directly, leaving only a large number of faint light spots floating in the air.

"This is the power of destruction? A strong force crushing device that breaks molecules and atoms into irregular small particles?"

With the familiar voice, Zhang Cheng\'s figure finally appeared, holding the gadget called "the ball of destruction".

Although he still doesn\'t quite understand what the operating principle of this thing is, he dares to guarantee 100% that it definitely doesn\'t belong to the category of supernatural forces.

On the contrary, it is a 100% pure scientific and technological creation, and its internal complex structure and energy are almost comparable to that of a star.

A scientific and technological product from higher civilization

A mysterious man who looks surprisingly similar to himself

This world full of countless mysteries finally made Zhang Cheng feel that there was an amazing secret behind it.

"Congratulations! It seems that you have acquired the legacy of Satan," said AHIMA, who obviously did not know what the other party had experienced in the tomb. She quickly bent down and bowed deeply.

"Thank you! I did receive his legacy. From now on, I am the real Lord of hell." Zhang Cheng raised his hand and snapped his fingers while playing with the metal ball in his hand.


The powerful magic force tore the space and formed a stable portal.

But the other side is not the magic capital, but the human world.

To be exact, it is the desert highway in California.

Through the not too clear image, you can vaguely see that two young girls in leather pants and jackets are riding a chic Harley Motorcycle along the highway, and they will scream excitedly from time to time.

They were none other than Elizabeth\'s sisters who were not related by blood.

"Are you going to take me to the human world?" asked AHIMA with some uncertainty.

In any case, the agreements signed between hell, heaven and mankind have not been torn. Normally, whether demons or angels, going to the human world needs the approval of the Supreme Council, otherwise it will be regarded as invasion and declaration of war.

"Why, don\'t you want to come?" Zhang Cheng asked playfully.

Emma smiled and shook her head. "No! Of course I want to go. But the question is, aren\'t you afraid of conflict with the Supreme Council?"

"Why should I be afraid? Don\'t you know that my identity in the human world is a member of the North American Supreme Council and also a master of alchemy?" Zhang Cheng showed his identity directly.

Since the whole hell is now his rear, he is not worried that the transmission will be caught.

"Member of the Supreme Council? Alchemist!" eichma felt that her brain could not keep up with the rhythm.

"That\'s right! Why, you seem a little surprised?" he said. Zhang Cheng raised his supreme authority and began to add one secret Rune after another on the portal to ensure that he could deceive the earth\'s protection system.

"Of course I will be surprised! Since you have such a high position in the human world, why bother to conquer hell and heaven? Are you going to..."

Before Emma finished speaking, Zhang Cheng interrupted with a smile: "Please don\'t guess my mind, because you will never guess. Conquering hell and heaven is only part of my huge plan. When the time is ripe, I will naturally tell you what the real goal is. But before that, let\'s go to the human world and establish a stable soul supply channel."

With the last word blurted out, he stepped directly across the portal and appeared at the door of a small town bar.

AHIMA followed. At the moment of passing through the portal, she turned into a beautiful woman with black hair, revealing the temperament that makes men\'s sex fire boil all over her.

Without any nonsense, they pushed open the door one after another and walked into an empty bar with less than ten people.

In the western United States, bars like this are almost the only entertainment place in the town. People are busy working during the day, so they are relatively lively only at night.

"Two malt whiskies! Add ice!" Zhang Cheng skillfully handed a $100 bill to the bartender.

The latter slightly confirmed that it was not counterfeit money, so he took out a bottle of brown wine from the cabinet, poured it into a glass full of ice, and then pushed it forward.

"Are you tourists?" the bartender asked, glancing at their dress.

"No, we\'re just waiting for someone to drink two cups to moisten our throat." Zhang Cheng raised his cup and drank it all at once.

Emma didn\'t speak. She just drank up the wine in the glass in one breath.

After all, as an ancient demon, she last came to this world thousands of years ago. She knew little about modern society and kept looking around with curious eyes.

For a long-lived species such as angels and demons for hundreds of years, it may be just a moment, and we can hardly feel the changes of the surrounding environment.

But for short-lived human beings, it has been enough to enter the era of electricity and even information from the backward pre industrial revolution era.


Before the bartender could figure out what Zhang Cheng wanted to say, he heard a roar of motorcycles outside the door.

In the blink of an eye, two pure and beautiful female Knights appeared at the door of the bar, skillfully jumped out of the car and came in from the outside.

"Hey, chick, would you like to sit down and have a drink with me?" Zhang Cheng, sitting at the bar, turned and whistled very rascal.

Just when others, including the bartender, thought that the young man would suffer from white eyes, one of the beautiful girls immediately rushed forward, hugged him with open arms and gave him a warm kiss.

After a full minute, the two people reluctantly separated.

The girl licked her swollen lips and asked with shortness of breath, "honey, are you waiting for us here?"