All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 855

"Do you doubt your life?" asked a handsome young demon in the depths of the tomb.

From as like as two peas in the coffin, the appearance of the body is not difficult to tell.

"Doubt life?" Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t quite understand what the other party wanted to express, and subconsciously frowned.

The virtual shadow nodded slightly: "yes! Look at the world we live in. Have you ever suspected that it is false or controlled by some mysterious force? Have you ever questioned whether you really exist?"

"No! It\'s not necessary! Because this is a paradox, a dead cycle that can never be proved. I don\'t want to waste my time on a boring philosophical problem." Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment and quickly gave a negative answer.

You know, in 1981, the philosopher Hilary Putnam put forward a very interesting concept in his book reason, truth and history, which is called the brain in the jar.

In short, as like as two peas, a human brain is sealed in a sealed container, and through the power of technology, a virtual world is created exactly like the real world.

At this time, can the brain installed in the cylinder realize that it lives in the virtual world?

Does it sound very similar to the famous film Matrix trilogy?

In fact, the latter was inspired by the former to create such an interesting play.

In fact, a long time ago, many scientists suspected that human beings on earth might live in the virtual computer of super civilization.

But the problem is that humans simply can\'t prove whether this is true or just a simple fantasy.

Because if it is true, as a "brain in a VAT", the connection between human beings and the outside world is completely controlled by super civilization. It is impossible to find abnormal places in life like the matrix, let alone have the so-called "common sense".

As a realist, Zhang Cheng is not interested in wasting time in this regard. Even if he lives in the virtual world, he has to do the most powerful virtual code.

"Ah! I can feel that your will is very firm and will not be easily affected by the outside world. But it doesn\'t matter. I have something that can be called evidence. I\'m sure you\'ll understand what I mean after reading it."

The voice just fell!

The virtual shadow pointed at the coffin where his remains were placed and hooked his fingers.


The corpse, which had not rotted and deteriorated for thousands of years, suddenly exploded with a bang, and a prismatic crystal burst out from inside.

Before Zhang Cheng could figure out what this thing was, the crystal began to refract light and shadow outward, and finally formed a realistic holographic image in the air.

"This is..."

"Shh! Keep quiet! Don\'t ask anything, and I won\'t answer any questions. Look with your own eyes and think with your mind." Xu Ying put a finger on his lips, and his eyes twinkled with meaningful light.

On a barren plain, there was a demon who looked very weak and was struggling to crawl forward.

He was seriously injured, hungry and thirsty, but his eyes did not give up the hope of survival.

But like all cruel realities, willpower can never overcome the objective facts. Finally, exhausted, it stopped crawling, lay on its back, silently waiting for death.




Just when the poor devil was about to die, a light suddenly fell from the sky, and then a black haired man came out of the light column.

Because of his back, I can\'t see his face for the time being.

The man bent down and didn\'t know what he said in the little devil\'s ear. Then the little devil regained his consciousness of survival and nodded his head desperately.

It may be a promise or an unknown transaction.

In short, the man finally stuffed a nail sized black metal ball into the devil\'s mouth.

Just a second later!

The little devil who was dying began to grow like eating jinkela!

After a while, the short, thin and weak little devil grew into a young and handsome big devil, which was almost no different from Satan\'s body.

What\'s more amazing is that the demon who has just gained power just waved his left hand and decomposed everything in the distance of hundreds of meters in front into luminous particles that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.

No fire!

No noise!

There is no earthshaking light and shadow effect!

But it is more frightening than any magic and weapon!

No doubt, not surprisingly, this is the experience of Satan, the Lord of hell, when he was a child.

But what made Zhang Cheng curious was who the black haired man with his back to himself was and what the black metal ball he ate was.

Just when he couldn\'t help asking again, the black haired man in the image suddenly turned sideways and showed a very scary face.

The reason why it\'s scary is not because the other party looks so ugly and scary.

On the contrary, this man is not ugly, but also very handsome. But what is frightening is that he is surprisingly similar to Zhang Cheng.

Especially the eyes are full of indifference to life, as if all the rest in the world except themselves are low-level creatures.

"How is this possible..." Zhang Cheng clenched his fist, and his tone was full of disbelief.

"Ha ha! How? After reading this memory, do you have a sense of absurdity?" Xu Ying laughed happily.

"How do I know if you made these things out of thin air by magic?" Zhang Cheng is obviously not so easy to trust a stranger, especially the famous devil Satan.

The virtual shadow spread his hand carelessly: "you should understand that I don\'t care if you believe it at all. I\'m just explaining a fact. You know? I knew your existence as early as tens of thousands of years ago, and the deal you saw just now is to promise to hand over the ball of destruction to you after my death."

"The ball of destruction?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, the ball of destruction. Those who own it can gain a powerful power to annihilate all substances. It is with this power that I have become the strongest demon in the history of hell. In addition, don\'t ask me who that person is, because I don\'t know anything. He may be the future you, or just a guy with similar looks..."

After saying this, the virtual shadow slowly became empty and finally disappeared, leaving only the metal balls placed in the central groove of the coffin.