All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 854

"This is the tomb of Satan, the strongest demon in hell?" Zhang Cheng looked at the castle standing in a piece of black and red magma, completely stacked with various giant biological skeletons.

"Yes, it\'s here. How about it? Isn\'t it spectacular?" Emma looked up with an obsessed expression of worship.

For every hell devil, Satan is not only one of the many masters of hell, but also a spiritual belief and pillar, an irreplaceable symbolic symbol.

It was under his leadership that hell was qualified to compete with the earth gods and the real masters of heaven in that earth shaking ancient war.

However, the powerful demon king could not resist death and was finally buried in this unknown corner.

"It\'s spectacular! If I\'m not mistaken, there are not only gods and archangels, but also countless magical creatures as powerful as dragons." Zhang Cheng picked up a skeleton emitting light energy and sighed.

Even after thousands of years, the energy contained in these bones has not completely dissipated, which shows how powerful the owners of these bones were.

Satan, the devil who uses their bones as his tomb, can naturally be regarded as standing at the top of the food chain.

"All the bones used to build this skeleton tomb are the prey killed by Satan. You have never experienced that era, and you can never imagine how amazing the power he showed at that time. Although I also have the title of demon king, it is the gap between rats and Dragons compared with him."

When she said these words, AHIMA rarely showed an intoxicated look of remembrance.

As one of the few demons who survived from ancient times, she knows better than anyone that the current hell devil king and the previous hell devil king are two completely different levels.

It can even be said that any demon king who came in the past can easily sling the six selected demons.

Obviously, compared with the so-called devil\'s sense of superiority, AHIMA hopes to reproduce the glory of hell in the past.

Glancing at the immediate descendant of the lust demon king of the first generation, Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "you\'re right. In any world, weakness is original sin.

At present, human society is full of hypocritical morality and order, and the double standards that make demons disgust.

In particular, while clamoring for freedom, equality and democracy, they wantonly kill their own kind and long for a strong leader to lead themselves, which is as ridiculous as schizophrenia.

In fact, whether human beings, demons or angels are essentially worshipping the strong and eager to follow the footsteps of the strong, even if it is wrong.

There is no doubt that Satan is such a strong man, so all the demons in the whole hell worship him, and even sincerely hope that he can climb out of the grave.

But please believe me, after conquering heaven, your name and my name will become a legend and be remembered by all hell demons. "

"I\'m looking forward to this day very much." eichma smiled and leaned over.

"Please tell me, how can I get into this ancient tomb built of bones? You know, I don\'t want to use violence." Zhang Cheng touched his chin with a playful expression.

"It\'s very simple! Use your blood! Only the successor recognized by Satan, the demon king, is qualified to enter this tomb and obtain the valuable knowledge left by him." eichma meaningfully pointed to the skull of an unknown creature in front of him.

"Bleeding? Is this some kind of potential or energy test..."

With strong doubt, Zhang Cheng cut a hole in his palm and let his strange blood flow into it.


A row of originally silent skeletons suddenly burst into terrible red light in their eyes and whispered in an ancient language: "Satan! Satan! Praise you! The greatest Lord of hell! You are the embodiment of evil, cruelty and cunning! You are the brightest star in the sky!"

With the singing of these skeletons, a large number of skeletons suddenly made a crackling sound.

Within a few minutes, a tunnel was opened beside the airtight ancient wall for one person to pass through.

It was dark inside and there was no light at all.

However, with his dark vision, Zhang Cheng clearly saw that in the empty hall inside, there was a dead body without any signs of life lying in a coffin made of unknown materials.

No decay!

No shrinkage!

There is no disgusting putrid smell!

It\'s not so much a corpse as, for example, a handsome man who has just fallen into deep sleep.

It is more than two meters tall, with horns like runes on its head, its skin color is white and bright, and its feet are in the shape of a lift.

"Is this the devil Satan?" Zhang Cheng asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yes! He is! If you want anything from him, you\'d better be careful. After all, even if he is dead, he is still the strongest demon in hell." eichma smiled and made an invitation gesture.

You don\'t have to ask. She\'s obviously not going to follow.

"Oh, don\'t worry. According to someone\'s prediction, I just get back what belongs to me and won\'t encounter any danger."

With that, Zhang Cheng wandered in the care, stepping on the ferocious bones under his feet and disappearing into the darkness.

As soon as his front foot entered, the entrance of his rear foot was completely sealed by the bone wall.

Feeling the rising temperature in the surrounding air, Emma immediately smiled, shook her head and said to the strange snake wrapped around her arm, "my friend, do you remember that this is the first guy who tried to get the legacy of Satan?"

"Fourteen? Fifteen? Sorry, I can\'t remember clearly. Anyway, the final result is the same. No one can come out of it alive. But you are really insidious. You have used this means to destroy countless competitors." the strange snake opened his mouth and said in a strange irony.

"No, you don\'t understand. It\'s not my intention to let them die. My intention is to find a real demon king who is qualified to inherit Satan\'s power and lead hell to glory. But those guys disappointed me and hope to succeed this time. After all, I saw a little shadow of Satan\'s demon king in him."

With the last word blurted out, the magma around the whole skeleton tomb suddenly began to erupt.

In particular, the magma column of hundreds of meters is so spectacular no matter how you look at it.

Seeing this, Emma immediately raised her mouth and muttered in a voice that only she could hear: "ah! The test has begun! The great devil Satan, may you be satisfied with this successor, otherwise it will be difficult for me to find such an evil, tolerant and ambitious goal for a long time..."