All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 853

Some people say that the art of conquest and rule is drawing cakes. No matter whether the final result can be achieved or not, draw a big cake on the paper first, so that the bottom people who are easy to be incited can have strong expectations driven by hope.

Obviously, for the demons of hell, the big cake that makes them excited is naturally to defeat the old enemy heaven and trample on the angels who claim to represent justice, kindness and feelings of all kinds of good things.

Therefore, using the resounding slogan of "conquering heaven", Zhang Cheng hardly spent much energy and established a stable political power centered on the magic capital.

Although many demon lords still defend their territory, they unite to try not to recognize the birth of the new Lord of hell.

But I believe that it will not be long before the Legion who has replenished the source of troops will let them understand how naive and ridiculous this idea is.

As a monster with a strong desire to dominate, how could Zhang Cheng allow someone to engage in "Non Violence and non cooperation" under his own eyes and directly issue a slaughter order.


All those who did not go to the territory where the demons swore allegiance within the specified time were blacklisted by the Pit Lords.

I believe that with their desire for killing, destruction and destruction, they will kill 100% of the territory of resistance, and then give it to the Lord of fear, or the shadow mage group to make it into a mindless undead.

To some extent, Zhang Cheng\'s dark and tyrannical behavior style is indeed in line with the appetite of demons, whether hell demons or burning legion demons.

That\'s why they quickly accepted a guy who looked human and became their own big boss.

With the whole hell under control, the war machine led by the senior commander of the Burning Legion is fully started, never sparing anything valuable, and transforming it into war resources, ready to be put into the next war to conquer heaven.

Of course, a big move on this scale can\'t hide from the angels stationed on the border.


"Evra, I think we\'re in big trouble. After such a long time, hell is finally unified under the command of a powerful demon king again. Not surprisingly, a new round of war will break out soon." a beautiful and dignified female Angel stared at the picture sent back from the magic mirror, and her tone was full of worry.

"A new round of war? No! Didn\'t those demons just fight a civil war, killing and injuring more than millions?" the male Angel called Evra stared, as if he didn\'t believe that the situation would develop into such a bad situation.

The female angel smiled bitterly and shook her head: "No, you are too young to know about hell and demons. Maybe in our opinion, after such heavy casualties, we should normally rest and recover the population to a certain extent. But their ideas are just the opposite, especially the ambitious new Lord of hell will never give us too much time. So I have a duty now Leave it to you. Go back immediately and report the situation here to the archangel. "

"I see! Please rest assured that I will convey what I saw and heard to the archangel intact." the male Angel bent down and bowed deeply, then incited the white wings to take off quickly, and left the military camp on the border in a short time.

But instead of going straight to heaven as instructed by his superiors, he took a big turn and quietly returned to hell.

After confirming that there was no one following behind, the male Angel immediately took off his disguise and revealed his sharp claws, horns and huge bat wings.

There is no doubt that this is not an angel at all, but a fear demon disguised as an angel.

To be exact, it devoured the poor Angel rookie, and then used his identity to sneak into heaven to inquire about news.

As the most camouflaged life body in Azeroth\'s universe, the fear demon king can simulate the appearance of all species and even the special energy used through his innate ability.

A fear demon also successfully transformed into a paladin and constantly provoked the bloody Crusader to attack the scourge of the dead who betrayed the Burning Legion.

Therefore, it is easier to disguise a low-level Angel than to eat and drink water.

After all, it is not only hell but also heaven that slows down in the peaceful environment of tens of thousands of years of adulthood.

Especially with the continuous infiltration of human religion and society, angels once shouted the slogan of establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth, planning to integrate heaven and the world at some time.

Unfortunately, the plan failed in the end and was completely destroyed by a madman named Faust.

However, with the arrogance gradually developed over thousands of years, angels do not realize that they have begun to decline. They still feel that neither the joint Supreme Council of the human world nor the old enemy hell can be their opponents.

After recovering the original appearance, the fear demon quickly found an area with relatively stable magic energy, cast the transmission magic and disappeared in situ.

Because the energy properties of heaven and hell are opposite to each other, many places are very unfriendly to casters. A little carelessness will lead to disastrous consequences. Unless a steady-state area is found, people with a little sense will not choose to cast spells.

Meanwhile, lying in the basement of the magic palace, the enchanted Witch King Raines was reading the information sent by his men while drinking the good wine of hell made of blood.

Just as she was about to turn over and change to a more comfortable position, the fear demon from afar finally crossed the portal and appeared in the open place of the room.

Without any hesitation, the insidious and cunning guy immediately knelt on one knee and greeted him with a very respectful tone: "good evening, dear Queen, I have just received important news. The leader of the angel Legion has realized that we are going to attack."

"Oh? What do they all know?" Raines put down his glass and his eyes showed undisguised malice.

"They know that the new Lord of hell has appeared! At the same time, they conclude that it will not be long before we will start an all-out war against heaven." the fear demon gives the answer without thinking.

"Hum! The master is right. The enemy who knows you best will always be your enemy. It doesn\'t matter. Anyway, even if they know, they can\'t stop the Legion from conquering. Go back and continue to lurk. If there is any new trend, report it in time."

After that, the demon waved his hand gently and signaled that the other party could step down.

"As you wish..."

The fear Lord bowed down, then cast the transmission magic to return to the border, disguised as an angel, and planned to enter the most tightly guarded Cloud City in heaven to do a little investigation.