All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 852

In the whole devil Kingdom, more than a million demons witnessed the whole process of the collapse of the hell army and the humiliation, torture and phagocytosis of the five demon kings.

Especially when a demon king is eaten, many dragons will grow a head with each other\'s power attribute, which is a little shocking.

When the last demon king was also convulsed and sucked into a corpse, Zhang Cheng in the form of a giant dragon finally slowly changed into a tall demon, stared at two deep and incomparable eyes and asked, "madam, should you fulfill your promise now?"

"Of course! My name is AHIMA! The direct descendant of the early lust demon king asmundis! One of the six demon kings of hell! The Lord of Yu Huan\'s land! I offer my loyalty to you! From now on, you will be the real Lord of hell and the demon king among the demon Kings." AHIMA knelt on one knee and clearly expressed her attitude in a very formal tone.

In this place where power is supreme, it is never a shameful thing to submit to a life body stronger than yourself.

On the contrary, this is not only a manifestation of mature reason, but also an eternal truth generally recognized by demons.

"Very good! I like your intelligence, and I also recognize your title and territory. But before that, you must accept a new power, a power called evil power. Since the end of the ancient war, our hell has fallen for so long that many people have forgotten the glory and strength of the past. But now, I will lead you to regain this lost glory. Yes, I am Conquer heaven! "

Zhang Cheng did not hide his surging ambition and desire, stretched out his right hand and released a lot of green evil energy.

In less than a few minutes, a huge evil energy pool was formed within a kilometer around him.

"Evil energy..."

Emma undoubtedly felt the amazing power of these green liquid energy and carefully picked up a little and poured it into the mouth.


The unbearable pain was transmitted to the brain through the nerve. She fell into the evil energy pool with a plop, and her whole body twitched uncontrollably.

Soon, after a large number of evil energy poured into the body, the female demon finally got up slowly, the skin surface was covered with a mysterious green pattern, and the pupils changed from red to dark green.

She stretched her body, which was nearly doubled, and soon spread her huge bat wings over mordu, shouting to all the demons below with a magnetic voice: "People of hell! What are you waiting for? Why don\'t you kneel down and worship the new Lord of hell! The demon king of the demon king! Don\'t you hear that he will lead you to defeat your old enemies and conquer heaven?"

"Conquer... Heaven..." a demon licked his lips, and an excited color appeared on his face.

No demon is not eager to defeat his old enemy!

Even some creepy customs spread in hell, such as making wine cups with angel skulls and placing feathers on angel wings under mattresses. Some powerful Lords will buy those living Angel prisoners at a high price and hold them in dungeons as slaves to vent their desires and violence until the other party can\'t stand this humiliation and chooses to commit suicide.

As the saying goes, once hatred begins, it will never end.

It will be like a thorn, firmly rooted in the heart, just a little touch, will immediately trigger a violent reaction.

This is why, many times, just a few words or one or two slogans can incite countless people to hate their enemies who have hurt themselves.

"Lord of hell!"

"Lord of hell!"

"Lord of hell!"

"Conquer heaven!"

"Conquer heaven!"

"Conquer heaven!"


Under the deliberate guidance of eichma, the ordinary demons who were still afraid soon fell into a state of madness, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, a hundred pass a thousand, a thousand pass a million.

In less than ten minutes, the whole devil\'s sky echoed with fanatical shouts, which could be heard clearly even several kilometers away.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, went straight to the sky over the city and announced loudly through the voice Magic: "people! Do you see the huge green energy pool outside the city? Jump in and accept its baptism! Only the baptized powerful demons are qualified to follow me to fight! Conquer the whole heaven! Come on, the powerful evil power is waiting for you."

"Ow!!! Power!"

"I want strength, too!"

"Praise you! The great lord of hell!"


The demons in the city quickly opened the gate and rushed frantically to the huge evil energy pool outside, greedily absorbing the distorted, violent and degenerate energy.

Some of the unlucky ones absorbed too much to withstand the tyrannical energy, and their whole body burst open. Others withstood the baptism and became stronger than before, and even awakened their casting talent on the spot.

Appreciating the chaotic scene below, Emma pursed her mouth and joked in a sarcastic tone: "this is the result you want, isn\'t it?"

"That\'s right! I want to integrate the power of hell and make it a real war machine and an invincible Legion." Zhang Cheng nodded expressionless without hiding his intention.

"So next, you will destroy the original territorial system and integrate every demon into the Legion. I have to admit that to some extent, you really can be called an ambitious Lord of hell," eichma commented meaningfully. "But I\'m a little curious. What\'s the purpose behind your conquest of hell and heaven?"

"Of course, it\'s for the future! Don\'t you feel it? The world we live in is in an extraordinary period, an era that is about to go violent. Whether it\'s heaven, hell or the human world, I can\'t be spared. What I\'m doing is to prepare for a rainy day, reserve as much ammunition as possible and prepare for a possible war." Zhang Cheng explained half truely.

Near the evil energy pool below, the officers of the Burning Legion have begun to test the demons transformed by evil energy and divide them into corresponding teams for training according to their talents.

At the same time, a group of Pit Lords and fear demon king led their men into the city to catch those who were unwilling to accept transformation and force them to pour green energy containing evil energy.

Obviously, this is more like an organized and premeditated ethnic cleansing than the previous demagogic words and.

Those who accept evil energy can survive and become a member of the new hell demons, and those who can\'t bear it will naturally explode in situ and don\'t need to consume any resources.

After the integration is completed, I\'m afraid there will be few native demons in the whole region, replaced by the Burning Legion soldiers using evil energy.