All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 851

"Quit? Are you crazy?"

"Damn it! Eshima! Didn\'t you hear that he\'s not a devil at all, let alone a member of our hell. He\'s an intruder!"

"That\'s right! The more this time, the more we should unite, rather than fight for the old grudges."


Seeing the cracks in the original solid alliance, the remaining five demon kings suddenly changed their faces, some spoke to comfort, and others shouted at.

Obviously, in the inherent concept of demons, if a powerful demon rises to become the Lord of hell, they will subconsciously lower their posture and choose to accept and surrender.

But for an outsider, especially the human being regarded as the target of conquest, they will never willingly give up resistance, and even defend the so-called "dignity".

No way. Most of the time, a sense of superiority is a very inexplicable thing. It will ignore objective facts for an intelligent life, or even the whole ethnic group, forming a very subjective and hysterical stubbornness.

For example, white Europeans, who developed in the age of great navigation, for a long time believed that all races and civilizations in the world except themselves were primitive and barbaric, and only deserved to be killed and plundered as slaves. Even in the eighteenth century, Americans could still hunt Indians with guns and scalp them in exchange for a reward.

For another example, Japan, which has experienced a short rise, foolishly explains the permanent advantages of adult species and civilization by taking the lead in completing industrialization to Asia, which is still in the process of agricultural industrialization.

I don\'t know why, almost all intelligent lives have similar attributes, and demons are no exception.

Zhang Cheng was interested in enjoying the play of turning over. After a while, he smiled and said, "madam, unlike these arrogant fools, you have made a very correct choice."

"No, you don\'t understand. I didn\'t say I would submit to you. I just quit this dangerous fight. If you win in the end, I will naturally regard you as the monarch, but if you fail, I will stab you without hesitation to ensure that I won\'t be liquidated." Emma licked her lips and said her plan.

I have to say that she is really very cunning. She began to bet on both sides after she found that the situation was bad.

No matter who can win the final victory, she can keep her rights and status.

"It doesn\'t matter. It doesn\'t make any difference to me. In fact, this war has long ended with the destruction of your army. Next, I will show my power as the Lord of hell..."

With the last word blurted out!

Zhang Cheng\'s whole body suddenly expanded and turned into a giant dragon with more than a dozen heads, spewing a series of dragon breath, including fire, strong acid, freezing, lightning and so on.


When the energies of different attributes meet at one point, a terrible energy wave erupts.

Just a moment!

At the location of the six demon kings, a thing like a black hole appears directly, devouring everything around the crazy eater.

Whether it\'s the unlucky guy accidentally attracted or all kinds of flying sand and stones, they will all disappear without a trace.

Fortunately, the demon king is the demon king after all. After discovering that the situation is bad for the first time, he immediately cast his transmission magic, left the dangerous area, narrowed his eyes and watched the drastic changes between different energies in the air.

"It\'s unbelievable to control more than ten kinds of energy at the same time!" AHIMA murmured in a voice that only she could hear.

Because she has made it clear that she will quit, she is not too worried about being attacked. She stands far away and observes the attack mode of multi headed dragons.

With the precise control of various magical energies, the dragon breath emitted by each attribute head and the breath emitted by another head will have different changes.

This means that the attacked person can\'t resist the direct damage of dragon breath with a single attribute of protection magic.

What\'s more terrible is that when all energy meets at one point, the essence of energy will be qualitatively improved, directly breaking time and space, forming a black hole with huge gravity, and all matter will disappear without exception.

Of course, the other demons were not vegetarian, so they took out their ability to press the bottom of the box and began to fight back.

Unfortunately, like most big demons, their power attributes are very single. Neither physical attack nor magic attack can pose too much threat to the Dragon changed by Zhang Cheng. On the contrary, they are forced to retreat.

A guy who noticed that the situation was bad wanted to escape, but he was directly caught up and overturned to the ground, followed by thousands of tentacles and sucked them dry alive.

There is no doubt that Zhang Cheng is devouring the strongest in these hell and improving himself with the help of each other\'s powerful genes.

In order to successfully eat the light mass, he must strengthen his body at any cost to prevent being unable to absorb too much energy in the whole process.

"Asshole! This madman wants to eat us!" a big devil clenched his teeth and shouted.

As a demon king who stands at the top of the power and power of hell, he can\'t accept that a fellow with the same power as himself has become the rations of others so easily, especially this guy claims to have been human.




Less than half an hour after the battle, the terrain near the center of the battlefield has undergone earth shaking changes.

The originally endless plain is now full of deep pits with a depth of more than 200 meters. It is either filled with hot magma or cold ice caves.

Under the influence of powerful magic power, the environment here has been permanently changed.

Anyone who knows a little about energy can clearly feel that the invincible strength of multi headed dragons can not only absorb and transform energy recklessly, but also store it and release it to their opponents.

As long as the magic energy of the whole hell is not exhausted, the power of the dragon is infinite.

What\'s more terrible is that all magic attacks will be quickly captured and absorbed into the purest energy after contacting the scales.


With his deep understanding and application of alchemy, Zhang Cheng made all magic and spell like abilities useless.

He seems to have opened a plug-in player and played with these infernal demons who are high in the ordinary days. He won\'t swallow them until someone finally can\'t sustain a mental breakdown.

As I said before, this is not a battle at all, but the Lord of hell is showing his strength to his subjects, or he is naked threatening prosperity and death