All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 850

"The angel Legion still stays on the border! Are you sure you want to fight a losing war?" the LED demon king obviously didn\'t understand the situation, and his eyes showed a trace of doubt and confusion.

After all, according to the rules of the region for thousands of years, heaven is the biggest enemy, and internal struggle is secondary. We can fight and talk.

Unless there is a great difference in strength between the two sides, it doesn\'t matter to fight a war for 180 years. Anyway, if you lose, you will admit advice, and there will rarely be an endless situation.

In the eyes of demons, war is a game with rules and a means to realize their ambitions and aspirations, just as human societies compete with each other.

But unfortunately, Zhang Cheng did not intend to follow this rule and responded with a sneer: "what does it matter to me that the angel Corps is stationed at the border? Why do you think this war will end in defeat? No, I will kill all those who resist, become the real king of hell, and then launch a new round of war to conquer heaven."

"You... You\'re not a demon?!"

Another demon king with six eyes was keenly aware that the soul of the unknown creature maintaining human form was essentially different from the original life in hell, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

"That\'s right! I\'m not a devil! On the contrary, I\'m a human, at least once. But now, I\'ve abandoned my human identity and intend to evolve towards a higher level of life. Tell me, do you choose to surrender or perish." Zhang Cheng directly reached the ultimatum.

He could feel that with the passage of time, the side effects of completely swallowing the behemoth were beginning to appear.

In particular, the sense of hunger that seems to never disappear, as well as the strong desire for destruction and destruction, stimulate every nerve all the time.

Of course, this side effect is temporary. The adverse mental reactions will slowly decline and disappear in a few days to a week at most.

But the problem is that for now, the impact will continue for some time, and will be very, very strong.

"Arrogance! How dare you challenge six demon kings at the same time! Who do you think you are? Satan, the most powerful demon in the past?" roared the burning devil on the corner.

"Maybe we should teach him a lesson!" the demon king with a lizard like head pulled out his weapon and took a fighting posture.

For the hell devil who advocates chaos, if there are differences, no one can convince anyone, then force is the final solution.

The winner has everything!

The loser loses everything!

Simple and rough

But the problem is that Zhang Cheng obviously likes this way. He opened his arms and mocked in a tone full of ridicule: "What are you waiting for? Let\'s start quickly! Although according to the original plan, I hope this game can play longer, it\'s not unacceptable if you guys end up in person. Oh, I almost forgot that we should have a little hot field and embellishment before such an important battle begins."

Before others reacted, he directly said to the demon far away in the highland of evil energy artillery through the spiritual link: "your shadow mage group can start."

"As you wish, my great evil master." Raines immediately sent it to the mage group who had been on standby for a long time, swung his whip and beat the ground severely.


"Humble fools! The master\'s order has come! Show me your strength as much as you can! Remember! I want those who hear the name of the shadow mage group after smashing to kneel on the ground and tremble involuntarily!"

"I see!"

"Magic ceremony preparation!"

"The third team is in position!"

"The second team is responsible for coordinating energy!"

"Magic energy access!"


Under the guidance and command of several ereda demon warlocks, a huge and amazing super magic was completed quickly.

I saw black clouds in the sky, like ink, covering the whole battlefield.

Next second

Shadow arrows with amazing lethality fell from the sky to track and attack the hell Legion in an all-round and three-dimensional way.

In less than three or five minutes, more than half of the soldiers were killed, and the rest didn\'t look very good, as if they were poisoned. They lay on the ground and spit out black viscous plasma.

You should know that although shadow energy is not as ferocious as evil energy, it is very corrosive. As long as it is stained with a little, it will continue to distort and devour until the target life dies or is cleared by more powerful forces.

As a special energy from the distorted void, the difficulty of shadow can be seen from the ancient gods of Azeroth.

If evil energy is compared to explosives that roughly destroy everything, then the shadow is all kinds of superbacteria and parasites lurking in the body.

You may be able to get rid of explosives, but it\'s hard to get rid of bacteria and parasites.

What\'s more terrible is that the energy essence of shadow and death is very similar. As long as you move a little, those corpses with shadow energy can be awakened to become living dead.

Raines clearly knew this, so immediately after the end of the large-scale group shadow arrow, he offered the unique channeling ceremony of Azeroth.

After a while, thousands of hellish demons who had just been killed got up and began to attack all the living things around.

Such a huge scale of war and killing has led to the boiling of death energy in the whole region, and the ubiquitous death rules are constantly cheering and stimulating Zhang Chengmin\'s nerves.

There is no doubt that through this battle to conquer hell, he not only succeeded in spreading evil energy and shadow to the whole world, but also won the care of death.

"Hehe, it\'s a great feeling! Are you satisfied with the heat field I arranged? Or, who else thinks I will fight a losing war?" Zhang Cheng raised his supreme power and looked at his opponent with provocative eyes.

Although he is not much better than the hell devil in front of him in terms of energy level, he is at least two levels better than the other in terms of practical application and creation.

"You madman! You killed millions of demons mercilessly! The angel Legion will choose to launch an all-round invasion of hell when they hear this news." the demon king with flames on his horns roared loudly.

"I\'d love to! If those winged birds were willing to die early, they would be very happy to kill them all. Finally, do any of you want to quit?"

With that, Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and scanned the six great demons standing not far away, especially the two guys with female characteristics.

After about ten seconds of silence, the Coquettish female demon king, who involuntarily produced the most primitive desire and impulse, stepped back a little and said with a smile: "I quit. I\'m very sorry, guys, I don\'t think it\'s necessary to fight this war..."