All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 849


With a deep roar, behemoth wielded terrible claws and directly parachuted the advancing Legion like cutting butter. At least one third of the unlucky people were killed on the spot, and another third were either missing arms or legs.

Neither the so-called ferocious abyss Lord nor other high-level demons in the Legion could resist the absolute power advantage brought by this shape. Either they were directly killed, or finally, the huge beast finally exhausted all its strength, and fell to the ground like a mountain with a roar, causing a strong earthquake.

And its strong body is getting thinner and thinner

When Zhang Cheng regained his human form, the behemoth had completely disappeared, and even a small bone was left.

He proved with practical actions that he could really "eat" the monster that claimed to need 100000 angels to kill.

Feeling the surging vitality in his body and the improvement of the essence of life, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "no rejection! No adverse reactions! It seems that the evolutionary medicine tailored for himself has succeeded."

To know that cross species gene fusion is not an easy research topic.

At the beginning, in order to achieve this goal, he personally did tens of thousands of living experiments, which was no less cruel than the human experiments carried out by * * scientists in the concentration camp during the Second World War.

But now it seems that all this pay is worth it.

In particular, the last test of creativity in the world of Harry Potter finally improved the key link of the whole complex formula.

Now, all life with body and soul can be swallowed and absorbed by Zhang Cheng, and become a stepping stone on the road of self-improvement and evolution.

Just as he stood in the middle of the battlefield and silently afterthought the unspeakable wonderful feeling, there was a sudden commotion in the hell army, followed by six powerful demons in different forms.

The leader took the initiative to step forward against the horns of the burning flame and asked loudly, "who are you? No, I should ask what your house is? I haven\'t heard of a devil like you in hell!"

"And your men! Although I also feel pure evil and chaos from them! It is obviously not any known race in hell." another guy with female characteristics also stood up.

"Ha ha! Who am I? Is this important?" Zhang Cheng laughed wildly.

As he ate the behemoth, he felt that his madness hidden under his rational appearance began to stir again, like a volcano about to erupt.

Needless to ask, this must be the so-called "chaotic attribute" attack.

seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function!

Chaos is the complete barbaric growth without order and restraint.

It is like an inducement to concentrate those crazy thoughts that flash away in ordinary days and have a strong impact on subjective consciousness.

Unfortunately, the six demon kings who symbolized the highest point of hell\'s power and power did not realize this.

The big devil with red flame burning in his horns was obviously not satisfied with such an answer. A strong dissatisfaction appeared on his ferocious face: "don\'t you want to sit down with us and talk, but want to fight the war to the end?"

"Talk? No, I don\'t think we have anything to talk about. Either give up everything, kneel down and obey, or be killed by me. There is no third option." Zhang Cheng grinned and refused the other party\'s invitation to negotiate without hesitation.

He is the traditional demon king born in hell. He only wants to dominate by virtue of his strength. Once the other party shows low attitude and surrender, he will magnanimously let bygones be bygones.

On the contrary, he is a conqueror and destroyer. He will never let those who have been enemies continue to preserve their strength and wait for opportunities to turn over in the future.

Instead, he would rather destroy everything and rebuild it on the ruins.

Although this idea is very dangerous and extreme, he doesn\'t regret it at all.

Because paranoia is an important element of success. Only people who are paranoid enough can stick to their own path and finally move towards success