All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 848

"Gravity control? What a surprise!" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

As an extraordinary person with a magical soul, he is far more sensitive to energy than most mages. He can feel the energy changes in the air at once.

Obviously, the red light from the top of the pyramid shaped air fortress is the root of the change of gravity in the whole area.

Although it seems that there is no difference, in fact, this sudden change has wiped out the opponent\'s air advantage.

You know, in the battle just now, Zhang Cheng\'s Dragon army almost killed more than 80% of the corpse dragons and is preparing to launch a second round of attack on the demons on the battlefield.

But at this time, the change of gravity makes all this come to naught. They can only be bound to the ground and can\'t even fly.

"Master, I think we should destroy that dangerous air fortress immediately," suggested Pollack with a terrible green light in his eyes.

Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking: "of course! Start projecting Hellfire puppets! Let me see if this thing can withstand the destruction of big men."

"I see!" the doomsday guard leaned slightly, and then roared at the busy morge Engineer in the evil energy artillery highland. "Come on! Move! Put all hellfires in the remote delivery device! Aim at the enemy\'s air fortress and launch!"

"Remote projector ready!"

"Activate Hellfire puppet!"

"Adjust angle!"



With the noise of shouting, large stones burning evil energy flames rowed across the sky and directly hit the surface of the air fortress.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the green flames scattered and splashed, the big heads who successfully boarded the fortress quickly woke up, waved sandbags and big fists, and began to play their innate instinct of destruction and killing.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of bricks and stones and internal structures were seriously damaged.

In particular, the top control gravity device, torn by four or five Hellfire puppets, soon became a pile of scrap iron and lost its original function.

Onyxia and Kulo kelba, who first felt the return of gravity to normal, immediately roared angrily, followed by agitating wings and soared into the air, leading the remaining surviving offspring to launch a crazy attack on the front of the hell army.

Both of them hold the inherent power of the earth of the black dragon. Wherever they pass, the ground will cause violent vibration and even crack the bottomless hole. The other has divinity, flashing violet light symbolizing arcane energy all over the body, constantly setting off terrible large-scale damage magic in the most dense places of the enemy.

With such terrible killing efficiency, a blank area was cleared in the middle of the battlefield before a while.

Naturally, the commanders of the Burning Legion would not miss such an opportunity and immediately ordered the army to advance and push the front forward.

In just over an hour or so, the hell army began to retreat, and several places collapsed directly, resulting in a large-scale flight.

You know, demons are not fools. Although they are cold, cruel, bloodthirsty, cunning and evil, they cherish their lives very much.

When it is found that it is impossible to defeat the opponent, 100% will choose strategic retreat instead of going crazy.

"Did we win?" Pollack asked with some uncertainty.

"No! We haven\'t won yet!" Zhang Cheng shook his head gently.

make fun of?

If hell really has only this inside information, it has no value to be conquered.

What\'s more, none of the six demon kings standing at the top of power and power has appeared yet. How can they win so easily.

Just when Pollack wanted to say something, the panic retreating hell army suddenly had a large-scale commotion, followed by what seemed to have found something terrible. Instead of retreating, he turned around and rushed frantically towards the enemy.

Their expressions and eyes were full of fear, as if they were avoiding something terrible.

Before the commanders of the Burning Legion knew what was going on, a behemoth twenty kilometers long and ten kilometers wide rose from the ground and drilled out of the soil.

Its size is so huge that even the Black Dragon Princess Onyxia has become a little bit in front of it.

It can be said that using any language to describe the monster in front of us is pale and inaccurate!

"Behemoth?! I always thought this thing was extinct..." Warren rarely showed a surprised expression.

"Behemoth?" Zhang Cheng heard the word, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Perhaps behemoth is a strange word for those who have not read the Bible, but if you say another name of this monster, I believe more than 50% of people will suddenly realize it.


Behemoth has another name, called bimon beast.

In the Bible, it is one of the monsters made of clay by the LORD God on the sixth day of Genesis, and the other is the famous Leviathan.

But in fact, these two monsters that once caused indelible disasters to the forces of heaven are actually indigenous people in hell.

Needless to say, the latter has been a very strong demon king for a long time.

The former is a rare but infinitely growing war beast.

When these guys were just born, they were only the size of adults, but they could grow to 10000 tons of oil tankers in ten to twenty years at most. Once they lived for hundreds or even thousands of years, their bodies would expand to this spectacular scene.

Just open your mouth and tens of thousands of unlucky eggs will be swallowed in an instant.

"I suggest you solve it quickly! Otherwise, once we start to go crazy, we may not be able to last for half an hour," Warren warned seriously.

"Is there any weakness in this thing?" Zhang Cheng asked with some uncertainty.

"Sorry, behemoth has a strong chaotic attribute. I can\'t pry into its past and future. But one thing I can confirm is that they have strong vitality. According to a few words I got from my investigation, it took 100000 angels to work together to kill a behemoth beast." Warren smiled bitterly and said all he knew.

While talking, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, and he obviously felt the fear from his heart.

To know that many mythical beasts are frightening, the key is that they are extremely difficult to kill.