All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 847

"It\'s not acid, but a spit similar to negative energy."

Seeing his legion slaughtered by the enemy, Zhang Chengfei showed an interested expression instead of a little anger or tension.

For him, the amount of cannon fodder that comes and goes as soon as he is called has been as much as he needs, and there is no need to worry about the number of troops at all.

It\'s a lot of money to use more than 100000 cannon fodder to let the enemy take the lead in opening a card.

You know, in the era of cold weapons in human history, wars usually rarely involve more than 100000 people.

The reason is very simple. Due to the limitation of communication means, it is no small miracle that a commander can command 10000 or 20000 people in the era of cold weapons.

As for more, we can only simply issue one or two simple orders, such as forward, backward and stick, and then let the bottom officers play freely.

Many times, when the front lines of the two sides are mixed together, no matter how clever the commander can carry out his tactical ideas, let alone realize the so-called "micro operation" like in the real-time strategy game.

This is why wars in the cold weapon era are always full of accidents and classic examples of defeating the strong with the weak.

After the invention of radio, thermal weapons began to dominate the war. There were almost no cases of great disparity in strength. The weak won the strong. They basically crushed their opponents by relying on their own strong industrial and scientific research strength.

Although the Burning Legion is not exactly in the era of cold weapons in the strict sense, but there are many evil energy black technologies, it is still impossible to command millions of troops.

In fact, the military system of the Burning Legion is mainly adjusted by the middle and senior demon commanders who command the lower soldiers, almost entirely relying on experience and subjective judgment.

This means that millions of burning legions are essentially no different from the enemy. They are all scattered sand, and more and less dead points do not have a decisive impact on the situation.

What can really determine the direction of the war is the top strategic army or weapons like these skeleton dragons.

"Master! Do you need my shadow mage group to attack?" the pupil of the demon Raines suddenly contracted, and his face was full of vigilance.

Because of the overwhelming body dragon, she obviously had a strong sense of crisis. If she let the other party rush over, the whole evil energy artillery position may be destroyed.

"No! No need. Since our opponent has opened the first card, I will naturally open one in return. After all, it\'s best to use a dragon for Fu Long..."

The voice just fell!

With one hand holding the supreme power, Zhang Cheng drew a two meter long black cylinder from his magic waist bag with the other hand, which was a gift given to him by a woman who claimed to be the Creator not long ago.

In the blink of an eye, a terrible force tore the sky apart and established a channel connecting the space-time tower.

The young dragons who had been waiting for a long time immediately swarmed out, like a large black cloud, occupying the sky overhead.

Especially under the leadership of Black Dragon Princess Onyxia and Kulo kelba, they directly hit the corpse dragon without any preparation.

Countless hot dragon breath meet in the air, forming a large airtight isolation belt. All the unlucky eggs who accidentally rush in are burned up in just a few seconds, turning into a charred black bone and falling from the sky.

Although many corpse dragons tried to fight back with their own poison gas, the poison gas had evaporated before approaching in the hot temperature. In addition, the number was relatively small, and soon fell into the situation of being besieged and chased.

In particular, the young dragons transformed by Zhang Cheng are not only mixed with the blood lineages of Azeroth world black dragon, void dragon and blue dragon, but also the blood lineages of red dragon, white dragon, green dragon and silver dragon from Phelan continent.

The growth rate of each is amazing, especially the energy attribute attached to breath, which is enough to make most enemies feel cold.

Now, under the leadership of their parents, they rush to the enemy in an almost crushing posture, enjoying the stimulation of destruction and killing.

However, the hell army is obviously not vegetarian. Immediately mobilize the long-range attack force and start targeting the young dragons who don\'t fly high enough or like to dive and attack the ground, shooting one deadly enchanted arrow.

After being hit, many young dragons screamed and fell down, and were torn to pieces by the swarming demons.

For a moment, these giant animals standing at the top of the food chain continued to fall like raindrops, and the precious dragon blood dyed the earth red.

Soon after the war began, it still showed its unparalleled cruelty.

"This... This is a group of dragons! You have secretly prepared tens of thousands of dragons?" Raines opened his mouth and showed an incredible expression on his beautiful face.

"There\'s nothing to make a fuss about! Your master is much more terrible than you think, and also more visionary than being short-sighted and staring at such a poor right." Warren glanced at the demon with a tone of playfulness and contempt.

As a person who is not very broad-minded, he will not forget how Raines made trouble for himself at the beginning. Now he has a chance and naturally wants to retaliate.

"Are you satirizing me, human?" Raines defiantly said.

"Sarcasm?" Warren smiled and shook his head. "No, no, no, I\'m not sarcastic. I\'m just stating a fact. Remember, the duty of a servant is to obey his master\'s orders, not to make his own decisions."

"Damn it! You..."

"That\'s enough! Don\'t show the filth and ugliness between you in front of me!" seeing that the two people were pinching, Zhang Cheng immediately pulled down his face and yelled, and his eyes showed a chilling light.

The evil spirit was obviously startled. He quickly lowered his head and closed his mouth. He didn\'t even dare to defend for fear of terrible punishment.

In contrast, Warren raised his mouth and showed a very vague smile of pride, as if announcing his victory.

Just as the doomsday guard Pollack tried to say something to slightly ease the tension, the fortress in the sky, which was originally the nest of corpse dragons, suddenly began to fall off the cover at the top of the tower tip, revealing a strange device composed of countless silver gray metal rings.

Before everyone reacted, the device released a dazzling red light.

Next second


I saw a terrible energy wave burst and split among the dragons, followed by all the dragons. No matter how hard they tried to stir their wings, they couldn\'t maintain their height. They struggled to fall down, and their bodies were close to the ground, as if they were pressed by some invisible force.

Similarly, the soldiers fighting on the battlefield were pressed to the ground by the invisible force field, and they didn\'t even move. Some of them with weak physical quality even made a terrible fracture sound.