All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 846

Tyrant, a ruler specially used to describe autocracy, cruelty and no compassion. Even in the stories recorded by some historians and bards, some tyrants will kill the people under their rule for no reason, just to satisfy their morbid joy of blood and death.

However, those who have a little knowledge of history know that in fact, most tyrants in human history have actually been discredited to a considerable extent.

For example, the famous tyrant of the ancient Roman Empire, Nero Claudius Drusus GermaniCus, was actually just because of the cruel suppression of Christianity, which led to the crazy creation of all kinds of bad stories after Christianity came to power, just to portray him as a tyrant in people\'s mind.

In fact, the reason why most tyrants are tyrants is that they are all losers in history.

In this world where winners write everything, how can the legitimacy and status of winners be reflected if the losers are not discredited.

Zhang Cheng never thought he was a tyrant because he didn\'t believe he would be a loser.

But he also didn\'t try to explain too much, just keep smiling and hide his real thoughts in his heart.

Time flies

Two days passed in a flash!

With the rest of the long-distance hell army, the unprecedented war soon began.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Along with the high and low evil energy artillery, it finally began to be powerful!

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of green evil energy fireballs were poured over the enemy\'s head.

No accidents!

Nearly 100000 low-level cannon fodder, which was first used as a tentative attack, disappeared from the world directly under the covering bombing of artillery, leaving only a piece of unknown material burnt to black by the flames.




With only one attack, the Burning Legion made the hell demons deeply realize that they were not dealing with traitors at all, but playing with a group of madmen with extremely rich war experience.

Compared with the hell of peace that has lasted for thousands of years, the Burning Legion, which is fighting in the universe all the time, is obviously more aggressive, and the quality of commanders and soldiers is also higher.

In particular, morge engineers who work day and night to provide countless war machines for the Legion are no less than those top weapon design and manufacturing experts on earth.

In less than a month, based on the evil energy science and technology system, they integrated the concept of thermal weapons on earth and developed one powerful big guy after another.

At present, although the whole Legion has not reached the level of eliminating cold weapons, it is about to reach the extreme in firepower support.

There are not only powerful evil cannon, but also a large number of super long-range throwers used to throw Hellfire puppets.

If we start with all our strength, we can destroy a large defensive position in just a few minutes, and tear up the enemy\'s defense line with Hellfire as the pioneer.

If it weren\'t for a short time, maybe these crazy morgoths could collect enough resources to make famous magic machine armor.

Standing next to the evil energy artillery group, Zhang Cheng looked down at the raging battle below, smiled and asked the demon following him: "how are your shadow mage group preparing?"

"It\'s ready at your command, my great and evil master." Raines sucked his fingers with a full movement, showing a look of dissatisfaction.

"Be patient! Be patient! Now is not the time for you to play." Zhang Cheng pursed his lips and glanced at each other.

The doomsday guard Pollack seemed to notice something and immediately suggested, "master, I think it\'s best to order the left wing to launch a wave of counter charge to test the enemy\'s reality. After all, they have never shown even a card since the war."

"Don\'t worry, this interesting game has just begun and is in the stage of testing each other. I don\'t want to end it too early. I care more about the war fortress floating in mid air than the left wing." Zhang Cheng pointed to the huge building the size of more than 20 football fields floating above tens of millions of demons.

This thing is in the shape of a standard pyramid. Its surface is dark and densely engraved with runes of different sizes. An arched opening is opened almost every 20 meters. It looks like a huge honeycomb from a distance.

"According to the information from the fear demon king, the air fortress is ordered in the name of the demon king Leviathan, and there are more than 5000 corpse dragons pieced together with blood and flesh." Pollack gave the answer seriously.

There is no doubt that his heart is full of vigilance against the enemy\'s card.

Because even the Burning Legion will be afraid of Azeroth\'s powerful power to protect the dragons.

No army in the world can resist it, especially when the Dragon swoops down and spits out deadly dragon breath.

"Corpse dragon? How about the frost dragon awakened by the Lich King?" Zhang Cheng asked with interest.

"Personally, I think it should be that the corpse dragons are stronger. Because these corpse dragons spit out poisonous fog that can corrode everything, which is far more deadly than the cold winter breath of the frost dragon."

"Agree! According to the news sent back by the fear demon kings, the Yellow poison cloud is very corrosive. Even a sip from the Demon Lord is fatal."

Pollack and Raines did not quarrel very rarely, but gave a unanimous evaluation.

"In that case, let\'s destroy this thing first," said Zhang Cheng, raising his supreme power and starting to frantically gather and divert the magical energy contained in the surrounding air.

In the blink of an eye, a vortex of terror energy was formed with him as the center.

Such an obvious change can be felt by anyone who is not blind.

So the demon kings immediately opened the first card, that is to let the corpse dragons in the air fortress pour out and fly towards the height of the evil energy artillery.

They are very big. Each one is at least 50 to 60 meters long. They are filled with light yellow fog. They are so ugly that normal people can\'t help spitting out at a glance.

But these terrible behemoths are not only disgusting, but also have sharp bones in almost all joints.

It is conceivable that if you are caught by them, it must taste very sour.

When passing over the Legion position, these corpse dragons suddenly began to descend and dive, aiming at the densest place of soldiers and spewing deadly poison gas.


The cannon fodder of more than 150000 burning legions directly turned into a thick black and yellow liquid in the big beach. Before the scream could be sent out, the soul had returned to the command magic code