All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 845

In less than 78 hours, the armistice agreement was directly signed when it was still fighting in the border between heaven and hell.

Then the hell army gathered turned its spearhead and was very close to the direction where the enchanted capital was located, intending to eradicate these rebels who wanted to seize power in one fell swoop.

The angel Legion was on standby at the border, and I didn\'t know what they were thinking.

No one realized that this time it was not just a rebellion, but a premeditated armed invasion and conquest. The fear demon king who sneaked into the enemy had long sent out the intelligence of the hell army, and even provoked some friction and contradictions from time to time.

By the time the army arrived at the scheduled battlefield, the Burning Legion led by Zhang Cheng had been waiting for work and had already completed all the arrangements. It not only seized the favorable terrain in advance, but also arranged thousands of evil energy artillery at the most threatening height.

It can be said that the outcome of the war is quite obvious before it starts.

In particular, several demon kings standing at the top of hell found that they were not facing the expected mob from the barren land, and immediately gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"We were cheated!"

"That\'s right! The female demon lord named Nisa lied to all of us!"

"Where is she now?"

"Escaped! Long before the news came back, he disappeared in a frontal collision with the angel Legion."

"Obviously, Nisa is not behind the scenes. With her sad strength, she is not enough to command such a huge army."

"Who\'s behind the scenes? Don\'t tell me it\'s going to be a decisive battle. We don\'t even know who our opponent is."

"Sorry, we really don\'t know. The barren land has always been a place of neglect and even regarded as an exile. The only thing we know is that this guy has great ambition and strength, and even dares to challenge us directly."

"What now! Recognize his status and rule and avoid war first?"

"No! We can\'t admit it! Once we admit it, it means announcing to the whole hell that we are not his opponents."

"Since we can\'t negotiate, let\'s fight first. Anyway, the rule of hell for thousands of years is separatism. After a big defeat, we\'ll consider whether to surrender. As long as he wants to be the controller of hell, he doesn\'t dare to do anything to us."

"Yes! The angel Legion is still eyeing the border. Even if we lose, he will rely on our strength to prevent the invasion of heaven. What\'s more, we don\'t necessarily lose this war."


When the demons of hell got together to discuss what you said and I began to discuss how to win the war, Zhang Cheng was sitting in the military and listening to the report of a fear demon king.

"Master! According to our investigation, the enemy can be divided into about six parts, belonging to six demon kings respectively. This tradition follows the ancient seven monarch tradition in hell. However, because the six demon kings have similar strength, no one can stand out and suppress others, so the highest position has been put aside."

"So, what we are going to face is not one army, but six armies that do not belong to each other?" Zhang Cheng asked thoughtfully, touching his chin.

"Of course! In fact, not only do they not belong to each other, but many lords have deep contradictions and even hatred. When the war begins, my brothers and I will use all available means to intensify these contradictions and hatred. Victory will belong to the Legion!" the fear devil grinned and showed a sinister smile.

Zhang Cheng listened to these contents and nodded with satisfaction: "well done! If the plan succeeds, I will give you the right to supervise and transform all prisoners. In addition, help me keep the news of the six demon kings. If they want to escape, be sure to inform me at the first time, okay?"

"Yes! Your will is our command!"

After that, the huge body of the fear demon king quickly transformed into a hell devil, and then turned and flew to the location of the hell army.

Seeing his background fade away, Zhang Cheng suddenly asked, "dear friend, I need your ability now. Tell me, among these so-called demon kings, who has what I want."

"If nothing unexpected, it should be Emma. It is said that she was once a direct descendant of the lust demon asmontes and knew a lot of secrets about the war in ancient times." Warren gave a straightforward answer.

Obviously, it\'s not difficult for him to pry into a little privacy.

"Eima? Where is she and her troops now?" there was a dangerous light in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes.

"East side! It\'s about twenty-five kilometers away from us. What, are you going to attack ahead of time?" groaned Warren in an uncertain tone.

"No, of course not." Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head. "I just want to confirm the location of the prey so that she won\'t run away."

"Don\'t worry, she can\'t run. Because in the script called the future, she kneels in front of you and chooses to surrender. You will win the war. Whether it\'s hell or heaven, you will tremble in front of you." Warren hinted meaningfully.

"Don\'t talk like a tyrant! If you can really see the future, you must know best that I have no interest in rule and power. They are only tools to achieve the goal, not the ultimate pursuit."

When he said these words, the colors in Zhang Cheng\'s pupils kept changing, sometimes gold symbolizing divinity, sometimes green symbolizing evil energy and violet symbolizing Mathematical Olympiad energy.

All kinds of energy with different attributes continue to converge and rise in his body, slowly transforming from quantitative change to qualitative change.

If he can finally surpass the limit of transformation and completely integrate into one, his control over energy will go to a higher level.

To some extent, this is more difficult than the evolution of simple life forms, and it will also bring greater changes.

In order to meet the minimum requirements for absorbing and swallowing the light mass, Zhang Cheng must complete this indispensable pre-processing.

Warren undoubtedly noticed the strange image in the surrounding air and replied with a ponderous face: "you are a tyrant! No matter whether you are interested in power or not, it is in your hand. No one dares to violate your orders, let alone try to provoke your rights, otherwise they will inevitably suffer terrible revenge and even cleansing."

"But if one day I get what I really want, I will definitely abandon all my rights."

"There is no end to desire! You will never get what you really want. At most, you will only reach a boundary similar to the ceiling. So don\'t deceive yourself. After you reach the top, I\'m afraid you won\'t be much better than our sister who calls herself the Creator..."