All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 844

"Attack! Attack! Don\'t stop! The Legion is invincible!"

"Come on! Summon Hellfire! We need more Hellfire to tear the enemy\'s defense!"

"Shadow mage group! We need the support of long-range magic power!"

"Evil cannon fire! Tear up these mean red bastards!"

"The portal is ready! The jump point battle begins! The sixth and seventh teams come with me!"


With the Burning Legion, the huge war machine, fully started. In less than 48 hours, the whole hell was in a mess.

Especially with advanced ultra long distance portal technology, the Legion can attack any target they think valuable or easy to destroy.

This also means that as long as the portal at the two locations is built, a steady stream of troops can bypass the front, instantly reach the back of the enemy\'s ass, and make a quasi ruthless * * assault to defeat the seemingly solid defense line of the other party.

After all, so many fear demons and demons have infiltrated into many places some time ago. Some even climbed to an important position with the ability of flattering. Secretly building several temporary portals is easier than eating and drinking water.

In addition, with the first round of attacks to complete the control of important transportation hubs, the Legion separated the links between most lords, making it impossible for them to gather together and form a truly effective resistance.

Over time, hundreds of demon lords were killed.

There are almost the same number of demon lords who choose to surrender, accept the transformation of evil energy, join the Legion and become the vanguard of conquering hell.

As a saying goes, the most ferocious and cruel are the traitors who surrender to the enemy.

These guys who accepted transformation after surrender knew what would happen if they were captured by the demon kings, so they led their men to attack cities and land one by one, and all kinds of sinister means emerged one after another.

When the hell army gathered at the border reacts, the vanguard of the Legion has approached the heart of the whole hell. It is known as the birthplace of Satan, the strongest demon king of hell in the past, and the demon capital with more than five million resident demons.

Admiring the spires in the distance with a height of more than kilometers and countless magnificent and huge stone buildings, the demon Raines couldn\'t help licking his attractive red lips and sighed softly: "it\'s spectacular! I can\'t wait to launch an all-round attack, completely conquer the city, or destroy it."

"Don\'t worry! Now is not the best time to attack this city. My plan is to put up an array here and wait for the so-called demon kings to lead the army back and launch an unprecedented decisive battle on this plain. As long as we promise this war, the whole dungeon will be in our pocket." Zhang Cheng responded calmly.

"Master! In terms of military strength, I\'m afraid we don\'t have an advantage in this decisive battle. Moreover, those annoying angels may intervene and jump out to pick up bargains when both of us lose." a fear demon quickly stood up and brushed his sense of existence.

As the nihilists incorporated by the dark Titan Sargeras, these vampire bats have a darker heart than any other species. They are good at grasping and analyzing everyone\'s psychological activities, and then identifying weaknesses to control.

Few things can escape their corruption unless they are an emotionless undead.

Zhang Cheng glanced at the guy and asked with a smile, "how do you know that these troops are all at present?"

"Do you have other cards?" the fear devil\'s eyes lit up slightly, showing an expression of interest.

"Of course! I\'ve prepared for this war for a long time! Don\'t worry, no matter what cards those demon kings hide, I promise they won\'t have a chance to win at all. What you and your brothers have to do is to continue to collect intelligence for me and create friction, hatred and conflict within the enemy." Zhang Cheng asked quietly.

If there is a demon race that makes him most alert in the whole Burning Legion sequence, it must be nasrezm, that is, the fear demon king.

The reason is simple!

These guys have no loyalty at all!

They were twisted and hatched in the void. They almost joined hands with the ancient gods to corrupt an unawakened Titan into another terrible creature.

Fortunately, Sargeras shot in time after seeing it, otherwise the next script may not be a Titan civil war, but a war between the distorted void and the Pantheon for the domination of the universe.

But later, after discovering the strength of Sargeras, these nasrezm immediately betrayed the distorted void without restraint, joined the Burning Legion and became the staff and staff of the dark Titan.

So to some extent, they are not so much loyal to the Burning Legion as they worship great power.

If Zhang Cheng meets a stronger enemy than himself one day, these guys will probably make some small moves in private, or even a righteous backstab, and then take credit to his new master.

In contrast, the grumpy Pit Lords are better controlled. As long as they satisfy their desire for killing, destruction and destruction, they don\'t have to worry about rebellion.

The fear devil obviously didn\'t know what he looked like in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes, and still flattered himself: "You are really the most thoughtful and good at planning War I have ever seen in my life. Allow me to express my sincere admiration to you and mourn for those who have become your enemies. They will never know that their defeat was doomed from the beginning. However, I am curious that our enemy seems to have a large flying force. What method are you going to use To solve it? "

"Hehe, naturally, the same flying troops are used. Believe me, you will be amazed when you see them with your own eyes. Well, instead of wasting time here, you\'d better act quickly. I need you and your brothers to weaken the enemy as much as possible before the war."

After saying that, Zhang Cheng deliberately pretended to be impatient and waved his hand, indicating that the other party could step down.

"As you wish!"

Seeing that he could not ask any valuable answer, the fear demon king immediately stroked his chest with one hand and bowed deeply, then turned and disappeared into the busy army.

Not long after he left his front foot, Warren began to remind him, "be careful! These guys with bat wings are not in the same heart as you."

"I\'m very clear about this. Tell me, what\'s our chance of winning this war?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin and asked with interest.

"Why? Don\'t you see I\'m still standing here and have no intention of running away?" Warren grinned with a meaningful smile, and even pulled out a dagger carved with a dragon to trim his nails. The implication is self-evident