All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 843


With the dazzling fire of evil energy rising into the sky, the central palace of the whole blood city completely disappeared from the map.

Standing outside the city, Zhang Cheng undoubtedly saw this scene and joked in a casual tone: "it seems that things are almost the same as you expected. Azgarol is still dead after all. But it doesn\'t matter. As long as there is enough soul, I can revive it no matter how many times I die."

The voice just fell!

He opened the book of controlling demons and touched it gently.


All the Burning Legion demons who died in the attack, including abyss Lord azgaror, have been resurrected.


Just like in Azeroth universe, if you want to kill the devil, you must stand in the distorted void, or some other very special place, and you can\'t be really killed in hell.

If they are destroyed by the enemy in battle, their souls will directly return to the master magic code and wait for the master of the magic code to consume their souls for resurrection.

This means that unless the opponent has the ability to directly damage and destroy the soul, no matter how many times he kills, the number of this frightening Legion will not decrease, but will increase with the increase of the number of evil energy transformation.

Perhaps of all the worlds Zhang Cheng has experienced, only the abyss devil symbolizing chaos and the hell devil symbolizing order in the multiverse where Phelan continent is located can be comparable to it.

"Ah!!!!!!!!!!! That despicable bug! Dare to hurt the great azgarol!"

As a high-level demon killed by the Burning Legion in the world\'s first all-round war, the pit lord felt a deep shame. Without saying a word, he took a large group of cannon fodder through the enemy occupied city gate and rushed to sharia, who manipulated blood over the ruins of the palace.

Due to the violent explosion caused by his death just now, the secondary demon king with the title of Lord of blood showed very serious burns on a large part of his body, and some parts could not even recover by absorbing blood.

Because the evil flame is not an ordinary magic flame, it is highly corrosive. It will not only cause far more damage than the ordinary flame, but also distort and devour the magic energy and make it a part of itself.

In fact, the reason why the whole Burning Legion can develop and grow depends entirely on the conquest and plunder of ancient nomads.

By conquering the living planets in the universe, the aborigines above and even the planet itself are corrupted by powerful evil energy, and finally provide a steady stream of troops, war materials and energy for the Legion.

As for the fate of the planet after the depletion of resources and energy, it is naturally abandoned by the Legion and turned into a deserted Death Star.

To some extent, the evil energy created by the dark Titan Sargeras is the core of the whole burning legion.

Without the help of evil energy, the Legion is like a beast without teeth and claws. Although it will not be reduced to the third class, it will shrink substantially.

Therefore, from the beginning, Zhang Cheng did not limit the spread of evil energy in the world, but hid in the dark to fuel the fire.

At present, he himself is the source of evil energy and shadow in the whole world, and will gradually become stronger and stronger with the expansion of the scope of the war.

Feeling the constant boiling of two kinds of energy in his body, he smiled and said to himself, "maybe when this war is over, I can try to improve my level of control over energy."

Wallent, who was standing next to him, obviously heard this. His face changed slightly and said cautiously, "are you going to do anything dangerous?"

"Danger? No! As long as you succeed, there will be no danger." Zhang Cheng shook his head meaningfully, followed by an explanation: "You should understand that when a person intends to do something, but has not yet started, there is always a half chance of success or failure. Even those plans with a success rate of 99% have a failure rate of 1%. Similarly, plans with a failure rate of 99% have a success rate of 1%. In my opinion, Before you get the exact results, in fact, the success rate doesn\'t make much sense, especially when it comes to a field that no one has touched. It\'s like a box of freshly washed playing cards. You never know what the next card you draw is. "

"I think it should be classified as gambling." wallent twitched slightly in the corner of his mouth and obviously disagreed with this set of fallacies.

"Ha ha! My dear friend, you are too timid and cautious, so you miss so many opportunities and finally have to enter a dead end. Unlike you, I would rather fall on the road to the peak of power than watch myself do nothing or choose to escape because of danger. I am a transcendent. As long as there is a goal ahead, I will never Will stop. "

After saying these meaningful words, Zhang Cheng immediately showed his transmission magic and disappeared without a trace.

Although the Lord of blood sharya is a relatively powerful secondary demon king, it will not take long to be consumed alive under the siege of many senior demons of the Burning Legion.

He was more concerned about the overall situation and the advance speed of several fronts than the local war in the city of blood.

You know, the purpose of launching the war to conquer hell is to turn hell into a rear area. Almost every time a territory or city is conquered, all demons will be caught and transformed into evil energy with a success rate of less than 30%.

The dead wretches, corpses and souls will be made into an endless army of dead souls by the fear demons.

It can be said that as long as we capture more than 50% of the whole hell before the main devil fighting with heaven forces returns to God, we can basically lock the victory.

"Damn it! This guy is really an unreasonable madman!" Warren trembled subconsciously, with a strong fear in his eyes.

As a person with the ability to see through the future, he can never climb to the top like Zhang Cheng, driven by the insatiable ambition and desire in his heart.

He is used to avoiding possible dangers and powerful enemies by predicting the future.

So from the beginning, the way of thinking between the two people was very different.

To be exact, Warren took a fancy to the strong power and future shown by Zhang Cheng and tried to use this power to better protect himself, while Zhang Cheng also took a fancy to Warren\'s ability to predict the future. The two can be said to take what they need.

As for the attitude towards the woman who claimed to be the creator, they all showed varying degrees of vigilance, or hostility.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Whether it\'s Zhang Cheng or Warren, you need to face the greatest threat first, and then you have the opportunity to consider whether you want to kill the other party and enjoy the fruits of victory alone