All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 842

Carmela, the city of blood, is the strangest city in the whole region.

It is not far from Vera, less than 15 days away, but it is a very important transportation hub, and also rules a large area of surrounding territory.

Most importantly, the rulers of this city are not demons in the ordinary sense, but the unexpected product of a cruel experiment by the great demons.

His name is sharya, a unique life that can survive by sucking blood.

you \'re right!

This guy is the real ancestor of all vampires on earth. Whether Cain mentioned in religious legends or Dracula, the famous puncture Duke, got a drop of his blood by chance.

As a secondary demon king, his power is undoubtedly very powerful, especially in the blood city. No one can kill him unless he exhausts tens of millions of tons of plasma stored underground first.

But today, sharia doesn\'t know why. She always has a feeling of uneasiness.

At first, he thought it might be because he fought with the forces of heaven again, but he soon denied the answer.

The reason is simple!

Hell and heaven are like a pair of enemies. Since they found each other, they are fighting each other almost all the time. They are very aware of each other\'s strength.

For example, heaven knows very well that since several old demon kings died, the so-called demon kings recommended by hell have less than one tenth of the power of the former, and no one can even pull out the sword symbolizing the Lord of hell.

In the same way, hell also knows that the God who calls himself God in heaven died miserably in the war in ancient times, leaving only one heart robbed back.

Several archangels are dead and disabled. At present, only one can carry the girder.

Normally, in a state like this, as long as the two sides are rational, they will not go to war in an all-round way, but should recuperate and slowly restore their strength.

After all, the greatest advantage of angels and demons is that they live much longer than humans.

The strong in human beings can only live for one or two hundred years at most, but they can easily live for thousands of years. The longer it takes, the better it will be for heaven and hell.

But now, I don\'t know why in the border area, the game of mutual temptation suddenly becomes fierce. Both angels and demons are crazy and constantly gather strength to try to kill each other at one stroke.

Perhaps in the eyes of other demons, the cause of this war is that the angels advance by an inch and break the hidden rules that both sides have always followed.

But sharia, who has always been good at thinking, always felt that something was wrong.

Just as he sat on the throne, while tasting the fresh blood just taken out from the beautiful girl, he hesitated to go to the border and join the potentially protracted war, a demon with only half an arm suddenly burst in and shouted at his throat, "no... no! Noble Lord of blood! Those guys in Villa are coming!"

"What? What are you talking about? Repeat it again!" Saraya suddenly stood up from his chair, and his strange eyes burst into a terrible red light.

However, before the broken arm devil could explain, he heard a deafening cry of killing outside, followed by a green evil energy fireball, which suddenly fell from the sky, smashed the palace roof with a bang, turned into a huge Hellfire, and began to destroy everything around recklessly.

"Asshole! How dare they!"

Sharya raised her hand, drew a lot of blood from under the throne, threw it directly and swallowed the hellfire.

In just a few seconds, the evil energy fire on this behemoth completely disappeared and became a pool of lifeless stones scattered everywhere.


Uncontrollable anger!

He never dreamed that he would dare to attack himself at this time in the barren land known as the backwater.

But before the secondary demon king could figure out the reason, a huge abyss Lord suddenly fell from the sky, smashed the whole palace with a bang, waved his huge weapon, opened his mouth and cheered, "ahaahaaha! A real prey! I\'m lucky!"

The voice just fell!

He directly raised his double headed sword and slashed it down.


With the dust and rubble all over the sky, together with the wall and throne, they were divided in two by this blow.

It can be said that in the sequence of the Burning Legion, no one is better at killing and destruction than the abyss Lord.

They are like born madmen. Their minds are full of the desire to fight, and there is no fear of death at all.

But unfortunately, sharia\'s speed was very fast. She had moved to the side for about six meters and just avoided it.

However, he did not rush to launch a counterattack, but narrowed his eyes to observe the behemoth standing in front of him. After a long time, he asked, "who are you? Why have I never seen a devil like you in hell!"

"I am the great abyss Lord azgarol! Tremble! Humble worm! I will cut off your head and give it to my master! Victory and glory to the Legion!"

The Lord of the abyss raised his left hand and began to guide the magic energy. Just a few seconds later, an overwhelming evil energy fireball fell from the sky and began to strike the other party within hundreds of meters.

And every fireball that falls will become a flaming hell fire puppet.

In terms of war scale and experience, hell can\'t catch up with the Burning Legion that destroyed countless worlds.

Seeing that his city was wantonly destroyed by a group of invaders, sharya finally couldn\'t control her anger. She raised her hands and shouted: "you have made a mistake! A huge mistake! That is, you shouldn\'t provoke me! Now, have a good taste of the real power of the city of fresh blood!"

The dilapidated palace was suddenly lifted by the blood gushing from the ground.

The blood began to gather over the city at an incredible speed and slowly formed a large red cloud like thing.

Next second

These blood containing amazing magic fell like raindrops!

These raindrops, like sharp swords, immediately killed thousands of low-level demons, and even many hell fires that are resistant to exercise have exhausted their energy and fell to the ground.

In contrast, azgaror, the Lord of the abyss, was in a slightly better state. He was only cut a small hole. The blood full of anger flowed along the wound, and all the creatures stained would be burned up in an instant.

He glanced at his injury, smiled grimly and said sarcastically, "is this your ability? Sorry, it can only tickle me."

"Don\'t worry! The real meal is coming soon!" sharya\'s raised right hand suddenly fell down.

A huge spear made of blood and energy fell from the sky and directly pierced the body of the abyss Lord. Its blood, like a flame, immediately lost control and burst open with a bang, involving everything within a radius of hundreds of meters.