All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 841

In the dark chamber of secrets, thirteen magic candles were burning slowly, and the people sitting in front of the candles kept silent, just looking at the old man sitting on the throne.

There is no doubt that they are not mental patients, nor role-playing game lovers, but 13 members of the North American Supreme Council.

As speaker, Kosmo first coughed and then said calmly: "I believe you must be surprised why I suddenly called you to hold an emergency meeting. In fact, it was not that I wanted to hold a meeting, but that the joint members of the Supreme Council sent an emergency notice saying that there was an organization trying to threaten the U.S. government with nuclear weapons. Let\'s deal with it responsibly."

"Nuclear weapons?" Laverne\'s face changed slightly, and subconsciously glanced at Zhang Cheng with the rest of his eyes.

He will never forget the powerful nuclear warhead detonated in the last joint operation.

"That\'s right! Although I don\'t think this matter will get out of hand, since the joint Supreme Council issued a warning, we\'d better discuss a little about how to calm the situation down." the speaker tapped his finger on the table to explain.

Due to the fierce conflict between him and some members of Parliament, the atmosphere of the meeting was a little less harmonious. Almost half of the people closed their mouths and didn\'t even bother to say a word. It was obvious that they didn\'t intend to intervene.

In fact, the vast majority of parliamentarians are not very interested in nuclear weapons. As long as ordinary people and the government do not plant mushrooms all over the world like crazy, they are lazy to care about the filth between countries.

"So you mean..." asked Laverne with a divine light in his pupil.

Kosmo hesitated for a few seconds and quickly responded: "I mean, send someone to conduct a simple investigation. If there is no danger of a full-scale nuclear war, ignore it. If so, uproot the organization."

"I see! I\'ll take care of it." laforn volunteered to take the task.

His purpose is very clear, that is to wipe the ass of the most suspected ally and ensure that it will not be discovered by outsiders.

"Oh? Are you sure?" Cosmo raised his eyebrows in surprise.

As one of the oldest members of the North American Supreme Council, laforn has always been known for his solitude and solitude. He rarely takes on any tasks, so he smells an unusual smell.

Laverne nodded softly. "Yes, I\'m sure. My old bone is time to move. It saves too much time. Many people forget my name."

"Ha ha! You are really joking! I promise that even if all the old guys of our generation die, those families who have been thunderstruck will still remember your name." the speaker laughed and joked.

"I hope so! If there\'s nothing else, I\'ll leave first," said Laverne, standing up from his chair and leaning slightly, then he disappeared out of thin air, and the candles on the table went out automatically.

The rest of the people followed suit and chose to get up and leave. They were busy with their own affairs. After a while, the whole secret room was empty and completely shrouded in darkness.


At the same time, on Long Island, New York, Zhang Cheng, who had just returned home through magic, poured a cup of honey wine to laforn sitting on the sofa and asked with a smile: "you must want to ask if I was the ghost of that organization when you appeared in my home, right?"

"You\'ll always be so smart! Don\'t worry, I\'m not here to ask questions. I just want to know the truth and decide what to do." Laverne drank up his glass with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"Well, I admit that this organization is really under my control," Zhang Cheng admitted.

Because he knows that lying at this time is meaningless. It\'s only a matter of time to find out the truth with the power of the other party. It\'s better to be single.

"Why do you want to do this? Can\'t you be satisfied to become a member of the Supreme Council of the underground world?" Laverne looked puzzled and puzzled.

"No, you misunderstood. I just want to get my own intelligence network to facilitate the search and investigation of some information. As for this bold action, the main reason is that the U.S. government always flies around in front of me like a fly. I\'m impatient and gave them a small lesson." Zhang Cheng explained half truths and half truths.

"I know what to do with this day." Laverne nodded thoughtfully, put down the empty glass and turned away.

Seeing him disappear completely through the portal, Zhang Cheng muttered with a sneer: "I don\'t know if it\'s an illusion. The situation in the world began to run in the direction of out of control. It seems that my plan has to speed up."

The voice just fell!

A note written on parchment suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

I saw it written in the ancient demon language: the war has begun, and the time is ripe to conquer hell.

"Aha! Has it finally begun? It\'s time to show your cards and use these two worlds closely connected to the earth as war and logistics bases."

With these words, Zhang Cheng instantly positioned the coordinates, and the whole person directly tore the space and came to the hot hell.

Before he could enjoy the hot scene around him, Warren hurried to the front and reported with a very fast Vocabulary: "Latest news! An all-out war between the demon Legion and the angel Legion finally broke out. In less than two days, millions of demons and angels died. Now the whole hell has issued a summoning order, and almost all lords have led their troops to join them. It\'s time to give them a fatal knife from behind."

"Supreme master! Please allow me to lead the vanguard to attack the city and land for you! The world will belong to the Legion!" an abyss Lord roared loudly with his huge body.

Chaos, war, killing and death!

All this made every nerve in his body in an extremely excited state, and the fire of evil energy burning on his head was even higher and stronger than usual.

"No! It should be given to me! I swear I will give you a brilliant victory." another fear demon hurried to follow his loyalty.

Although at the beginning, these guys had to agree to Frank\'s exchange terms just to get the chance of resurrection.

But with the advancement of the whole plan, they quickly realized that breaking away from the strong rule of the dark Titan Sargeras and the fraudster Kil\'jaeden was not entirely a bad thing. At least their status had been improved, and they could still do what they liked most.

In particular, the upcoming war is 100% in line with the intentions of this group of evil, dark, bloodthirsty and tyrannical monsters, so the resistance is not strong, but there is an impulse to try.