All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 840

Bernard can\'t be an idiot who doesn\'t know anything if he can climb to a high position second only to the director and deputy director of the CIA.

On the contrary, it took him less than a minute to figure out the huge dark curtain that might be hidden behind the whole thing.

First of all, no more than five people in the Bureau knew that he went to the safe house, so 100% were betrayed by insiders.

Secondly, the confidentiality level of his relatives\' information is also very high, and only a few people are qualified to access it, so it was also done by a guy with very high authority inside.

Finally, and most importantly, at present, the United States has privately raised the security alert to the highest level. Both customs and borders have begun the principle of preferring to kill by mistake and never let go. Everyone entering the United States is strictly investigated. If there is something wrong, they will take all necessary actions.

Normally, not to mention a former senior KGB employee, that is, ordinary people from Eastern Europe and the Middle East, will be strictly investigated. If there is any doubt, they will be refused entry. It is possible to allow them to transit only if there are internal senior use privileges.

After understanding this, Bernard sighed with a bitter smile: "well, it seems that I don\'t have a second choice, can I ask the last two questions before joining?"

"Of course! Excuse me!" Leonid made a very gracious gesture of invitation.

"First, what is the purpose of the organization, or to put it another way, what are you for? Second, who is the so-called master in your mouth?" Bernard put forward the biggest question in his heart.

He never understood how such a powerful intelligence organization was established quietly.

Aside from others, just investing in maintaining daily operations is a lot of money, at least billions of dollars.

Leonid touched his temples and replied meaningfully: "Our goal at this stage is to grow rapidly and insert our tentacles into every corner of the world. We have no special ambition. In short, we provide various intelligence services for our hosts. In addition, we are free to do whatever we want most of the time. There is no regulation, no monitoring, and no endless suspicion "How about it? Does it sound tempting?"

"What?! are you kidding?" Bernard stared with disbelief.

"Are you kidding? No, no, no, I\'m never kidding." Leonid smiled and shook his head. "The master has far more power and generosity than you can imagine. He can give you everything you want, and he can give you rights under tens of thousands of people. If you have to use one word, he is an omnipotent God."

"Shet! Your performance now makes me feel like I\'m about to join a cult that doesn\'t have a clear mind." Bernard tightened his eyebrows and carefully observed the reactions of others around him.

The result surprised him that the others were nothing different at all, as if they acquiesced to the almost exaggerated description.


That\'s not normal!

"Don\'t worry, dear friend. As long as you nod your head now, I can make you see it right away." with that, Leonid stepped back a little and stood in the middle of the road.

Bernard is obviously hesitating!

On the one hand, he doesn\'t want to betray the CIA who has worked for a lifetime;

On the other hand, I\'m not sure if joining an inexplicable organization will be used to death by the other party and then abandoned.

Don\'t think this is a scene only in Hollywood movies!

In the real intelligence war, many unlucky people are easily convinced of the promises from the enemy after being tricked. As a result, they are constantly forced to risk their lives to steal important intelligence.

Once exposed, let alone rescue, basically one is abandoned directly. Better ones may be locked up for interrogation, and it\'s not uncommon to be almost killed by their own people.

Spy has always been a high-risk and super exciting special career, so finding a strong background is more important than anything.

As for those who are loyal and work for the country, they are most used to deceive those rookies who have just joined the industry. Those who have been in this industry for more than ten years will never be loyal to anyone. They are only loyal to themselves.

This is one of the reasons why the number of double-sided spies is increasing.

Unfortunately, generally speaking, only children have the real right to choose, while adults usually have no choice.

At least for Bernard, the so-called choice does not exist at present. Unless he wants to watch his wife and children killed, he has to join the way.

Without much hesitation, he handed over his pistol very single, smiled and said, "I join! From now on, we are a group."

"Great! I promise you made a choice. Now it\'s time for you to see our real strength." Leonid raised his right arm and waved.

Woo woo——

With the loud noise of the engine working, a Kun fighter in an invisible state showed its true face.

Optical invisibility!

Radar stealth!

Vertical takeoff and landing!

When it appeared within the scope of Bernard\'s realization, the whole senior CIA fell into a dull state. I couldn\'t believe that the advanced fighter that could not even be made by the U.S. military industrial complex was studied by an organization of unknown origin.

Not only has it been studied, but it also seems to have been put into actual combat.

"Come on, I\'ll take you to the headquarters and do a little loyalty test. As my men once told you, our eyes are everywhere."

After saying these forced words, Leonid directly got on the plane and waved to his men.

After a while, except for the truck full of furniture, appliances and daily necessities, all the remaining cars and people were crammed into the cabin, and then went away ignoring the American radar system.

The whole process did not trigger any radar station or satellite suspended in space orbit.

Bernard, who saw this scene with his own eyes, sighed secretly and muttered, "everywhere? It seems that this is not just a joke..."

"In fact, as long as we are willing, we can invade and hijack all satellites in outer space and the whole Internet at any time. In front of us, there is no secret in the world of ordinary people. I will support you, take the position of director of the CIA, and then extend the sphere of influence to all aspects of the U.S. government bit by bit. I hope you don\'t have too many unnecessary emotions."

"Don\'t worry, I\'m a selfish person. I won\'t sacrifice my own and my family\'s lives for the country."

"That\'s the best! The host likes smart people who know current affairs best. If I have a chance, I\'ll introduce you to him."