All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 839

In an ordinary house in Washington, D.C., Bernard and his wife are busy packing up and preparing to move out of the place to take shelter in a prepared safe house.

As one of the most hated intelligence organizations in the world, working for the CIA means that it may be targeted by hostile countries and even terrorists.

If you are careless, you will not only die, but also your family will be involved.

In fact, when the CIA deals with those disobedient spies, the easiest and direct way is to expose their identities.

Then there was no need to do it yourself. The enemies naturally came to the door and finished what should have been handled by the CIA.

This is why almost all spies are willing to work for the country, rather than individuals or small intelligence organizations.

Because only the state can ensure that their privacy will not be leaked and that the safety of family and friends will not be threatened.

Looking at one luggage after another being carried into the car, Bernard took a deep breath, raised his head and asked his colleagues standing aside, "where are you going to send me this time?"

"Sorry, man, you should know the rules. I can\'t tell you anything until I reach my destination." a bald black man shrugged his shoulders and refused.

"What about the mysterious organization?" Bernard obviously didn\'t give up, narrowed his eyes and continued to ask.

"So far, I know nothing about them, only that they are powerful and frightening. In particular, the method of transporting nuclear warheads to any corner of the world makes the whole white house and the Pentagon uneasy. It can be said that we are in big trouble this time!" the black explained with a slight sigh.

I have to say that this crazy act of Zhang Cheng directly scared the entire American elite to pee their pants.

It is one thing to deal with a group of countries such as the Soviet Union, and another to deal with a mysterious organization of unknown origin.

Although the two super camps were frantically exploring on the brink of destruction during the cold war, the former, as a huge country, would abide by the minimum international norms anyway and would never casually pull the whole human civilization to an end.

But what Zhang Cheng has done doesn\'t look rational.

Because anyone with a little sense will not choose to sell nuclear warheads to religious extremists, and there is still a big mushroom on the head of the US military.

Moreover, he personally came to the White House afterwards. He not only shot and killed a senior military officer, but also used hundreds of nuclear warheads to destroy the United States as a threat to force the government to sign a series of unequal treaties.

What\'s more terrible is that after the event, the whole video was released to the Internet.

At present, almost every country\'s government and people know that the strongest United States in the world will fear, fear and yield to its stronger enemies.

This strong contrast and image attack shook the single-level world order established by the United States after the end of the cold war and ended the myth of the strongest military organization on earth.

As the most direct manifestation, the price of weapon grade nuclear materials and suitcase small nuclear bombs on the black market soared more than 20 times in an instant.

Especially those terrorist organizations that are extremely hostile to the United States want to transport these big killers into the United States and make big news in the most populous areas.

In just a few days, the customs and border patrol caught several suspicious elements trying to bring weapons grade nuclear materials into the United States.

For a while, the US government and various law enforcement agencies realized the seriousness of the problem and raised the alert level to a higher level.

"Alas - I hope it won\'t cause serious disaster in the end." Bernard sighed, picked up the last carton, got into the car and waved to the agent in charge of driving.

When instructed, the latter immediately started the car and drove straight southwest along the highway.

About half an hour later, when he was thinking about what went wrong with his carefully prepared plan, why the spy satellite was hijacked, and where his identity was exposed, the car suddenly took a 180 degree turn and stopped on the open suburban road.

An old man who combed his hair meticulously came down from another car parked on the side of the road, greeted with a smile and said, "good morning, dear old friend, I believe you should still remember me?"

"Are you... Leonid KGB, the former director of the South American intelligence collection service?" Bernard thought for a moment and soon linked the other party to some old files in his memory.

As the CIA\'s most powerful enemy in the past, he will not easily forget the senior officials who once worked for the KGB.

"That\'s right! It\'s me! I didn\'t expect you to climb to your present position so soon after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. What\'s the matter? Our recent small moves have caused you a lot of trouble?" Leonid pursed his lips and leaked a proud smile.

"Recently? Damn it! So you\'re playing tricks behind all this?" Bernard\'s face suddenly changed and subconsciously wanted to reach for the gun.

But before he pulled out his gun, he suddenly found a man standing behind his wife, and the man still had an electronic screen in his hand, which showed the picture of his son and daughter working.


He realized that all his relatives had been controlled. If he had any extreme actions, his wife, son, daughter and grandchildren would all be killed.

Holding back his anger and unwillingness, Bernard asked in a slightly trembling voice, "you madman! What do you want me to do?"

"Hehe! It\'s very simple! I want to recruit you so that you can have the honor to work for your master." Leonid said the purpose of his trip directly.

you \'re right!

He wants to drive a nail into the CIA to ensure that he can get first-hand information at any time.

"Master? You\'re working for someone, not your country?" Bernard showed a trace of surprise in his eyes and didn\'t refuse in a hurry.

An old fox like him will not easily give up any opportunity to inquire about intelligence.

"Yes! I have sworn allegiance to him and will never betray him.

In addition, I also advise you not to think carefully and be a member of the organization.

Otherwise, I will let you know how painful it will cost to disobey us.

Oh, by the way, the host is also very influential in the United States, and even allows us to obtain legal entry status.

The only way which must be passed is an easy job to do away with the eyelid of a series of departments including CIA, FBI, homeland security and so on.