All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 838

"Sorry, honey, I may be busy recently, so I can\'t accompany you around the United States by motorcycle. In order to express my apology, all the expenses on the road are charged to my account. Have a good time with Aisha..."

At the end of the call with Elizabeth, Zhang Cheng sighed helplessly, stuffed his mobile phone into his pocket, raised his head and looked at the Black Dragon Princess and young dragon who directly appeared in the living room through the transmission of magic a few minutes ago. Then he held his chin and asked, "tell me, what happened?"

"It\'s the batch of dragon eggs you sold. One of them awakened the memory hidden in the blood because of an accident." Onyxia briefly told the truth and pushed the little Lori with more than a dozen wounds, large and small.

"A young dragon?" Zhang Cheng jumped his eyebrows in surprise.

"She is very special! I can feel the weak power of the earth from her! Generally speaking, it is impossible for a newborn dragon to obtain this talent." Onyxia stressed seriously.

It is for this reason that she did not stifle this uncertainty.

You should know that the black dragon is not another four-color guardian dragon, but likes to cultivate its offspring as chess pieces and cannon fodder. Even at the extreme point, it will do crazy biological experiments with dragon eggs and young dragons.

So for them, killing several offspring is just like eating and drinking water, which is common.

However, for those young dragons with special talents, the black dragon is still very willing to give some preferential treatment. At least it won\'t kill them casually like crushing a bedbug.

"Sounds like fun. Come here, little guy." Zhang Cheng waved to Luo Lilong.

The latter was obviously a little afraid and moved forward carefully. His eyes were full of fear and vigilance.

If you were an ordinary person, I\'m afraid you would immediately flood with love. Hold the little girl in your arms and love her well.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng has long been a real cold-blooded animal. He didn\'t care about the young dragon\'s feelings. He directly and rudely invaded his brain and began to read each other\'s memory.

In a few minutes or so, he found the part of the magic ceremony and realized what was going on with these suddenly awakened memories. A playful expression appeared on his face: "It\'s actually changing the flow rate of time in a specific area! It\'s really not easy for the people of the wizard association to get the time static scroll. Within less than a year, they have developed several stable magic rituals."

"You mean... Those mortals tried to speed up the time to make the young dragon grow rapidly. I don\'t know why, there were some small accidents during the whole ceremony?" the Black Dragon Princess asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yes! But in my opinion, this is not an accident, but an expected thing. Time has never been a force that can be easily controlled, and it is also the most prone to accidents. Any misoperation may have an irreversible impact. I think your daughter should have spied some fragments from different time streams. Wrong Take them as memories. "Zhang Cheng explained calmly.

To tell the truth, he had never regarded the wizard Association in the world as one thing before, and even despised it a little.

However, through the research progress of time static magic, he suddenly found that the strength of the wizard association was no worse than that of the Supreme Council.

Especially in knowledge inheritance and new spell research and development, it is much more powerful than he thought.

Hearing this, Onyxia nodded thoughtfully: "I see. So what are you going to do with this little guy? Kill her? Or..."

"Don\'t be so cruel! After all, she is a black dragon, and I\'m curious about how she will change under the influence of time flow. Why not take her with you first and bring her back later for me to have a comprehensive examination." Zhang Cheng hesitated a little and made a quick decision.

"Why not now?"

"Because I have more important things to do right now. If there is nothing, you\'d better not disturb me."

With these words, Zhang Cheng ignored the reaction of the Black Dragon Princess, directly opened a portal and came to the front of the space-time tower alone.

With more and more experiments, Adam began to combine a large number of scientific instruments with magic with his own hands, creating a set of special tools full of strange styles, which covered hundreds of square meters at a glance.

The largest one is to wrap the light mass from beginning to end, which is densely covered with 100000 detection needles of large and small decimals.

Every change in the spectral frequency of the light cluster will be recorded, and then through analysis and interpretation, we can find out what this mysterious life is trying to convey.

Instead of disturbing the busy Adam, Zhang Cheng picked up the experimental notes piled on the table and read them carefully.

Unknowingly, several hours passed.

When Adam finished his work, he found his creator standing next to him. He hurried over and stroked his chest with one hand and bowed respectfully: "I\'m very sorry, I didn\'t find you coming."

"No, it\'s nothing." Zhang Cheng waved his hand indifferently. "Tell me, how far has the experiment gone?"

"It is basically confirmed that this is a high-level intelligent life embryo. Although it has not yet born self-consciousness, it is releasing an energy light wave to the outside world all the time. I am developing a set of encoder to try to solve the mystery." Adam quickly gave the answer.

His spirit was so excited that his eyes burst with undisguised excitement and enthusiasm when he spoke.

"If I want to devour it, do you have any good way?" Zhang Cheng was obviously not interested in the so-called encoder and directly raised his own question.

"Devour?" Adam\'s eyes widened in disbelief. "No! Please don\'t devour it! You and it are not at the same level in terms of energy level. If you compare the energy level you have to the gaseous state, it represents the most powerful solid state. Once you complete the fusion, you will not devour it, but it may devour you."

"But you just said it had no independent consciousness!" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

"Yes! I said! But this is not a matter of consciousness! It is a matter of the essence of life. In short, a living body like it, whether conscious or not, will take it as the leading role in the process of integration. Even if your consciousness is lucky to take the initiative, it will slowly be assimilated by its influence and eventually become it, not you."

"But if my consciousness can resist these influences, won\'t I still be myself? I\'ll give you two months to design an integration plan. I need its power..."