All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 837

Feeling the strong air blowing through her cheeks, Onyxia, who had not changed into a dragon for a long time, narrowed her eyes and looked around for the unique breath of the black dragon.

As the source of her blood, she could sense that there was a descendant of her own, hidden in this vast swamp.

But the problem is that the other party obviously knows some hiding skills and doesn\'t leave much information.

Just when the Black Dragon Princess began to be a little upset, she suddenly found a fallen black scale in the grass.

No hesitation!

She dived down directly, glanced at the dirt on the surface of the scales, raised her mouth and said to herself, "ah! Damn little thing! I finally found you."

The voice just fell!

Onyxia slammed her mouth and spewed a deadly flame into the muddy swamp behind her.


The dazzling orange flame covered everything within hundreds of meters in an instant. Not only did all the water evaporate, but even the soil and gravel solidified rapidly under the terrible high temperature, and even melted into hot magma.

However, before the end of this spit, a figure about ten meters old suddenly rushed out of the magma and rolled to extinguish the flame on his body.

There is no doubt that this shadow is nothing else. It is a black dragon still in its infancy.

Because it has not grown up, its scales are not like Azeroth\'s adult black dragon, which can be completely immune to fire damage.

After putting out the fire in the humid environment of the swamp, the little guy struggled to get up from the mud, looked at the behemoth in front of him with awe, and asked in dragon language after a full minute: "are you my mother, Black Dragon Princess Onyxia, daughter of Black Dragon King nesario?"

"That\'s right! You seem to be different from other dragon eggs I laid. You awakened a lot of memories about Azeroth, don\'t you?" Onyxia came close with elegant steps and looked at the different young dragon with great interest.

You should know that the dragon of Azeroth is not the dragon of Phelan. From birth, you will get a lot of knowledge about yourself and the world, and clearly know your dominant position in the food chain.

On the contrary, they are very fragile and stupid in their infancy. Like other intelligent life, they will become smarter and stronger with the growth of age and experience.

Therefore, the young dragon just hatched from the dragon\'s egg does not have any memory.

"Yes! Those humans! They performed an interesting magic ceremony on me, as if they wanted to speed up my growth by pouring energy. But what they didn\'t expect was that it activated my memory hidden in my blood, from the memory of the whole black dragon group." the young dragon answered by licking his injured wings.

She looked in a terrible state. She not only had more than a dozen wounds, large and small, but also several of them gave off a pungent smell of decay. At a glance, she knew that she was cursed or poisoned by magic.

"So you killed one of them and escaped?" the Black Dragon Princess exuded the momentum of an adult dragon all over her body, put her head many times larger than the other side close to her, and two dazzling and bright lights came out of her nostrils.

The young dragon was undoubtedly frightened. He subconsciously shrunk his neck and nodded desperately: "yes! I am a noble black dragon, not a pet raised by humans."

Hearing this, Onyxia\'s ferocious face suddenly showed satisfaction: "well said! It seems that your blood gives you the pride of being a black dragon. Unfortunately, you are too weak to protect yourself. At the same time, the awakening memory in your mind is a big trouble for me."

"Are you going to kill me, mother!" the young dragon\'s pupils suddenly contracted, his muscles tightened, and he was ready to fight to the death.

Although she knew very well that even if she did her best, it would be difficult to pose any threat to the Black Dragon Princess.

But in order to fight for that glimmer of hope to live, she is willing to do her best, even if she is killed in the end.

"Kill you? I did have such a plan just now, but now it seems that you still have some value. Come on, try to change into a human appearance, and I\'ll take you to meet someone. If he allows you to survive, you are qualified to survive."

With that, Onyxia quickly changed from dragon form to human form and began to prepare for super long-distance transmission of magic.

Realizing that he had saved his life for the time being, the young dragon immediately changed rapidly, and finally became a little Lori about six or seven years old with black hair and black eyes. Her appearance looked very lovable.

When the spell was ready, the Black Dragon Princess grabbed her, and then they disappeared together.

At the same time, on the other side of the Everglades, hilna is waving her double blades to encircle more than a dozen people in the underground world with a beautiful battle like art.

No matter how hard these guys try, they can\'t pose any threat to them.

On the contrary, it is the spirit female demon hunter, who can easily contain all hunters with her extreme dexterity and combat experience.

If she didn\'t want to kill, she would have been torn and swallowed by the hungry crocodile.

"Falk! This woman is so evil! She\'s kidding us!" a black man with his upper body painted with red paint said in a low voice.

"Nonsense! She\'s preventing us from tracking the injured dragon! Even fools can see it!" the other man rolled his eyes angrily.

"No! We have to find a way! If it goes on like this, even if she doesn\'t kill us, those later guys won\'t let us go. After all, the reward is so high that people with some strength in North America are moved by the wind."

"Shet! You have to say that? But the question is, do you think we can beat this woman?"

"Maybe - we can talk to her!"


While these unlucky people were on alert and whispering about how to get rid of the current dilemma, hilna suddenly stopped her hand and answered the phone in front of more than a dozen enemies.

After a brief conversation, she directly pressed the hang up button, smiled and said to the nervous underground world residents, "relax, my task is over. I\'m sorry to spoil your business, but believe me, it\'s a good thing. At least you saved your life."

"Who are you?" the leader of the team tried with a frown.

"It doesn\'t matter who I am. For the safety of yourself, friends and family, I sincerely suggest you don\'t inquire. You know, curiosity is too strong, but it will die. Goodbye. I hope we\'ll never meet in the future."

Hilna put away her double blades, turned and waved her hand without looking back. After a while, she disappeared into the depths of the overgrown swamp.