All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 836

"Ms. katlana, your investment vision is really admirable. In just six months, you tripled your total assets, which is a model of beauty and wisdom." a middle-aged man in his 40s who combed his hair meticulously said with a smile.

Like all shrewd "licking dogs" in the world, he understands that most women are emotional and prefer to listen to some rhetoric than really professional evaluation, whether smart or stupid.

You should know that "licking a dog" is actually hierarchical. The lowest level is like those idiots who have no bottom line at all. Like slaves or servants, they are cheered and cheered by women. In the end, they either have nothing or become a receiver.

But the real senior licking dog is just like this handsome middle-aged man. He knows when to say what kind of words and do what kind of things, which can win the favor to the greatest extent, and even tease a woman\'s heart unwilling to be lonely.

"You flatter me, Mr. Carter. I\'m just lucky." the Black Dragon Princess replied with a polite smile.

As in storm City, she still used the name katlana Presto and successfully entered the top of the country.

Although it is not enough to control the political situation, one foot has stepped into this circle.

As long as she is willing to give a little hint to the top leaders of the Ministry of defense, the other party will immediately kneel down and lick her toes without using magical power.


Real heaven!

In Onyxia\'s eyes, the United States is simply the place they dream of, and they can give full play to what they failed to accomplish in storm city.

"No! No! No! You are too modest, madam. Your talent in financial investment has been recognized by the whole wall street. If you need it, I think almost all investment banks and securities companies will be willing to offer you a high salary as the management of the company." Another slightly younger guy rushed forward and stole the initiative from his competitors.

The so-called goddess belongs to everyone. Why should you lick it alone.

For a while, these men who were affected by the lower body and entered the estrous period began to show their demeanor, conversation, knowledge, identity and influence in their own industry like peacocks.

Onyxia, on the other hand, easily got the information she needed, and soon left under the pretext of the bathroom. The corners of her mouth tilted slightly, revealing a mocking smile.

Just as she stood in front of the mirror in the women\'s toilet and appreciated her beautiful appearance and proud figure, a figure suddenly appeared in the picture of the mirror.

However, the Black Dragon Princess did not show even a little panic. Instead, she first switched to the dragon\'s eyes and inspected the partition room. After confirming that there were no outsiders, she joked in a rather lazy voice: "how did you get in? If I remember correctly, didn\'t you go to Africa to do those ridiculous humanitarian assistance some time ago?"

"First of all, how I got in has nothing to do with you. Second, I went to do humanitarian assistance to better feel the world and life." as he said, the intruder took off his hood and showed a suffocating face.

She\'s no one else. She\'s hilna, the demon hunter.

"Come on, what can I do for you?" Onyxia asked without looking back while mending her makeup.

"Something\'s wrong with your offspring!" the elf answered by stroking his platinum blond hair.

"My offspring?" the Black Dragon Princess subconsciously frowned and suddenly had a bad hunch.

"That\'s right! Remember those dragon eggs sold by the owner? One of them grew at an amazing speed after hatching due to some unknown magic ceremony, and became more and more tyrannical, cruel and cunning. About a week ago, the female cub killed her owner and successfully escaped into the Everglades National Park in Florida." Hilna spoke quickly to show her intention.

But Onyxia sneered and curled her lips: "what does this have to do with me? Do you still want me to save her?"

The demon hunter shook his head gently: "no, I mean, she seems to keep part of Azeroth\'s memory in her mind, and even clearly shouted out her mother\'s name, that is, you."

"What?!" the Black Dragon Princess\'s face suddenly changed.

As a dragon eager to abandon the past and regain her rebirth, what she fears most is that her identity will be exposed and return to the days when she needs to hide.

"It\'s very surprising, isn\'t it? To tell you the truth, I\'m also very surprised. Unlike her brothers and sisters, she knows where she comes from and what her identity is. So I think this is an uncertain factor and needs to be eliminated as soon as possible." hilna gave a serious suggestion.

As a stowaway from Azeroth, she even died once, so she doesn\'t want Azeroth to be known by outsiders.

"Damn it! I hate accidents. When I find this little bastard in the way, I will break her neck with my own hands." Onyxia, ignoring her makeup, crammed things into her bag and cursed in a low voice.

"Time is pressing! We must find your offspring before those underground world residents find your offspring." hilna took a small bottle of dried dragon blood from her arms. "This is the blood she shed when she was injured in battle. I believe it should be very useful to you."

"Of course! With this, I can find her in a few hours." the Black Dragon Princess opened the plug, gently sniffed the smell of blood, and soon cast her transmission magic and disappeared in place.

Next second!

Together with the demon hunter, she appeared out of thin air in the depths of the endless Everglades and broke the neck of a crocodile that rushed up to try to pick up a bargain.

Feeling the residual energy and smell in the air, Onyxia soon showed a ferocious smile on her face and muttered, "ah! This cunning little bastard is hiding nearby! I can smell the residual smell of her hunting."

"I also saw the traces of magic! She grew up faster than I thought! And the tracker was not far behind us." hilna fiercely pulled out the double blades hidden behind her and made a battle posture.

Because she knew that what she had to do next was not to track the whereabouts of the young dragon, but to stay and drag the residents of the underground world to ensure that they would never know the truth.

"Hum! Don\'t worry! I\'ll take care of everything in ten minutes at most."

Without saying a word, the Black Dragon Princess directly transformed into a black dragon, soared into the air, swept over the water full of crocodiles and python, and went straight along the traces left by the young dragon after hunting.