All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 835

"Oh, it\'s expected. Remember, we are really in a very critical period of change, and anything can happen. The decline of American hegemony means a lot of things. As long as we operate properly, the whole world will be under our control..."

While appreciating the ugly behavior of the White House spokesman who was forced by reporters, Zhang Cheng pursed the corners of his mouth and gave a meaningful hint.


It is not only a vacuum state formed after the withdrawal of order forces, but also a paradise for conspirators and careerists.

As long as no one or two countries can form absolute hegemony in military, culture, finance and science and technology, the ordinary people on earth will fall into endless struggle.

Next, in some sensitive places, conflicts will intensify 100 percent, and even proxy wars between major powers will break out.

Leonid undoubtedly knew this very well and nodded seriously: "I understand! But at present, no country in the world is qualified to challenge the United States. Do we need to give some subsidies to countries willing to challenge the hegemony of the United States?"

"Funding? Do you mean..." Zhang Cheng asked with interest.

"Very simple! We can send some necessary funds or scientific and technological support to the Far East. Only in this way can the political game between the world powers contain each other and ensure the smooth implementation of our follow-up plan." Leonid carefully put forward his suggestions.

As an elite left over from the disintegration of the red empire for many years, he knows very well that with the advent of the new century, ideological disputes gradually fade away and are replaced by disputes over nationalism and religious culture.

In this regard, the only two big countries in the Far East can compete with Europe and the United States.

Although one of them has disintegrated, it still has sufficient capital. In addition, the new president is ambitious and tries to restore the Soviet Union\'s status as a major power in the world. He is fully capable of containing the strength of NATO.

On the other hand, the rapid economic rise has released amazing industrial production capacity. By providing a little advanced technology, we can catch up and greatly weaken the influence of the United States in East Asia and even the Western Pacific.

"Tell me about your plan." an interested expression appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face.

Although he has controlled the power behind the United States to some extent, the problem is that this control is not direct, but through some so-called "allies".

As we all know, "allies" will eventually become enemies for a variety of reasons.

So many times, it is also a very good choice to cultivate a group of potential enemies for your friends.

"I hope to provide the north with some support in terms of funds and sales channels. In short, I buy weapons from them and sell them to war prone areas. I believe this money can help its economy recover quickly. As for the south, I provide some technical data in the database, especially in terms of aircraft and warships..."

"Sounds good. Let\'s do what you think first. But be careful not to reveal too many advanced technologies. You know what I mean, don\'t you?"

Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment and soon agreed to the other party\'s plan.

In any case, the earth is dominated by magic. Unless science and technology develops to the space colonial era, it is impossible to pose a threat to the incredible magic.

Therefore, if the black technology brought back from Marvel Universe is released a little, it will not affect itself, but can get some benefits.

"Thank you for your trust! Please rest assured that I will be measured. Oh, by the way, there is another message to inform you. Abu Musab Zarqawi was killed by the U.S. delta Special Forces in his hometown three days ago." Leonid added at the end before hanging up.

Zhang Cheng was obviously not surprised. He sneered and said sarcastically, "interesting! It\'s so interesting! This is the Jihad they advocated? Tell me, who betrayed him?"

"A guy named Abu Omar is one of Zarqawi\'s most important aides. At present, he has inherited Zarqawi\'s legacy and plans to actively expand his strength while the U.S. military\'s strength in Iraq is damaged and a large number of electronic equipment cannot be used." Leonid gave the answer with a smile.

There is no doubt that in the eyes of the Slavic old man, these extreme religious terrorists are like a group of barbarians and clowns. They simply do not understand how great changes have taken place in the war in a short period of more than ten or twenty years. The so-called guerrilla war is no longer as effective as before.

As long as several military powers are willing to tear off their mask of hypocrisy, the whole Middle East can be leveled in minutes.

Hearing these news, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "good! Continue to sell them more weapons! Let the land turn into Purgatory! If necessary, you can push back and continue to expand the scale of the war. I hope to see a long-lasting and tragic war that will never end."

"As you wish!"


While a storm was brewing in the whole American political arena, an unprecedented party was going on in a manor villa on the outskirts of New York.

In addition to several generals from the Pentagon, all the others present were executives of the military industrial complex of the United States of America and shareholders of major companies.

They gathered not for anything else, but to celebrate a huge military purchase contract.

you \'re right!

This hundreds of billions of dollars in military purchases is precisely to replace electronic parts destroyed or damaged in the explosion of thermonuclear warheads.

Although it was an unimaginable huge loss for the whole United States, so that the White House bureaucrats were ready to take the blame, resign and be impeached by the Lords of Congress.

But for companies in the U.S. military industry, it was a windfall. Even some guys secretly praised Zarqawi who launched the terrorist attack, and hoped that such things would be better to come a few more times.

Anyway, as long as the defense department can give more orders, these capitalists don\'t care how much U.S. debt and fiscal deficit are.

It may sound strange, but in fact, in addition to the losses borne by the U.S. government, the army has received more and more advanced equipment. The generals can make full profits from this procurement, military enterprises can also make profits, workers can also get enough salaries, and the stock prices of military enterprises in the financial market have soared, bringing benefits to investors

It\'s killing more with one stone!

Of course, among these greedy humans, there is a different kind, to be exact, a terrible black dragon.

She was no other than her royal highness, Princess of the royal family, who inherited the legacy of her husband\'s death.

This beautiful woman dressed in sexy black evening dress and exuding mature and seductive temperament all over her body is surrounded by at least seven or eight suitors, including military and political dignitaries and business tycoons of the current government. Even a few hairy young men in their early twenties are deeply involved and eager to become ministers under each other\'s skirts.

They have no idea what kind of dangerous and terrible creature they are dealing with